Chapter 33: Wendy and Totoli’s past, the final defense line is too empty!.

【Inside the Moonlight Throne–】

“That lawyer didn’t… Come here…”

Flying into space, Raiden Bud Yi, who was about to reach the designated place, breathed a sigh of relief.

“But it didn’t kill her.”

Mei Lin’s mouth was a little regretful and helpless.

How is Bronia!

It’s just that the continuous use of the Soldier’s railgun is just overtired, and it will recover quickly.

Exactly, we arrived.

“That’s the Cardinal Space Station.”

Isselyn didn’t know when she returned, pointed to a steel building somewhere in space, and said to Raiden Bud.

“That’s right, start quantum stealth immediately after entering.”

After finally getting rid of the Wind Lawyer, Mei Lin didn’t want to be caught up by the Wind Lawyer again.

“My side will lead the terminal transformation of the Avalon plan.”

“As long as this plan is completed, the people of Earth will have a chance to be saved……..”

Hearing this, Raiden Bud Yi was also a little excited.

As if seeing something unbelievable, Raiden Bud Yi froze in place, widened his eyes, and looked outside the moonlight throne, the direction of the earth.

“How come, you guys look at it!”

“That pattern on the earth… I….. I’ve seen…”

Penglai Temple Jiuxiao, who was attracted by the exclamation of the lightning bud clothes, looked in the direction of the earth, and when he saw the golden pattern, he looked frightened and overwhelmed.

Correspondent: “Lord Mei Lin, the Sixth Fleet, including the First Fleet…………. All lost contact in an instant. ”

“What the hell happened…..”

The doubts in the correspondents’ hearts are also the doubts in their hearts at this time.

“Dead spots.”

Isselyn gave the answer.

Now she is not very good, with a gloomy face and blank eyes.

“When the Breaking Energy Level of the Lawyer is high enough to destroy the world… Dead spots can occur. ”

“Unless the lawyer is eliminated, then…”

“As the dead spot spreads, life on Earth will perish–”

Isselyn was silent.



Gloomy clouds covered the sky, and Wendy bathed in the rain with open arms.

“What am I doing…”

Staring blankly at the golden lines in the sky, Wendy muttered.

“I always feel so angry, how can someone leave halfway through the words.”

“Forget it.”

“It’s rare that my mind is refreshed a lot, where to go shopping.”

“Hmm…….. Where to go…”

Running the collapse energy in her body, Wendy flew into the sky without a god, streaking a green light in the air.

72 hours.

In this short period of time, human society has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The world has also become devastated.

The moon is broken….

The crimson wrapped moon was visibly hit by the Avalanche Energy attack that didn’t know where it came from, and it was directly penetrated through the middle, and that direction was the Earth.

What followed was a global collapse.

It is a scourge that most mankind has never known about.

The earth is in turmoil, cities are collapsing, and creatures are dying.

[Until the apocalyptic lines cover the sky, despair pervades the entire earth.] 】

Honkai Three Worlds.

Emperor Wentian’s instant outburst made Wendy, who collapsed three, subconsciously swallow a mouthful of saliva.

“This is the true power of the Law of the Wind…..”

Also a Wind Lawyer, Wendy felt insulted by the title.

“Moon broken? What a joke! Wendy’s terrifying attack didn’t hit the moon either! ”

Tesla’s eyes widened, and he recovered from Wendy’s death just now.

Looking at the broken moon, the originally intact moon has been shattered into a large piece.

“Collapse on a global scale.”

Youlandale’s face is dignified, and if a powerful lawyer like Wendy can be born, what will the concentration of collapse energy in that world become!

[Wendy, who released her dead fever, left here, and she flew aimlessly in the sky. 】

Trying to find Totoli.

Perhaps Lady Luck was standing beside her this time.

Wendy saw a familiar face when she revisited the old place, it was Teresa who was organizing the rescue.

Although the process was a bit bumpy, Wendy managed to find a clue to Totoli.

“This is Totoli’s notebook.”

Totoli, the little bird in Wendy’s mouth, used to travel the world together.

In order to save Teresa from Wendy, Fabella compromised.

“Now she’s yours.”

Fabella threw Totoli’s notebook to the Wind Lawyer.

Catching the notebook, Wendy wrinkled her brows, a little dissatisfied,

“Little bird’s notebook, but I just want to know where she went now.”

“It’s a pity, because Celuti was broken and eaten, she couldn’t bear this ending, and she left with people.”

“I don’t know where she went, and the notebook left behind may become a useful clue.”

“You’re lying.”

Even if it was debunked by the Law of the Wind, Fabella still didn’t blush and her heart didn’t beat, she just knew but didn’t tell her.

“Then you will kill us here.”

“I will even destroy this notebook, you can find it slowly by yourself!”

“Wow. What a bluff. ”


Looking through Totoli’s notebook, Wendy’s expression softened.

“Isn’t that a record when we traveled around the world? I miss it so much……….”

“Forget it, this Wendy took it, let’s go.”

“Little bird, where the hell have you been.”

Glancing at Teresa and Fabella next to her, Wendy turned her head, 9898 little bird, do you want to travel around the world with Wendy again, the figure of the lawyer disappeared like the wind, leaving Fabella and Teresa in the wind messy.

“Why did you come back?”

Teresa looked at Fabella, a little puzzled.

“Because our mission has been completed, it is just a waste of sacrifice to fight again.”

Fabella would not be as arrogant as Teresa.

“No one wants you to protect them in this way.”

Teresa: “To eliminate the Lawyers, we need to be more prepared. ”

“Time is running out, she’ll find it soon.”

Fabella glanced in the direction where the Wind Lawyer had disappeared.

“Phimilis, I need the fastest route from here to Mount Taifu.”

Teresa was a little hesitant,

“That’s where Totoli was treated………..”

“She’ll find it there someday.”

Fabella knows this,

“In that case, then come, I’ll wait for her there.”

“That will be humanity’s ultimate line of defense!”

“The ultimate line of defense of mankind. Can it really block the attack of the Wind Lawyer? ”

Fu Hua doubted this.

The speed of the Wind Lawyer is unparalleled, and the range and power of the attack are beyond imagination.

It’s simply impossible to defeat the Wind Lawyer!

[It was a sweet and painful memory that wasn’t long or short. 】

This is an unremarkable cinema, the sun outside the door is just right, the spring is bright, warm and warm.

The one who had just released the Death Charm under their noses and destroyed the wind law that caused the end of the world, now wearing a white shirt,– dressed as a young and beautiful girl, obediently following behind a little Joe Linglong girl, looking well-behaved and cute.

In front of the counter of the theater, the Wind Law Man smiled sweetly, a little coquettish.

“It’s hot”

Wendy, who was obediently following behind the girl, suddenly cut in, and her emerald green eyes looked directly at her.

Blinking his eyes, a look of longing revealed inside.


Turned to look outside, obviously this weather can not be said to be very hot, even a little cold.

Totoli looked at the hint from Wendy and directly ignored the other party’s winks at her.

“I really want to eat cold–something~”

Dragging a long voice, Wendy blinked her big eyes, once again hinting at Totoli.

Being stared at by his wife like this, Totoli was quickly defeated.

There was no way, so I had to stand on tiptoe, pop out a head, and say to the staff sister who was smiling very happily in front of me,

“Re. Add an extra serving of ice cream. ”

Wendy looked at the ice cream handed to her and took it very happily, and then couldn’t wait to taste it.

“It’s delicious, little bird, you’re so good!”


“What are you looking at?”

Totoli sighed and pulled out her wallet under Wendy’s curious gaze.

“Wallet. Ice cream is really expensive these days. ”

“Ah, this…”

Wendy held up the ice cream in her hand blankly, and her momentum weakened a little.

“I don’t blame you, there is no price on it.”

Wiping the ice cream cream on Wendy’s face, Totoli sighed with a little emotion,

“Obviously, when I was a child, ice cream was only a dollar..”

“Can’t it be hilarious?”

Wendy asked suspiciously.

“It’s reimbursement. I can’t be allowed to reimburse everything. ”

“Besides, it’s not funny to watch horror movies.”

Pointing to the current admission film, Totoli said a little helplessly.

Wendy gently held Totoli’s hand.

“Don’t be afraid~”

“If the ghost comes out, I will protect you~”

Wendy’s face was full of seriousness, she was telling the truth, of course, the damage that could be caused was more terrible than the ghost.

“How could a ghost run out….”

“yes, so be happy.”

“We’re going to go to a lot of places after that, aren’t we?”

“Oh, oh…”

Totoli blushed cheeks, and under Wendy’s indifferent gaze, she turned her head a little uncomfortably, 9898 others were watching us ah Totoli’s heart was screaming in a groundhog.

Fortunately, at this time, the screen lit up, and Totoli’s head moved quickly.

“Oh, the movie begins.”

Wendy turned her head to watch the movie, and Totolie took advantage of the sigh of relief.

Long viewing time……………. Totoli sat in her seat a little puzzled……..

There was no sound of shouting around him, and Totoli turned her head and Wendy sat there quietly.

Wendy: “It’s rare that Wendy is so quiet.” ”

Totolie whispered to Wendy.

Wendy stared intently at the screen.

Wendy: “Poor bird…”

Totoli: “The plot in the movie? ”

“Thought I got rid of…….. Cage….”

“Actually, it’s just…”

.. Fell into another cage.

Watching Wendy sit with blank eyes and mechanically pronounce these words in her mouth, Totoli was a little scared.


Totoli’s call does nothing for Wendy today.

Wendy plunged into darkness, like a puppet.

“If only I hadn’t left.”

“Just stay in a place like that for the rest of your life.”

“No, Wendy, no!”

Totoli pounced, trying to take Wendy’s hand.

“Wake up, Wendy, don’t go over there!”

“I think I might have be-”

Wendy looked at Totoli blankly, her voice gradually drifting away until it disappeared.

“Don’t leave me! Wendy–! ”

Totoli reached forward in panic, but there was nothing in his hand.

“The object has been confirmed.”

“The degree of injury is defined as a serious injury of the first degree, and treatment is carried out according to the highest standard. The heartbeat is weak and the life support device operates at maximum speed. Cardiac resuscitation begins, blood transfusions are performed….”

“Gaa Kah Ahhhhh

Totoli lay on the hospital bed, breathing in pain.

Opening her eyes, Totoli looked around her in confusion, and the smell of disinfectant lingered on the tip of her nose.

She struggled to start, but was discovered by the nurse and quickly pressed her back.

Nurse: “Please don’t move, the wound will open.” ”

Totoli: “I survived?” ”

Lying on the bed, Totoli was a little incredulous.

However, a sudden cry drew her attention.

“It hurts….”

What the hell is “Honkai”, ghost… For why go up…

Looking at the inarticulate girl in front of her, dressed in a soldier’s uniform, the doctor looked a little strange, but calmly dealt with it

“Recruits……… Psychiatric classes, come personally. ”

Shenzhou soldier: “World, world, this, crazy… Already, mm

The soldier held her head in pain, somewhat incoherent, her hands were scarred, and she could even see the white bones under the flesh.

Totoli: “Her hands…”

Taking in all this, Totoli struggled to get up under the doctor’s reprimanding gaze, and then held the soldier’s hand with difficulty

“It hurts.”

The soldier looked at the young girl in front of him with tear-filled eyes.

“You won’t die…………..”

Totoli’s eyes were full of determination.

Before the tragedy, people had countless wishes.

And after the tragedy……..

People are left with only one wish.

A smile rose on Totoli’s face,

“You’ll live, you will.”

“I, thank you Xie, thank you, thank you…..”

Such people, such tragedies are not just happening in this one place.

In the context of the global collapse, her situation can only be described as a blessing in misfortune.

At least the recruit is still alive, at least she can still stand here crying.

Silently watching the soldier being taken away by the people of the psychiatric treatment department, Situ Qinghong walked in, and found the doctor first,

“Report the subject.”

Doctor: “The injury has been stabilized and is out of danger. ”

As Totoli, who was reported to herself, she was brought back to her hospital bed by the doctor.


Situ Qinghong watched Totoli wake up, and was obviously relieved,

“We went through a lot when you were sleepy, but then it was safe.”

“Look out the window.”

Situ Jinghong’s curtains were opened, and some harsh sunlight for Totoli was projected into the inside of the ward.

After a brief blindness, Totoli saw the scene outside the window.

Fully armed, the peaks of the mountains that plunge straight into the sky, the warships that cover the sky, gather the wisdom of all mankind, and cannot be described as a line of defense, the ultimate line of defense of mankind.

“It’s here, the safest place in Shenzhou.”

“We are proud of our backing–”

“Too virtual front!”

When Totoli heard this name, she couldn’t help repeating,

“Too Void Front…………………….Warning”

Situ Qinghong smiled proudly,

“Yes, welcome home, Totoli.”

Battleships are constantly moving, weapons are constantly maintained, and then pushed into battle.

Looking at the strange Tai Void Mountain, Fu Hua’s head was full of question marks, is this the Tai Void Mountain? It doesn’t feel like it at all!?。

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