Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 1 I Am Sixth Hokage Uzumaki Naruto

country of fire,

Konoha Village,

Ninja school.

Because Sand Shinobi Village is about to move, in order to show the strength of the villages, the long-lost joint Chūnin exam was launched again between Konoha and Sunagakure.

At this time, the first written test is going on in the classroom in full swing.

Candidates from each ninja village showed their own special abilities, and used the assessment methods exclusive to ninjas to obtain the correct answers.

There is only one yellow-haired boy with a livid face, his eyes are scribbling on the paper. This is the protagonist of Hokage ninja, Uzumaki Naruto.

The examiner in charge of the assessment glanced at his watch, he directly stopped the ongoing test, and announced the cruel rules that would prevent him from taking the Chūnin test for the rest of his life.

A candidate couldn't bear such a huge price, and finally chose to give up this year's exam, and at the same time, his teammates were also implicated.

In the examination room, Sasuke and little Sakura looked at Naruto with livid faces, because they all knew that Naruto's scoring probability was absolutely 0 points.

This also means that their team will fail the first exam 100% of the time. If they don't abstain, they may never have the chance to take the Chūnin exam in this life.

So under the pressure of terror, little Sakura slowly raised his right hand.

Suddenly, she looked to the front and was surprised to find that Naruto raised his hand first.

A sense of relief came over her, and she hurriedly put her arm down while the examiner was not paying attention.

However, the next second,

Naruto's raised right hand slammed down on the table.

Boom~! ! !

Everyone staggered in fright, and then... looked out the window.

A man named Anbu jumped out from the shadows, and everyone looked at the high school.

A huge phantom of the screen appeared, and a huge "Hokage Ninja" character appeared on the screen.

And at the same time,

All the people in the ninja world saw the same scene, and the whole ninja world exploded in an instant.

Cloud Shinobi Village.

4th generation Raikage Ai: "Hokage ninja? Is it really the trick of that old bastard Sarutobi Hiruzen?"


Ohnoki: "Haha, the old man Sarutobi Hiruzen is also very unwilling to be lonely. Did he come here specifically to provoke us?"


Terumi Mei: "We Kirigakure haven't founded yet, why did Konoha come here first, Hokage ninja... Hehe, we Kirigakure are underestimated."


Orochimaru (Kazekage): "What is the old man doing again!!"

Konoha Village, Hokage House.


"Who! Who is framing us Konoha!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at the roaring gnashing of teeth in the sky with a livid face, while Anbu below lowered his head and remained silent.

"Hiruzen! Look at what you've done!"

Shimura Danzō led Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura into the door, his face showed a trace of joy, although he didn't know who made it, but it was of great benefit to him to snatch the Hokage position of Third Generation.

This kind of blatantly bragging about Konoha and offending other ninja villages, as long as the Third Generation is on the back, then the Hokage position must be his own.

Just now, the daimyo and ministers of the Land of Fire have angrily used the TV rights of the live connection to question, and they asked Sarutobi Hiruzen to explain the current situation as soon as possible.

Mitokado Homura took a few steps forward and said anxiously:

"The following is the original words of the minister, 'The five major countries that dominate the continent all have their own ninja villages to prevent attacks and aggressions from other countries. We, the Land of Fire, are proud of having the strongest power on this continent. The Konoha Shinobi village has been sheltering for a long time, but this time Konoha is suspected of a coup, and the countries are ready to go. All ninja villages are eyeing our borders, and there are reports that they have begun to attack our country. This will damage our country and Konoha relationship of trust.’”

Sarutobi Hiruzen angrily said to several members of the elders with a livid face, "This matter has nothing to do with Konoha!"

Danzo sneered and said: "The daimyo said, there is no need to make excuses, find out the culprit immediately, and then settle the matter. If you can't do it, you, Third Hokage, should abdicate. I say you'd better give up Hokage now position, it is better to take the blame and resign."

Sarutobi Hiruzen cracked the pipe in his hand with a click.

"Danzo! I'm the Hokage!"

"Hiruzen, you will be...well you are just acting Hokage now!!"

Danzo snorted coldly, turned around and left Hokage's office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen clenched his fists and shouted at Anbu below: "Check it out for me!!"

Yet before Anbu should be,

A lazy greeting suddenly appeared on the screen in the sky.

"Moshi moshi~moshi moshi~"

For a moment, everyone turned their attention to the sky.

In the next second, the words "Hokage Ninja" disappeared on the screen, replaced by a huge black shadow.

"Moxi~Moxi~ Can you hear me, hey~ Hello everyone."

The black figure gradually became clear on the screen,

In front of a huge fox, a yellow-haired boy in a red Yunxiao organization coat with a black background appeared arrogantly in front of everyone.

"I am... Uzumaki Naruto, the Sixth Hokage of Konoha Village, the Land of Fire!"

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