Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 2 The Dead In The Pure Land Are Emerging

The whole Konoha fell into a sluggish state because of the figure in the sky.

After an unknown amount of time, everyone began to discuss in low voices:

"Damn it! Isn't that a demon fox!"

"That fox boy!"

"It turned out to be the ghost of that guy? I knew that the demon fox is an existence that brings disaster to people!"

Hokage Office,

Sarutobi Hiruzen's pipe, which had been broken in half, fell to the ground with a clatter.

With a bang, the office door was pushed open, Danzo ran in excitedly and shouted: "Look! What did I say! Hiruzen, you will regret it! If you put Jinchūriki..."


Sarutobi Hiruzen threw the telescope Technique into the examination room with a livid face.

In the first examination room at this time, everyone turned their heads to look at Naruto who was stunned.

Sasuke frowned and looked at Naruto and asked, "Naruto, is this your father?"

Naruto looked up at the figure who was 9 points similar to himself, but much older, and spoke incoherently:

"Well, I don't know either. He said that his name is also Naruto Uzumaki, and he has the same name as me. It should be... maybe, it's not my father?"

Little Sakura looked at Naruto, who had a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth in the sky, and nodded his head: "It must not be Naruto, Naruto is not so handsome."

Naruto drooped his face and said speechlessly: "Little Sakura..."

At this time, Naruto in the sky spoke again:

"I think you must have a lot of questions, but I don't want to answer you."

As soon as these words came out, the entire ninja world looked at Naruto on the screen and gritted his teeth.

However, in the video, Naruto ignored the malice and continued to speak on his own.

"Next, I will show you some interesting videos, and at the end of the videos, I will ask some prize-winning questions and answers."

"Rewards include but are not limited to money, ninja tools, ninjutsu, blood follower limit, tailed beast, and even... the chance to be resurrected! I can give you anything you can think of in this world!"

"Everyone in this world and the dead in the Pure Land are welcome to answer questions and get high rewards."

"In addition, you can also express your own opinions in the form of barrage. If the likes are high enough, it may trigger mysterious rewards~"

After Naruto in the video finished speaking, he disappeared from the screen.

At the same time, a giant pitch-black stone slab suddenly rose in the center of Ninja Village in the entire Ninja World.


All the shadows looked angrily at the foreign body that was suddenly invaded: "Where is Anbu! Who released ninjutsu here!"

"Report Hokage (thunder, water, Tsuchikage), no Chakra fluctuations were found in a radius of hundreds of meters!"

The complexions of the shadows changed,

"Destroy it with ninjutsu!"

They would never allow this kind of unknown danger to appear in the village. For those who can become shadows, security is more important than high returns.

However, what makes them feel helpless is that no matter what kind of ninjutsu or blood succession limit boundary, they can't shake this thing in the slightest. After encountering the black stone slab, all ninjutsu were integrated into it and disappeared.

Only the black part of a pitcher plant in Rain Shinobi Village looked at the stone slab that suddenly appeared in shock and yelled in its heart: "This is Truth-Seeking Ball?!"

As the product of Yin-Yang Dun and the third son of Kaguya, it is naturally impossible for him not to know the existence of Truth-Seeking Ball, the ultimate change of ninjutsu.

"That Naruto, is a Six Paths level powerhouse!"

Black Zetsu had already confirmed this frightening news in a split second, and the memory passed to him by his mother Kaguya appeared in his mind, "Could this guy be the enemy of the Ōtsutsuki clan that my mother worried about?"

And there are two other people who have the same idea as him, that is Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo who wanders in the ninja world all day and Ōtsutsuki Hamura who stays on the moon.

Both of them are the products of Kaguya's yin and yang escape, and Black Zetsu didn't die. Naturally, the two of them will not have the possibility of dying of old age. They just abandoned their bodies and chose to live forever with their souls.

And at the same time,

All the people looking at the screen felt in a trance for a while, and their thoughts were unconsciously linked to a mysterious space.

Senju Hashirama: Huh? Where is this?

A consciousness was transmitted to everyone from the space.

Madara: Hassi hot mom!

Hashirama: Motor!

Obito: Impossible! This is similar to infinite...

Madara: Shut up!

Black Zetsu looked at the subtitles that appeared in his mind with a look of shock and yelled:

That's right, this is definitely a consciousness space transformed from Infinite Tsukuyomi!

As long as it is illuminated by the light source of the screen, the human consciousness will enter here to connect with other people, and the consciousness of Madara and Hashirama before...

Black Zetsu looked at the sky solemnly, is the pure land space created by Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo connected together?

Senju Hashirama: Wow, hahaha, Mada, I didn’t expect that we would see each other again after death. It’s really rare. The Konoha we built has already reached the Sixth Generation. It’s really amazing.

Uchiha Madara: Nothing but false things, real peace is not these things.

4th generation Kazekage Rasa: Hehe~ Konoha only came to the Fourth Hokage, where did you come from the Sixth Generation, don’t put gold on your face, it’s just that guy’s bragging.

At this time, Orochimaru, who was playing Kazekage in Sand Shinobi Village, broke out in a cold sweat.

Damn, didn't this guy get slaughtered by himself and Kimimaro! ? Is the consciousness that appears in space real? !

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