Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 13 The Role Of The Ninja Pot King, Third Generation Is Crazy

Sarutobi Hiruzen is furious at other ninja villages' insults.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: You are just trying to stir up internal conflicts in Konoha Village. Is there evidence for what you said? I know I'm not qualified as a Hokage, but I've never done the things you said!

Sarutobi Hiruzen's words caused everyone in the chat room to look at each other, not to mention other ninjas from Ninja Village, even Konoha Shinobi fell silent about it.

That's right, what Azalea said before was the result of what happened to Konoha, but it doesn't mean that these things were done by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Even if everyone infers from the vested interests of these things that Sarutobi Hiruzen may have indicated, there is no substantive evidence.

This is why Sannin left, and Konoha's many families stood still.

Because Sarutobi Hiruzen has always stood for righteousness, everything he did was for "Konoha Peace", but because of peace, the interests of other families were being sacrificed, and only the Sarutobi family grew rapidly in Konoha.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was even more proud looking at the silent chat room.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: What? Nothing to say? I was working hard for Konoha to stay away from the war with all my heart, but it was because of Danzo's private behavior that these things happened. He even assassinated me, but I forgave him. Alas, it's all right to say that My fault, if I had been more decisive, perhaps not so much would have happened.

Danzo:? ? ?

People are sitting at home, and the pot is coming from the sky. This time, Danzo once again felt the inexplicability of the Uchiha genocide night.

Obviously Sarutobi Hiruzen is powerless to prevent the coup, and obviously many actions have been approved by him, but in the end all the faults were blamed on himself, not only the root was disbanded, but also the position of Hokage consultant was withdrawn, and now it is all day Be watched by Anbu.

Now, out of nowhere, he still threw the blame on himself.

Danzo only felt ten thousand mud horses running wildly in his heart, but he didn't know how to refute.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sneered at Danzo's question mark.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: What? Am I wrong? If it weren't for being in the escort of Lord Second Hokage, I would have thrown you into prison a long time ago. The reason why Konoha is what it is now, which thing is not your doing? Spread the word that Naruto is a demon fox, not because you want to let Naruto go berserk, so as to pull him into the roots and cultivate him as a tool of war.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: And my order is to prohibit the villagers from discussing Naruto. In order to crowd out his radicals, I personally stand up for him so that the villagers dare not do excessive things. As the son of the Fourth Generation, I, the current Third Does Generation have a big face? It's all nonsense to control Naruto, but my Hokage is also restricted by the elders and can't help Naruto.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sat in Hokage's office with a sneer and a contemptuous expression as he smoked a cigarette.

Want to overthrow yourself by public opinion? What are you kidding?

I really don't know what I rely on to firmly control Konoha in my hands?

The reason why I tolerate Danzo's behavior over and over again is to wait for this moment.

The reason why I took the initiative to set up a group of elders to 'restrict' Hokage's behavior was for this time.

No one understands his own intentions better than Danzo. As long as he makes a slight appearance in front of Danzo in a way that may damage Konoha's interests, Danzo will shout 'Hiruzen, You will regret this. ’, and secretly did what he wanted to do beautifully.

How is it possible to be a good politician without own white gloves.

At this time, everyone in the chat room was also shocked by Sarutobi Hiruzen's unwilling speech.

Senju Hashirama: That's how it is. It turned out that it was all Danzo's fault. I said how the monkey's strong will of fire would do such a crazy thing.

Senju Tobirama: Oh, Monkey, you are just too kind. I was a little worried when I was in the Land of Thunder. You are too indecisive to be a Hokage. You must be tough when you should be tough.

Namikaze Minato: See, Kushina, it’s really not the Third Generation’s fault. When I was in office, I also felt that the elders had too much restrictions on Hokage, and I couldn’t implement many policies without their consent.

Two-day scale Onoki: Hehe, what kind of elders group did you Konoha set up? Laughing to death, you deserve to play yourself like this.

Fourth Raikage Ai: Our Cloud Shinobi Village doesn't have so many troubles, everyone is very harmonious, not as dark as your Konoha, hahaha!

Konoha Village Citizen A: I'll just say it! How could such a kind Third Generation do such a thing! It was Danzo who did it!

Konoha Village Citizen B: It is said that Danzo is the darkness of the ninja world, and he does things unscrupulously. As expected, our Konoha's weakness is caused by this guy! We wronged Master Hokage.

The public opinion in the chat room became one-sided again, and some people clamored that they would like to become Naruto, because they were taken care of by Mr. Hokage, and they were not afraid of being excluded at all.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was delighted to see the comments in the chat room.

Only the high-level members of Konoha's major families and Danzo and other Konoha's high-level officials are as disgusting as eating flies, because they all know that these things were signaled by Third Generation. Without the consent of Hokage, it is impossible for Danzo to do these things successfully.

But...they have no proof!

However, at this moment, the blackened Naruto figure appeared again in the sky.

He clapped his hands in admiration,

"It's still you, the blue is better than the blue, and Senju Tobirama can't catch up with you in terms of political means, but you seem to have forgotten that what I show you now is just the experience of Naruto in this world."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart skipped a beat, he looked up at the sky, at this time the blackened Naruto's figure disappeared again, and the picture of the young Naruto catching fish and eating appeared in front of everyone again!

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