Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 12 He Is More Useful Alive Than Dead!

Uzumaki Kushina, fellow Jinchūriki, knows very well,

The identity of Jinchūriki is top secret among ordinary people, even among ninjas.

When she was a Jinchūriki, people around would only laugh at her because of her red hair, but no one ever excluded her because she was a Jinchūriki.

Because most people don't even know she is Nine Tails Jinchūriki.

The only time she was in danger was because Jinchūriki was discovered by the people of Cloud Shinobi Village and kidnapped because of Jinchūriki's identity, and then Namikaze Minato came to save the beauty for a month, so that she could secretly agree with her.

Now Namikaze Minato, who has lost the aura of love, is not pleasing to Kushina's eyes at this time.

She now seriously doubts that Namikaze Minato's rescue of herself was entirely arranged by Third Hokage.

Nine Tails Jinchūriki's freedom is restricted, and her actions will naturally be monitored by Anbu.

At that time, he was kidnapped, but Anbu didn't find out, instead he, a kid, came to save the beauty as a hero.

She looked at the image of Sarutobi Hiruzenpua Naruto played in the video and was lost in thought.

Since Naruto was brainwashed at such a young age, there is no reason why Namikaze Minato, a civilian genius, should not be valued by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

When Namikaze Minato became the Hokage, it was very abrupt. He didn't even know it. He was suddenly announced as the Fourth Hokage. At that time, he was showing off excitedly to his newly pregnant self.

The more he thought about it, the more Uzumaki Kushina felt that his whole life was arranged by others. Thinking of Naruto's tragic experience, Kushina couldn't help but speak again from the live broadcast room.

Uzumaki Kushina: Namikaze Minato! You die to me, don't let me see you here!

Onoki of the two-day scale: Ninja is a good trick, no wonder even the darkness of the ninja world is willing to lie under your hands, it depends on you when it comes to black hearts.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: You fart, I have strictly ordered the villagers not to discuss Naruto being Nine Tails! Otherwise he wouldn't have made friends at Ninja School! The reason why I don't announce the identity of his son of the Fourth Generation is because I'm worried that you guys will assassinate him?

Sarutobi Hiruzen regrets the death of Fourth Hokage again. He has never cultivated such a useful tool man Hokage. He is strong and has no opinions. The key is that the training of the will of fire is in place. As long as it is for Konoha, he can sacrifice himself. everything.

Fourth Raikage Ai: You fart! We're not down to revenge on a child!

Sarutobi Hiruzen: Hehe, what did you say when you wanted to kidnap Hinata when you signed the peace treaty with Konoha?

Fourth Raikage Ai: You fart, it was you Hyuga clan who killed our Cloud Shinobi Village messenger first, don't talk nonsense.

Raikage from Cloud Shinobi Village snorted and almost forgot about it.

Hyuga Neji: A bunch of trash! If it weren't for you, father wouldn't have died either! Damn Cloud Shinobi Village! Damn clan!

Hyuga Hizashi: Hiashi, didn't you give Neji my letter? Neji, I want you to know that I died because Hyuga Hiashi was my brother, that's all, it was my own choice of my own death, it had nothing to do with the branch house.

Hyuga Neji: Father! But, but the fate of our branch house...

Hyuga Hizashi: The fate of a person is not certain. Just like me, I can choose my own death. Neji, look forward, don’t dwell on the past, and exchange my life for Konoha’s peace, which is what I want to do.

Senju Hashirama: Wait a minute, what traded your life for Konoha's peace? Did you die on the battlefield?

Hyuga Hiashi: It was because Cloud Shinobi Village wanted my white eyes. They came to kidnap the white eyes of our Hyuga clan in the name of peace talks, but I killed them. Later, they said that we killed the messenger and asked us to hand over the murderer, otherwise We started a war with Konoha, and then my younger brother took the initiative to die and send the body out for me. We used Caged Bird to destroy Baiyan, so they didn't succeed.

Senju Tobirama: ? ? ?

Senju Tobirama: Monkey, are you kidding me? Have you forgotten how I died in the first place? When I signed the peace treaty in Cloud Shinobi Village, I was attacked by Jinjiao Yinjiao. At that time, I sent you back with my life. Is this how you developed Konoha for me?

Senju Tobirama: To trade Konoha's own life for peace? Are you out of your mind? Originally I thought you had great political skills, and it was understandable to be a Hokage, but now you use all your political talents on your own people?

Senju Hashirama: Monkey, Tobirama is right, the will of fire is to protect the future, willing to sacrifice your own spiritual will, but it is not for you to surrender without a fight, to sacrifice the lives of your companions at will for the so-called peace, if one day, Someone asked you, Hokage, to commit suicide to sign a peace agreement with Konoha. Will you commit suicide?

Fourth Raikage Ai: Oops! Why didn't I think of it at the time, directly letting Third Hokage commit suicide is not much more comfortable than dying a Hyuga branch house!

Azalea: Master Ai, what you said is wrong. I have summarized the information. Through the efforts of Sarutobi Hiruzen, both the Konoha Senju and Uchiha clans are exterminated. White Fang committed suicide, the legendary Sannin defected, defected, escaped, and Third Hokage successfully pulled Konoha Village from 1 dozen to 4 to the garbage ninja village that is now on the same level as Sunagakure. This is our blessing Will, he cannot be allowed to commit suicide, he is more useful alive than dead.

Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama: ...

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