Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter Eleven Angry Kushina, Naruto's Tragic Childhood

Looking at the silent Konoha,

An unexpected consciousness appeared in the live broadcast room.

Uzumaki Kushina: What the hell is going on? What does Naruto mean? Why is Konoha's people unwilling to replace him? Is it because of the responsibility to save the world in the future? If it's just that, it won't be enough, right?

Seeing the Lord's mother appear, everyone in Konoha Village felt even more ashamed.

Uzumaki Kushina: What the hell is going on? Naruto, tell me, is it because of being a Jinchūriki being watched? Or is it the reason why Jinchūriki's movement is restricted? Naruto, why do you hate your father so much?

Blackening Naruto sneered: "Father? He deserves it too! Let me tell you why."

The figure of the blackened Naruto disappeared, and the familiar Konoha Village reappeared in the sky.

But at this time Sarutobi Hiruzen in the Hokage building panicked.

[The picture is from when Naruto became conscious. 】

【"Go, go, demon fox~! Demon fox!"】

[The stones were thrown at Naruto, who was less than three years old. 】

【"Come back quickly! Don't come into contact with that kind of monster, bad luck!"】

【"You bastard, get lost! What are you doing here, plague god! Take this thing and get lost!"]

【"Look, is that the kid?" "Yeah, he's the one!"】

[The indifferent and chilling faces make people shudder. 】

【"Why! Why on earth, why are you looking at me like this!"】

[The scene changed, and Naruto came to Ichiraku Ramen alone and smelled the aroma of the shop. He took out the poor copper coins on his body, and ran away from the shop with strong desire. 】

【"It's that kid, panicked, God knows what he will do to you?"】

【"It's him, have you heard of it? The Fourth Generation died because of him, right?"】

【"I'm back..." Naruto walked into the dilapidated apartment alone, lying on the bed in tears...】

[Scene after scene, all the injustices that Naruto has encountered since birth are displayed in front of the eyes of everyone in the ninja world. 】

At this time, those outside of Konoha Village finally knew why people in Konoha Village were unwilling to let their children become Naruto.

Chat Room belongs to Infinite Tsukuyomi's app,

Everyone communicates through the transmission of words through consciousness,

When Sarutobi Hiruzen appeared next to Naruto as a kind grandfather, a wave of anger spread throughout the ninja world.

Uzumaki Kushina: Namikaze... Minato! ! Is this what you mean for the country? For the village? Sarutobi Hiruzen you get out of here! I entrusted you to take care of Naruto before I died, is that how you took care of him? !

Uzumaki Kushina: Why Naruto Jinchūriki's Identity Was Revealed! Isn't this the top secret of the village? ! Why is the identity of the son of Naruto Fourth Hokage being concealed! Why doesn't my son even have a decent place to live? Just because Namikaze Minato lured Nine Tails into his house and blew up his house, so Naruto should live in that kind of place! ?

Uzumaki Kushina: Children under 3 years old! How dare you! ? Those of Anbu who protected Jinchūriki? Kakashi too! Where did you die, your master's child was bullied like this! Where are you? !

Uzumaki Kushina: Namikaze Minato! Come out to me! Give me an explanation! The greatest misfortune in my life is to meet such a bastard as you! Obviously you can grow up with Naruto! Obviously Naruto doesn't need to be a Jinchūriki! For the peace of the so-called tailed beasts! ? Is this what you pay for being a Hokage? Lost humanity? Namikaze Minato! ! say!

The chat room is full of an angry mother swiping the screen. Only a mother can have the most selfless love for her child in the world.

Swirl Kushina: Sorry, sorry, Naruto! It's all mom's fault...! Naruto, sorry!

After the anger passed, words with endless grief appeared in the live broadcast room,

Naruto in the examination room broke down and cried, constantly responding to Kushina's maternal love.

Uzumaki Naruto: It’s okay, mom, I’ve grown up, I’ve become a ninja on my own, and I have my own companions and teachers, and I’m no longer as lonely as I used to be.

At this time, Namikaze Minato, who had been silent all this time, appeared in the live broadcast room,

Namikaze Minato: Kushina, I believe that the teacher must have his reasons for doing this. It seems that the information about Nine Tails in the Third Generation project has not been told to Naruto. It should be to hide the information about Nine Tails as much as possible, right? Knowing that Naruto is my son, many dangers will befall him...

Uzumaki Kushina: Go! !

At this time, Uzumaki Kushina has fully understood that his beloved husband is completely a puppet brainwashed by the will of fire. Even now, he is still whitewashing Sarutobi Hiruzen, trying to explain why Naruto was excluded.

Is it a fool? Top secret information like Nine Tails Jinchūriki is not kept secret, but you, a son of the Fourth Hokage?

What kind of thing are you that can make the major ninja villages risk their lives to strangle your son in the cradle? !

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