Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter Ten Konoha, What Are You Talking About?

"Not good! This guy is One Tail Jinchūriki!"

Morinoi Hibiki and the examiners' expressions changed drastically, "Everyone leave the classroom!"


Kankuro and Temari looked anxiously at Gaara who was driven away by his dead father, "Don't be impulsive!"

At this time, they have not received the notice of Konoha's collapse plan, they just thought that they were here to take the exam normally.

If they go berserk here, it will definitely cause a war between Konoha and Sand Shinobi Village, even if they are the children of the wind and shadow, they can't afford this fault.

Just when Morino Ibiki was at a loss and was about to notify Third Hokage,


A terrifying tree vine sprang out from the ground and instantly entangled Gaara, who had already turned into a half-tailed beast.

"This is... Wood Style!"

Morino Ibiki looked at the vines that kept absorbing Gaara Chakra with a shocked expression.

At this time, the blackened Naruto in the sky narrowed his eyes and smiled:

"Fighting is prohibited during movie watching."

At the same time, the picture of Gaara being controlled was also projected to the entire ninja world.

All the ninja villages in the Otherworld looked at the vines tightly entwining Jinchūriki with solemn expressions.

Wood Style by Senju Hashirama!

Although everyone felt miraculous before, at most they were just miraculous. Many people just watched the movie with the idea of ​​watching a movie, whether it was a reward or a challenge for the blackening Naruto.

But now the scene of Gaara being subdued in an instant surprised them,

This is the Wood Style that has disappeared for decades, the unique ninjutsu of Senju Hashirama, the god of the ninja world.

Although many people mocked and provoked Senju Hashirama in the chat room, they just thought it was possible that this was a natural scene directed by Hokage.

But the appearance of Wood Style directly made them nervous, because Senju Hashirama is a man who alone makes the ninja world dare not start a dispute.

It wasn't until his death that the first Ninja World War started completely.

So the appearance of Wood Style is a much stronger threat to them than this magical viewing.

Blackened Naruto looked down with a smile, no matter where in the ninja world, as long as he looked up, it seemed that he was staring at himself.

"Have you answered yet? No one has announced the reward."

Uchiha Madara: Huh, god damn it, I think it's Namikaze Minato too! Hashi Hot Mom, it seems that the Konoha you built is wrong, you have forgotten why we chose to build Ninja Village in the first place! But that's all right, I've found a real path to peace, and it's going to happen soon.

Senju Tobirama: Hehe, it really is the evil Uchiha, I shouldn't have asked Big Brother to agree to your surrender in the first place!

Senju Hashirama: Shut up! Tobirama!

The chat room fell into silence again.

The blackening in the sky Naruto suddenly let out a wild laugh, and at this time the answers of the entire ninja world appeared on the stone tablets erected in the centers of each ninja village.

"I declare that the correct answers are... Gaara and Uchiha Madara!"

Blackening Naruto's answer caused the chat room to explode.

"What a joke! Namikaze Minato has saved many Konoha Shinobi victims and families. He would rather give his life to maintain the balance between the villages and avoid opening disputes."

"Every step he takes is for the sake of the village, for peace, and for the country. Why is this kind of Hokage the most damned, I think you are talking nonsense purely based on your own thoughts!"

"That is to say! Namikaze Minato-sama is a hero! He is the implementer of the will of fire. If it weren't for him, Konoha might be destroyed!"

Ohnoki: I have to say that what they said is indeed reasonable. Even as an enemy, I admire Namikaze Minato very much.

Fourth Raikage Ai: I have dealt with Namikaze Minato, and I think it is understandable for him to do so, after all, he is from the same village.

Terumi Mei: That is to say, the concubine wants to marry a man like Namikaze Minato~ Just take this opportunity to seek marriage. If you are interested, you can come to Kirigakure to try.

Blue: Mizukage-sama! Please behave! !

Seeing that the chat room was full of supporters of Namikaze Minato, blackened Naruto showed a sneer on his face.

He said leisurely: "Since that's the case, who of you would like to let your child take Naruto's place and become Nine Tails Jinchūriki?"

Onoki: Why are you unwilling? You Konoha have snatched away all the sealing techniques of the Uzumaki clan, and combined with the blood of the Uzumaki clan, you will not worry about running away. With such a powerful talent, I think everyone is willing to accept Nine Tails, right? And boys don't have to worry about problems like weakness caused by childbirth.

Fourth Raikage Ai: I also agree with this point. If there is the sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan, the tailed beast is the sweet pastry. Who wouldn’t want it? I found out. When you Konoha sold us the tailed beast, you didn’t feel good about it. You only bought the tail. Beasts do not provide corresponding sealing techniques. Every year, the rampage of the light-tailed beast involves a lot of energy for us. If you ask this question, isn’t it a good thing to get cheap?

Konoha's first two generations of Jinchūriki, one Uzumaki Mito, one Uzumaki Kushina, their powerful Chakra is not lost to Nine Tails at all.

Becoming Jinchūriki for so many years, except that Kushina gave Naruto Chakra during childbirth, which caused weakness and was taken advantage of.

Before that, Nine Tails Jinchūriki wasn't a disgusting existence in Konoha.

On the contrary, Kushina also won the title of battlefield red pepper by virtue of her strong strength.

If the normal operation is followed, the Nine Tails split in half by Namikaze Minato is definitely a sought-after existence.

Because of the lack of the Nine Tails of the general Chakra, even without the vortex blood can become a Jinchūriki, Naruto, who has blond hair and does not inherit the vortex blood, is the best example.

But it is a pity that the rotten Konoha F4 is in power among Konoha.

Blackened Naruto stared down with a sneer, seeming to have a panoramic view of everyone's expressions.

He said coldly:

"Why don't you speak? Konoha, are you willing to replace Naruto with your own son as Nine Tails Jinchūriki?"

At this time, everyone in the ninja world discovered that none of the speeches that were willing to replace Naruto were from Konoha Village!

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