Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 9 Namikaze Minato Is The Most Damned!

Such a sharp question stunned the ninja world.

Because at this time they were all immersed in the touch of Konoha Shinobi desperately resisting the disaster brought by Nine Tails and the masked man for the will of fire, who would have thought that the blackened Naruto would appear at this time to ask a question of who is the most damned.

Senju Hashirama: There is no doubt that the most damned person in the Nine Tails Rebellion should be the man in the black robe and mask. If it weren't for him, it wouldn't have caused such a catastrophe.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: Master First Hokage is wise. I led Konoha Shinobi in the Nine Tails Rebellion, but I tried my best to block Nine Tails from the village.

Shimura Danzō: I'm in charge of evacuating civilians!

Senju Tobirama: Hehe, I would say the worst is those evil Uchiha! I didn’t see any members of the Konoha Guard for such a big thing happening in the village. This time the Nine Tails Rebellion must have been planned by the Uchiha clan!

Senju Hashirama: Shut up, Tobirama!

Uchiha Yadai: You fucking fart! Konoha's people bullied others too much. During the Nine Tails Rebellion, we received orders to stay away from the battlefield and evacuate our clansmen! Danzo's roots have been staring at us and won't let us shoot at all!

Shimura Danzō: Hehe, sharp-eyed people have seen the Sharingan pattern in the eyes of Nine Tails. Who knows if it was planned by your Uchiha clan to secretly seize power.

Uchiha Rice Fire: You are nonsense, only Master Madara has controlled Nine Tails since ancient times. Nine Tails is just a legend to us. You are deliberately suppressing our Uchiha clan and secretly crowding out Uchiha. It's time for the Second Generation to begin!

Shimura Danzō: Hehe, do I have to explain? Is it shameless to save face for you Uchiha clan? Who had been secretly mobilizing the rally in an attempt to plan a coup to control Konoha? Uchiha Itachi, say it yourself!

Uchiha Itachi: ..., it's the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Rice Fire: Me! %@# You are a scumbag, you don’t help your clansmen, and you even point the knife in your hand at your clansmen, you are a fool*, how did Master Fugaku give birth to such a beast like you.

Uchiha Shisui: Itachi! what is going on? Didn't I ask you to use my eyes to prevent the coup of the Uchiha clan, and then ask the Third Generation to ease the relationship between Konoha and the Uchiha clan?

Uchiha Sasuke: Brother Shisui! This beast killed the entire Uchiha clan to test his strength, and now I am the only one left in the entire Uchiha clan.

Senju Tobirama: Hehe, it turned out to be a coup d'état. It really deserves to be the evil Uchiha. At the beginning, Uchiha Setsu wanted to seize power from the Senju clan and instigated a coup d'état. I didn't expect that your Uchiha clan would still follow in the footsteps.

Uchiha Inafari: Hehe you MB, there is only one direct male blood left in our Uchiha, and there is only one old woman left in your Senju clan, hehe, hehe!

Tsunade: You have the guts to crawl out of the grave for me, and see if I don't break your bones apart.

Terumi Mei: You Konohas are really interesting, any topic can lead to a lot of conflicts.

Uchiha Obito: Hehe, you Kirigakure implemented the blood mist policy back then, and you forgot about the massacre of blood successors?

Terumi Mei: Bastard! I almost forgot, you Uchiha clan used Sharingan to control our 4th generation Mizukage, you haven't settled with you yet, now think about it, the only one who can do this is the man in black who controls Nine Tails, right? Sure enough, the most damned thing is that black robe Uchiha!

Senju Tobirama: Hehe, evil Uchiha, you are doing things everywhere, there is a reason for your genocide.

Uchiha Shisui: Itachi, what are you talking about? Why do you want to attack the tribe? You should know that it was Danzo who killed me, not the tribe. I hope to recast the glory of Uchiha so that you can make the Uchiha clan the pillar of Konoha!

Uchiha Shisui kept sending barrage, but at this time Uchiha Itachi didn't show any sign of replying.

At this time, Sasuke is still in Konoha, and it is impossible for Uchiha Itachi to betray Konoha to clarify the truth.

Then the answers to the questions began to vary. Some said Obito should die, some said Nine Tails should die, some said Uchiha clan should die, and some said Sarutobi Hiruzen should die.

But no matter how the answer changes, no one ever put Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina as the answer to this question.

Because in their view, the fearless sacrifice of the Minato couple is worthy of the Holy Mother both in terms of morality and practice.

However, a hostile reply made the atmosphere in the chat room stagnant.

Gaara: Damn Namikaze Minato! ! Namikaze Minato, why is that trash blaming the kids for everything! Why does he say that his son is the savior! Obviously he could survive to protect his child from wind and rain, but in the end he chose to commit suicide, and then for the sake of the so-called prophecy, he threw everything to a newborn baby! Damn this garbage! must die!

Fourth Kazekage Rosa: Shut up, evil, I know you are blaming me for sealing One Tail on you, but you have to know, I am the shadow of Sunagakure, even if I do it all over again, I will make the same choice , I need to be responsible for the whole village, not for you alone, you are my son, you should control Shukaku well, instead of being overwhelmed by anger, your uncle was sent by me to assassinate you, just to test you It's just a matter of tolerance, as a ninja, you shouldn't be influenced by your emotions!

Gaara: Damn bastard! Even if Orochimaru doesn't kill you, I will! I am going to kill you! Kill you!

At this time, Gaara in the examination room ran away in an instant, and the terrifying sand poured out and rolled out towards the people around him.

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