Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 8 Who Is The Most Damned Guy?

While everyone was immersed in the Konoha Shinobi's inheritance of the will of fire,

Nine Tails' Tailed Beast Bomb exploded in front of Uzumaki Kushina mother and son.

Namikaze Minato, the target of Sky's Path, resolutely chose to use the imprint left by his wife as the coordinates, and sent it together with Nine Tails.

Everyone in the chat room fell silent for a moment.

They were shocked by Namikaze Minato's self-sacrificing and fearless spirit.

【Minato holds Kushina in one hand and Naruto in the other, panting heavily. 】

[Transferring two Tailed Beast Bombs and one Nine Tails in a row made his Chakra almost bottom out. 】

[At this time, the tenacious Kushina looked at Naruto with a tired face, and in the next second, five golden chains shot out from her back, trapping Nine Tails firmly in place. 】

Ohnoki: Tsk tsk, as expected of the little pepper on the battlefield back then, even if he was on the verge of death, the remaining Chakra could still suppress Nine Tails and immobilize him.

Terumi Mei: Why is Konoha Uzumaki only her allies? I’m so envious. It seems that she plans to die with Nine Tails. As long as Jinchūriki dies, the tail beasts will also disappear, and it will take a long time before they can be reborn again.

Naruto in the examination room looked at the tragic scene in the sky, and felt pain in his heart. Even if he didn't believe that he was the son of the Fourth Generation, he still blamed himself very much for seeing the demon fox make these two heroes suffer so much.

He still feels to this day that he was the culprit for Nine Tails night.

【Kushina told Namikaze Minato about the resurrection time of Nine Tails with her own life. 】

[However, Namikaze Minato's expression became a little strange at this time. 】

【"Kushina, you made me a Fourth Hokage, and you made me a father...and yet I..."】

[Kushina listened to Minato's words and thought that he blamed himself for not protecting himself and Naruto. 】

["Minato, don't show that expression, I am very happy, and today is still the child's birthday, if I am still alive, I have nothing to think about except to imagine the future life of a family of three, it is a pity that I can't see Naruto grow up It's time."]

[However, Namikaze Minato looks at Kushina apologetically, tears streaming from his eyes. 】

【"Kushina, there is no need for you to die with Nine Tails. I will use your remaining Chakra to let you meet Naruto. I will seal all your remaining Chakra on Naruto and combine it with the Eight Sign Seal."】

【"In addition, I will solve the Nine Tails, and I can only seal them up with ghouls if they are not Jinchūriki."】

【Kushina looked anxious: "But that seal...!"】

【"There is another point, the Nine Tails sealed on me is only half. Such a powerful force cannot be suppressed physically, and it is impossible to achieve it from a strategic point of view. It is okay to have your participation in the Nine Tails seal, but if Before the resurrection of Nine Tails, it would be bad if Jinchūriki was not around and the balance of the tailed beasts would collapse."]

【"If you seal it with a ghoul, you can permanently seal half of me and Nine Tails, so if you want to seal the other half of Nine Tails, seal it on Naruto, use Eight Sign Seal!"]

【 Kushina looked at Minato in shock, as if he didn't expect him to sacrifice his son for the so-called balance. 】

[Namikaze Minato didn't give Kushina a chance to speak, "Do you remember the world change that Mr. Jiraiya said? And the disaster that followed the change. Today I confirmed two things. The masked man who attacked you will definitely bring a bloodbath, and then It must be this child who stops him, this child named after Teacher Jiraiya, Uzumaki Naruto!"]

【"Minato, but!"】

【Fourth Generation didn't wait for Kushina to finish speaking, and directly and quickly used the ghoul seal that died together. 】

【"Trust this child! This is our two children!"】

[Kushina shouted at Minato angrily: "He is our son, because of this, I don't want Naruto to bear such a heavy responsibility! And why seal it with a ghoul! There are so many ways to seal it! Just for Let me meet him? Why do you want to die for this! I hope you can stay with Naruto and protect him from growing up. For the balance of the tail beast? For the country? For the village? Do you want Naruto to be a victim! Are you going to make you a victim for me!"]

[But at this time, Minato's face has become gloomy, and he said with a blank face: "Abandoning the country, abandoning the village, and abandoning children, you should have a deep understanding of the destruction of the motherland, right? People who died What kind of cruel life will be forced to live. Besides, our family is... ninja!"]

[After Namikaze Minato's persuasion, Nine Tails was divided into two and sealed into Naruto's body and his own. 】

[As Kushina insisted on asking Sarutobi Hiruzen to take good care of Naruto, both the Fourth Generation couple died on the spot. 】

In the examination room, Naruto's tears couldn't stop flowing crazily. He tried desperately to wipe away the tears, but it didn't help.

He turned out to be Konoha's hero, the son of Fourth Hokage! !

And at this moment, the screen in the sky dimmed again.

Blackening Naruto's figure once again appeared in the sky.

There was a crazy smile on his face, and he smiled at the whole ninja world with resentment in his tone:

"Unexpectedly, the Nine Tails demon fox that the whole Konoha hates, hates, and can't wait to kill is actually the son of the hero Fourth Hokage in Konoha's legend. No, no, it should be said that Naruto himself is the hero of Konoha. If Without him, perhaps Konoha, who lost Nine Tails, would have started the Fourth Ninja World War by other villages long ago?"

Blackening Naruto grinned and stretched out a finger to Ninja World: "Now ask the first question."

"Nine Tails night, who's the f***ing guy?"

ps. Ask for data

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