Sarutobi Hiruzen did not continue to appear in the live broadcast room,

Because he knew that no matter how he explained, it was useless, and Tsunade was the only one who died in the direct blood of the huge Senju clan.

This is no longer a past that can be explained by passion. To be honest, he is a little thankful that Orochimaru and Jiraiya saved Tsunade from the siege of Iwagakure ninjas.

Otherwise, there will be no one left in the entire Senju family, and Tsunade will not be silent like now, pretending not to see it.

Now I can only pretend to be deaf and dumb. Anyway, it’s a group of dead people, and I won’t call them. Now Konoha Village is under my control. The Sarutobi clan is also the largest clan in Konoha. It doesn’t matter to me to shout a few words. Didn't the patriarch of the family speak? It is impossible for the sword of the previous dynasty to behead the officials of this dynasty.

Fortunately, the picture in the sky took a turn for the better at this time.

【Sarutobi Hiruzen led a team of Anbu to appear on the battlefield. 】

【"To prevent the village from being destroyed, drive the Nine Tails out of the city wall! Buy me time to launch ninjutsu, and the attack must not be a little slack!"】


【Anbu attacked from all over to attract the attention of Nine Tails, and Third Generation took the opportunity to use the Summoning technique to summon the ape demon king. The huge stick extended by the ape demon directly pushed Nine Tails out of Konoha. At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen was still In the prime of life. 】

Seeing this scene, the senior officials of the major families in Konoha frowned. They were not ignorant of what Sarutobi Hiruzen had done, but it was precisely because of their strength that they could not tear themselves apart.

Otherwise they would have turned against Third Generation when Sarutobi Hiruzen signed a peace treaty with Iwagakure without any spoils, instead of simply taking the blame and resigning and letting him go.

Don't look at the late period of Shippuden, there are as many Jōnin as dogs, and Kage-level walks everywhere. In fact, after the destruction of the Senju and Uchiha clans, there are only ten Kage-level strong in Konoha.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, the strongest Hokage, is not completely in vain, but he was the strongest when he was in power, because the stronger ones were either killed or taken away by him.

【"As expected of Fourth Hokage, I didn't expect you to hurt my hand and separate Nine Tails, but Nine Tails will be in my pocket sooner or later, I am the one who can rule the world, and I have a lot of means. "]

[The man in black robe uses Kamui to disappear from Namikaze Minato after speaking. 】

[ Namikaze Minato couldn't pursue at all, so he had to rush to the Nine Tails battlefield first, and at this time Third Generation was exhausted. 】

[And just far away from the battlefield, Kakashi, Hong, Might Guy and other young ninjas are all protected in the barrier. 】

【"Listen well, you young people must never get close to Nine Tails." Yuhi Zhenhong told the group of young people. 】

【Hong said angrily: "What does this mean?"】

【Yuhi Zhenhong: "This is not a war with other villages. The village is already in a mess. You shouldn't bet your lives on this kind of place."】

【Yu Hihong: "Don't make up your own mind!"】

[Yuhi Makoto looked at her daughter seriously and said: "You are also a ninja, it is impossible to live forever, but daughter, you must at least pass on the will of fire to your grandchildren. This is what I want to share with you as a father." I made this promise, I believe you..."]

On the outside, Yuhihong looked at the scene in the sky with tears streaming down her face. After another farewell, she and her father became a farewell forever.

Among the Konohas, there were many people who saw this scene and burst into tears. Many of their lives were bought by their parents.

At this moment, Konoha is full of true inheritance of the will of fire. The adults are desperately fighting for their children until the last moment, and the whole Konoha is immersed in mourning.

Senju Hashirama: This is the Konoha I want! Where the leaves are flying, the will of fire is burning!

Senju Tobirama: I have to say that the monkeys do have a way of managing the village.

Fourth Raikage Ai: Pfft~ Are you kidding me? Didn’t you see that this group of ninjas believe in the Fourth Generation, so they desperately stop Nine Tails?

Onoki: The young man understands well, the current ruling is the Fourth Hokage, and your Third Generation has just retired because of too many family ninjas on the battlefield, hahaha!

Sarutobi Hiruzen: If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!

Killer Bee: Yo~ he is in a hurry, ~Cheek makes trouble~

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the names of several people in the chat room with a livid face, and his positive image was completely destroyed by them just after he reversed some positive images.

【"Summoning Technique!"】

[At this time, the huge toad Bunta fell from the sky and directly interrupted the Tailed Beast Bomb of Nine Tails. The ninja, who was already at the end of his battle, was overjoyed when he saw the appearance of the Fourth Generation, and cheered like chicken blood. 】

【However, the Tailed Beast Bomb that Nine Tails was talking about didn't stop at all. Once the terrifying Chakra erupted, it would instantly destroy the ninja group below. 】

[Namikaze Minato's face is a little ugly, and there is no suitable location for the coordinates of his Flying Thunder God outside. 】

【Namikaze Minato glanced at the ninja on the ground with an ugly face, closed his eyes and murmured: "Kushina, I'm sorry."】

[Swish, Nine Tails and Minato disappeared into the battlefield in an instant. 】

[The next second, they have appeared beside Kushina and Naruto. 】

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