【The Fourth Generation defeated the black-robed man, and the control of Nine Tails was released, but the raging of Nine Tails continued. 】

[ Nine Tails will cause a large number of villagers casualties with a single wave, and the whole Konoha will be in a mess. 】

[A Chūnin climbed up from the ruins covered in blood, behind him was a wife and child who were crushed under the rubble. 】

【"Iruka, are you alright?" The female ninja tried hard to push away the gravel to comfort her, but she passed out as soon as she finished speaking. 】

【"Mom?" Iruka was stunned to find the hideous wound on her mother's back, "Dad, mom, she...!"】

[The man in front scolded in a low voice: "Why don't you just stay in the shelter obediently? Leave Mommy's affairs to Dad, you run away!"]

【"No! I don't want to leave my parents and run away alone! I want to protect my mother!"】

[The man suddenly turned his head and cursed: "Children, don't be brave! It is the responsibility of parents to protect children!"]

【Iruka has tears in her eyes, gritted her teeth and ran towards the distance. 】

Looking at the picture on the screen, the villagers of Konoha Village fell into that frightened night again.

In the examination room, Naruto squatted on the ground with his head in disbelief. He finally knew why the people in the village hated him so much.

"I killed Teacher Iruka's parents? How could I kill so many people?"

Naruto squatted on the ground and muttered to himself, the panic and pain in his eyes made people feel extra heartache.

"Naruto-kun." Hinata looked at Naruto worriedly from behind the crowd.

At this moment, little Sakura looked at Naruto with a face full of horror, as if she was looking at a monster.

At this time, Shikamaru frowned and stepped forward to embrace Naruto and shouted in a low voice:

"Wake up Naruto! That's Nine Tails, not you! Nine Tails is not you! You should have seen it, Nine Tails was released from Mr. Kushina's body by the bad guys!"

Naruto looked up blankly: "But now the demon fox is in my body, am I a demon fox now?"

Shikamaru scratched his head helplessly: "Don't blame yourself for the faults that have nothing to do with you."

Even if he is as smart as he is, he doesn't know how to persuade Naruto who is in a dead end.

At this time in the chat room,

Senju Hashirama: Not bad, I didn't expect the will of fire to be passed down, Madara, you see everyone is working hard to protect the children from the battlefield.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: That's for sure, Hashirama-sama, I've been trying to implement the will of fire you taught me.

Senju Tobirama: That’s right, Monkey, it was right to entrust you with the position of Hokage at the beginning. Only by leaving the opportunity to the next generation can the village continue to thrive.

Senju Hashirama: But here I have to say, why is the strength of the village so weak? Why didn’t you see ninjas from several families come out? What about the Senju clan? What about the Uchiha clan? It will be a lot easier if there are ninjas from these two families, right?

In the Hokage building, Sarutobi Hiruzen's cold sweat broke out instantly, his head was desperately thinking about how to answer this headache question.

Two-day scale Onogi: Huh? Don't you know? Konoha's Senju clan is dead, only Tsunade is left, poor Senju clan.

Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama:? ? ?

Senju Hashirama: What did you say? !

Onoki in the Tsuchikage building had a happy face, and Heitu on the side tilted his head and looked at his black-bellied old man with a speechless expression.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: Shut up you bastard! Don't try to make up some rumors to deceive First Generation and Nidaime!

Onoki: Oh, so you two don’t know. The Senju clan was very brave during the second and third Ninja World Wars. They rushed to the front as if they had been beaten, saying they wanted to protect what grandpa left behind. Konoha,

Onoki: Tsk tsk, it’s just that the support is not very strong, and the support will appear every time after death, but I heard that the Senju clan in Konoha Village also disappeared inexplicably, which makes us shadows deeply moved.

Senju Tobirama: Monkey, shouldn't you give us an explanation?

Sarutobi Hiruzen: Nidaime, don’t listen to his nonsense. The main reason is that the village is in danger. Everyone in the Senju clan doesn’t want the Konoha that Shodai has built so hard to get hurt, so they rushed too far forward, causing heavy damage. , As for the Senju clan in the village, they integrated into Konoha Village in order to carry out the will of fire.

Senju Hashirama: Haha, that's it, that's right, sorry monkey, we even suspected you.

Senju Tobirama: Brother, shut up!

Senju Hashirama: Sorry...

Senju Tobirama: I just want to know how many direct descendants of the Senju clan there are!

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the bullet screen in the chat room with a livid face. He couldn't answer this question at all. Could it be that there was only one dead person left?

When this information asymmetry is eliminated, many things are no longer under his control through public opinion.

Senju Tobirama: What about people? monkey! say!

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