Little Sakura frowned and looked at Naruto, with a little disgust in her eyes:

"Don't make trouble about Naruto, that's the son of Fourth Hokage. Fourth Hokage is called Namikaze Minato, right?"

"that's true……"

When Naruto heard this, a look of disappointment suddenly appeared on his face. Indeed, his name is Uzumaki Naruto.

Looking at the chats of several shadows in the consciousness space just now, it seems that the whirlpool clan is specially used to seal the demon fox.

Thinking of this, Naruto felt a sense of reluctance deep in his heart. Why should he become a demon fox that everyone hates?

A complex look flashed in the eyes of Nara Shikamaru who was not far away,

Others may not have realized it, but he has already known Naruto's true identity with his super IQ.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have led Chōji to play with Naruto.

So Shikamaru quietly approached and whispered:

"Naruto, you can ask in the chat room, what is the name of Naruto in the video."

Naruto's eyes lit up, and he was about to try again, but saw Sasuke who was trembling beside him.

"Forget it, it's impossible to think about it. How could I be the son of Fourth Hokage? Fourth Hokage is a big hero in the village, but I'm just a demon fox that everyone hates."

Naruto's eyes are full of disappointment, because he knows what kind of life Konohamaru lives. He has special elite teachers to take care of him when he travels. Everyone on the road calls him Master. Even if he breaks into the women's bathhouse, he will be easily forgiven. All goodness seems to embrace Konohamaru, the grandson of Third Hokage.

In contrast to myself...

Naruto laughed at himself, how could he be treated like this if he was the son of the Fourth Hokage.

Shikamaru on the side sighed,

As the direct heir of the Nara family, he couldn't say anything more, let alone ask questions for Naruto, because he would definitely offend Third Hokage.

[The terrifying Nine Tails was Summoned by the man in black robe from inside Konoha Village. The powerful force makes ordinary ninjas not an enemy at all. 】

【Third Hokage was wearing a combat uniform and was about to suppress Nine Tails, but a figure on the Hokage rock directly attracted Nine Tails' attention. 】

【The pitch-black Tailed Beast Bomb condensed from Nine Tails' mouth, and the blackness like substance made one's scalp tingle. 】

Senju Hashirama: What about monkeys! A Tailed Beast Bomb of this size will destroy the entire Konoha! Go and stop him!

Second Tsuchikage Wu: Well done, just blow it out and wipe out Konoha!

Uzumaki Kushina: What are you bastard barking at, don't you see my husband standing in front? Just a Tailed Beast Bomb!

[The huge Tailed Beast Bomb blasted directly towards the Fourth Hokage on the Hokage Rock, and the buildings on the path of the Tailed Beast Bomb were instantly destroyed like tofu. 】

【Facing the frightening attack, Fourth Hokage didn't panic in the slightest. He swiftly formed seals with both hands, and a huge Flying Thunder God spell instantly appeared in midair. 】

[The Tailed Beast Bomb slowly disappeared as if being swallowed, and in the next second, a giant mushroom cloud slowly rose in a forest outside Konoha Village. 】

Senju Tobirama: The spell that diverts Nine Tails' attack... Is this the Flying Thunder God? Unexpectedly, there are still people who have practiced the Forbidden Technique I developed to this extent.

Onogi with two scales: Damn it, why does Konoha always have such geniuses.

Fourth Raikage Ai: As expected of a man whose speed can catch up with me.

Killer Bee: Yo yo~ I can cut it down, the yellow flash of my octopus claw, Cheek!

In the live broadcast room, audiences who knew and didn't know were amazed by Namikaze Minato's Flying Thunder God Technique.

Uchiha Obito: Hehe~

Hatake Kakashi: Obito! Is that you Obito! How are you doing there? Have you met Lin?

Uchiha Obito: Go!

[Suddenly a figure appeared behind Namikaze Minato, and the Flying Thunder God Kunai in Minato's hand stabbed towards the opponent in an instant, but passed through the enemy's body. 】

【"Your opponent is me! And... it's over!"】

【Kamui unfolds, Namikaze Minato's figure becomes distorted. 】

[With a whoosh, the figure of Fourth Generation disappeared, and in the next second, he had arrived at the place where Kushina gave birth. 】

[The black-robed man followed closely behind, and the two started a wonderful battle. 】

[With the second stage of Flying Thunder God combined with Rasengan's heavy attack, Namikaze Minato used the sealing technique to control the opponent's Chakra, allowing Nine Tails to escape from the illusion and regain freedom. 】

Two-day scale Ohnoki: Tsk tsk, fortunately this guy is dead. Facing a time-space ninjutsu that is even more outrageous than himself, he found a flaw in such a short time. He is indeed the man who defeated our Iwagakure.

Senju Tobirama: How did this guy sneak into Konoha, and also know that the Nine Tails seal will be weakened when Jinchūriki gives birth, and he will also unlock the Nine Tails seal, and the ability to domesticate it, is it really the evil Uchiha?

Uchiha Madara: Hehe, Senju Tobirama, you are still as disgusting as before. After Hashirama's death, do you need me to tell you about your policy against the Uchiha clan?

Senju Tobirama: What are you talking about, you obviously died earlier than my elder brother, and you have to use your brain to spout blood.

Uchiha Madara: Huh...

ps, seeking data

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