At this time, everyone in the ninja world looked at the picture in the sky and felt a little scared.

Because what was broadcast in the sky was what happened to the blackened Naruto after being taken away by the roots.

【"Who are you? Why are you arresting me!"】

[The young Naruto wanted to resist weakly, but how could he be an opponent of Elite Chunin level Anbu who couldn't even control Chakra. 】

【At this time, Danzo has not yet got on crutches, but his eyes are already wrapped with bandages. He leads a young man, Anbu, to Naruto. 】

[After quickly forming seals with both hands, a black sealing technique appeared on Naruto's tongue]

【The Seal of the Root of Tongue Disaster! Konoha Anbu's "root" special sealing technique, Danzo puts a seal on the tongue of the root member. If the person who is cast says anything about him, his whole body will be paralyzed, unable to speak or move. . Danzo uses this to restrain his subordinates so that they cannot tell the secrets about him]

【The sealed Naruto yelled in pain, but Danzo ignored the Anbu youth at the side and said, "A, I will leave this demon fox to you, and you will be responsible for suppressing the rampage of Nine Tails from now on. "]

【Anbu on the opposite side should be respectful, and then he opened his hands and pressed on Naruto's abdomen, and a black character 'seat' suddenly appeared on his palm. 】

[Hokage type ear smoothing technique Tenth Edict On Enlightenment, you can monitor the overflow of Naruto Nine Tails Chakra at any time, so that you can use Wood Style to suppress it. 】

[The next life of Naruto was shocking. Not only did he lose his previous apartment, but he was locked up underground like a prison all day long. Apart from the necessary ninja training, he was subjected to various interrogations at the root. Learn from Naruto how much information others have instilled in him. 】

In the examination room, Naruto looked at the torment of "self" in the video with a livid face, as if he was the same person who really received such treatment.

Hyūga Hinata looked at Naruto on the screen in tears, and she felt that if Naruto hadn't rescued her back then, she wouldn't have become what she is now.

Many high-ranking Konohas were not too surprised by the scene in front of them, because they had already guessed what might happen when they learned that Naruto was caught in the root.

In the chat room, Uzumaki Kushina did not appear. I am afraid that her soul is already so angry that she does not know what words to say to express her current anger.

【In the beginning, Naruto tried to resist. In the worst case, he even activated the Nine Tails Chakra. However, Anbu, who was in charge of monitoring him, stretched out his hand and restrained him with several Wood Styles. The leaked Nine Tails Chakra No resistance was completely suppressed, and Naruto's punishment was even more cruel. 】

[So Naruto started his training and brainwashing like hell. When his strength reached Genin, Danzo began to arrange some orphans similar to him to eat, live, and practice together]

[At the beginning, Naruto's gloomy eyes revealed a hint of hope and sympathy. 】

[However, when their strength reaches Genin level, the cruelest trial begins. 】

【Danzo asked them to catch and fight each other, only those with strong strength can survive. 】

【The companions who used to get along day and night had to draw their swords to face each other. At the beginning, Naruto tried to discuss with his companions and refused to fight in protest. 】

[But when his companion gritted his trouser legs and begged him to give him a good time, Naruto completely collapsed. 】

【His eyes became numb, and his shots became merciless, because he knew that living here was more painful than dying. 】

[Thus, when Naruto was 6 years old, he beheaded his last companion under Kunai, and his strength has far surpassed that of Kakashi in this high-pressure environment! 】

[And also in this year, Naruto, who had disappeared for three years, appeared at the entrance ceremony of Ninja School, with a standard Sai-style smirk on his face, standing on the side of the Nine Tails key Sasuke's side. 】

【"Hi, my name is Uzumaki Naruto."】

The picture in the sky stopped abruptly, and the blackened Naruto reappeared in the sky instead of the picture.

"Tsk tsk, I said Namikaze Minato is the most damned, do you have any opinions?"

There was a silence in the chat room, and they guessed it at this time, it was entirely because the protagonist of the video came to execute the execution publicly.

It's just that blackening Naruto's how to achieve this scene makes them dare not act rashly.

Looking at the silence in the chat room,

Blackening Naruto smiled slightly:

"In this case, let's give a reward to those who answered correctly in the previous round."

As soon as he finished speaking, a picture of Gaara's examination room appeared in the sky.

At this time, Gaara was being tightly bound by the tree roots emerging from the ground, and his power to guard the crane was also suppressed to death by the power of Wood Style.

Then the next second,

A terrifying suction came from above the vines,

Blackened Naruto's voice appeared in the ninja world:

"Then reward you for getting rid of the monster Shuhe."

As soon as these words came out, Kankuro and Temari's expressions changed drastically.

"don't want!!"

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