Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 17 Are You Satisfied With This Reward? Uchiha Madara! [Six More]]

The Tailed Beast was drawn away, and the Jinchūriki died.

This is common knowledge among ninjas who know the meaning of Jinchūriki.

Kankuro and Temari, who are the sons of Kazekage, naturally also know,

Although they usually hate Gaara very much, in fact, these two people stay away from Gaara because of their father's majesty, but they have always admitted that Gaara is their own younger brother.

"Release Gaara soon! Didn't you answer the question correctly?"

Temari took out the folding fan behind his back and opened the three stars directly, shouting anxiously:

"Three Stars, Kama Itachi!"

The wind attribute Chakra blade desperately cut towards the vines that bound Gaara, but it could only cut shallow marks on the vines.

Kankuro also controls the crow to use the saw blade to cut, but there is no doubt that this powerful Wood Style cannot be shaken by the two of them at all.

Gaara looked at Kankuro and Temari who were desperate for him with disbelief in a daze.

"Why? Why did you save me?"

Temari and Kankuro replied without hesitation: "You are my idiot brother!"

However, the reality was cruel, and within a few minutes, the terrifying One Tail Chakra was pulled directly from Gaara's body.

Gaara who lost the One Tail Chakra gradually disappeared, and the huge One Tail Chakra was sealed in a teapot-shaped pot like a doll.

"Let go of me! Who are you?! Why do you have the power of Six Paths!"

Shuhe shouted excitedly, but the Chakra in his body couldn't break the seal of the jar at all.

Temari looked at her lifeless brother, tears fell down unconsciously, she held an iron fan and shouted angrily to the sky: "Why! You killed him even though you answered your question correctly!"

Kankuro on the side desperately wanted to hold Temari and prevent her from provoking this unknown Naruto,

The guy who can kill Gaara in an instant and take away One Tail's crane is not something they Genin can provoke, even if they Genin even have the strength close to Jōnin.

In the Land of Rain, Rain Shinobi Village, Payne suddenly crushed the handrail of the fence around him.

Konan on the side patted him on the shoulder reassuringly,

Penn took a long breath.

"Even if it takes several days for all members of the Jixiao organization to use the magic dragon nine seals to extract the tailed beast, this guy has already completed the extraction in less than a few minutes."

"He didn't even need a Gedo Statue as a container, he just sealed One Tail in a broken teapot!"

At this moment, even Payne, who claims to be a god, doesn't know how to snatch Shouhe from the man in front of him.

He had a plan to create a nuclear explosion Forbidden Technique by himself, and he felt as if he was pressed to death on the ground by a big force before he even started.

However, before he could figure out how to get out of the predicament in front of him, the picture in the sky suddenly changed to where he was.

Payne looked at the sky expressionlessly, a powerful Chakra descended from the sky, and One Tail Shouhe sent directly to Payne with the sealed tea kettle.

Fourth Raikage Ai: This is... Heaven-sent Technique? wrong! Why did you send Shouhe here? This is where?

Two-day scale Ohnoki: Damn, don't you see the clothes this person is wearing? He wears the same clothes as that Uzumaki Naruto, and this is the base camp of that vortex Naruto!

At this time, Payne in the picture looked at the sudden surprise in front of him with a blank face. He frowned and raised his head and asked, "What do you mean?"

At this time, the figure of blackened Naruto appeared, with a playful expression on his face: "This is Uchiha Madara's answer reward, I think you should be satisfied, right? Uchiha Madara?"

At this time, Madara in the pure land saw the face of Obito in the vortex mask behind Payne changed.

He immediately knew that the organization in front of him was probably the organization created by Uchiha Obito, a chess piece he had arranged.

And the task he entrusted to Obito was to collect tailed beasts, revive Ten Tails and himself.

Now that the blackened Naruto directly sent One Tail to Payne, he immediately understood that the blackened Naruto in front of him probably knew his plan, at least a part of it.

Uchiha Madara said in the chat room: "Yes, I am very satisfied with this reward."

Madara's words surprised the ninjas in the ninja world.

Senju Hashirama: Mada, what does this mean? This reward was not given to you, I thought you would like rewards like resurrection.

Senju Tobirama: Resurrection? What a joke, not even Sage of Six Paths can bring people back to life, except with Impure World Reincarnation.

Second Tsuchikage Wu: Hehe, if it's that kind of resurrection, I don't want it either. I'm not interested in using former enemies to resurrect. Impure World Reincarnation will still be controlled by the caster, right?

Golden Horn, Silver Horn: That's right, we don't want to be humiliated by the ninjutsu of our defeated opponents.

Senju Tobirama: Defeated, you two deserve it too!

Golden Horn, Silver Horn: Huh? It wasn't you who killed you.

Senju Tobirama: Sneak attack, plus siege were all replaced by me. If it wasn't for the monkeys to escape, you would also want to kill me?

Terumi Mei: Shouldn't you guys be discussing about the One Tail Jinchūriki who was killed by him after answering the question correctly?

Everyone reacted after hearing the words, and just as they were about to continue denouncing the blackened Naruto, the screen switched again to the examination room where Gaara was.

To their astonishment,

At this time, the tree vines that originally restrained Gaara from absorbing One Tail Chakra were continuously injecting Yang Dun Chakra into Gaara's body.

Gaara, who was already dead, quickly turned rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A few seconds later, the thick dark circles opened his eyes, and he touched his heart in disbelief.

He actually came back from the dead? !

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