Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 19 The Correct Way To Open Infinite Tsukuyomi

Everyone opened their eyes in bewilderment.

"Where is this?"

They looked around strangely, the white snow, the forest with dead branches and leaves, and a swing hanging on the branch of a banyan tree not far away was shaking back and forth.

Everyone looked at the past, a young Naruto was sitting alone on a swing and wandering back and forth.

As if aware that someone was watching him, Naruto turned his head to look at him.

A strange smile suddenly appeared on his face:

"Welcome to the world of Tsukuyomi. Here, time will have no meaning. Before clearing this reward, you will stay in this world forever as Uzumaki Naruto."

After the immature Naruto finished speaking, he disappeared in place.

"Wait a moment!"

Some people shouted subconsciously, but they were shocked to find that their voices were exactly the same as Naruto's just now.

Everyone stretched out their hands, and what they saw was a pair of immature hands. They found a glass and looked over, but were shocked to find that their appearance had changed into Naruto in the previous video.

Onogi with two scales: What the hell! ? Why I Became That Nine Tails Man! ?

At this time, Onogi's speech made everyone discover that the chat room was still available.

Fourth Raikage Ai: Huh? You can still talk, this is Konoha, right? Are we under illusion?

Hoshigaki Kisame: Mr. Itachi, does this look like your Tsukuyomi? No, that kid just now seemed to say that this is Tsukuyomi's world, that is to say, everything here is fake?

Senju Hashirama: Haha, it’s so interesting to suddenly have a body. What is this asking us to do? What does the reward mean?

Uchiha Madara: Infinite Tsukuyomi! It turned out to be Infinite Tsukuyomi, no way, this brat has mastered the ultimate path to peace! How can it be!

Uchiha Obito: This is not Infinite Tsukuyomi! I don't admit it! A world without Lynn is hell!

Hatake Kakashi: Sorry Obito, I didn't protect Rin! Sorry, I……

Uchiha Obito: Go!

Yuan Yelin: Obito, why do I feel that you have changed, is this really you? Why are you talking like that to Kakashi.

Uchiha Obito: Lin...

While the chat room was in chaos,

Suddenly several ninjas wearing Anbu servants and masks appeared in front of each 'Naruto' at the same time.

One of the ninjas spoke to 'Naruto' with a cold tone:

"Uzumaki Naruto, we are the roots belonging to Konoha Anbu! Next you have to follow us!"

Everyone: "..."

Senju Hashirama: Hahaha~ I see, is this in the child's memory? Is this what makes us empathize with his experience?

Gaara: Why was he pulled in even if I got the answer right?

Nara Shikamaru: Oh, why am I involved in such a troublesome thing, that Naruto said, this is a reward, a reward...

Nara Shijiu: I see...

Akamichi Dingza: Shikahisa, do you understand something? This is not a reward, I can see it, this is clearly the revenge of the blackened Naruto.

Nara Shijiu: (sighs), if I'm not wrong, it is true that we have to experience the same harsh reality as Naruto, but don't forget, that is the training to cultivate Anbu's roots. If it is true, the three years My memories are probably extremely precious.

Nara Shikamaru: But Dad, you have to think, how many people can endure the torture like Naruto?

The peach land will not be cut again: Hehe, that's it? Bai, show them a quick pass.

Bai: Yes, sir, I am so glad to see your speech again, (excited).

Taodi will not cut again: I'm sorry, Bai.

Bai: ...Yes! ! Don't behead the adults anymore, let's pass the level quickly! (shock) (surprise)!

Fourth Raikage Ai: Hmph, it's just Konoha's rubbish Anbu.

Fourth Raikage Ai clenched his fists and controlled the Chakra in 'Naruto' to run directly in the way of the Lightning Style conjoined technique. As a result, due to the Nine Tails Chakra, he couldn't control his own Chakra, and only a spark of electricity appeared on his body. In seconds, he kicked his foot on the ground in an instant, stepping on his face.

"You bastards! I'm the Fourth Raikage! Do you want to die!"

The grumpy Raikage had never been so insulted, and he roared loudly at the roots in anger.

A sharp light flashed in the eyes of several roots:

"Fourth Raikage? So that's it, you guys did it?"

Then Fourth Raikage felt a blow to his neck and passed out.

When he woke up again, he was already tied up in the torture room of the root base.

Standing in front of Fourth Raikage Ai with a sneer on a crutch, Danzo covered one eye and said coldly:

"Hello, Fourth Raikage, hand over all the information you know."

Fourth Raikage Ai: "..."

At this time, he finally realized that he is now Uzumaki Naruto, and his body is also Uzumaki Naruto's body...

So for the next three years, Fourth Raikage felt what hell is called.

After he survived for three years with his strong willpower,

In the next second, he returned to the side of the swing.

root member:

"Uzumaki Naruto, we are the roots belonging to Konoha Anbu! Next you have to follow us!"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "..."

ps. Ask for data, ask for flowers, ask for monthly tickets

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