Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 20 Meeting ŌTsutsuki Hagoromo

As time goes by,

Everyone finally understood what Naruto meant when he said 'time is meaningless. '

Almost everyone is reincarnated in death, captured by Anbu, practiced, interrogated, and killed.

Blackening Naruto's path, everyone is repeating it over and over again, until they can be successfully released by the roots.

When they really became Naruto, they realized how difficult it is to graduate from the roots.

Naruto basically did not inherit the blood of the Uzumaki family. His graduating 100-card Chakra was accumulated through the Eight Sign Seal composed of positive and negative four-image seals to transform Nine Tails Chakra into Naruto's own Chakra (Jiraiya taught Naruto for the first time said when).

Although at this time Naruto has been collecting Nine Tails wool for 3 years, but his Chakra amount is not too much at this time.

In addition, Nine Tails has been actively sending Chakra in an attempt to pick the lock to unlock the seal, which directly led to the fact that the control level of Chakra, which should have been at the genius level, directly became the useless level.

So even if this group of people has strong memories of previous lives, it is still extremely difficult for Chakra to control 'Naruto'.

And the most painful thing is that because of Nine Tails Chakra, 'Naruto' also has a castrated version of Muji's self-healing passive. After being abused to the point of being scarred every day, the next day he is full of energy and waits for his new day. torture.

So in this back and forth,

Countless people's spirits are on the verge of collapse, and they even directly choose to commit suicide at the beginning of reincarnation to escape reality.


And just when the entire ninja world fell into Infinite Tsukuyomi,

The blackening of the culprit Naruto is drinking wine leisurely in a different space.

Suddenly a dark space opened up in the air, and an illusory soul floated out of the space to the side of the blackened Naruto.

The person who came was dressed in white, holding a Six Paths tin rod, and a Truth-Seeking Ball floating around his back. The horns on his head proved his identity, Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo, the legendary Sage of Six Paths.

Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo looked at the blackened Naruto with a serious face and said:

"May I ask what your purpose is?"

Blackening Naruto sneered at the Sage of Six Paths, which has been sung until now, and showed a playful expression:

"Purpose? The purpose is of course world peace."

Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo's white face became a bit dark, he pointed to the surveillance screen of the entire ninja world that emerged from the sky in the space and said:

"Is this world peace?"

In the picture at this time, the entire ninja world fell into a deep sleep, and everyone fell to the ground and couldn't sleep.

Naruto chuckled: "I heard one of my brothers say before, feel pain, experience pain, accept pain, understand pain. People who don't know pain will not know what peace is. So I decided to let them feel something It's pain."

Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo frowned: "But you can't impose your pain on others, right?"

Naruto looked at Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo with a strange face: "Then who gave me my pain, should I seek revenge from the person who gave me pain?"

Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo opened his mouth: "You should understand each other, and everyone should understand each other. I teach Ninja to share Chakra and bring people closer..."

"Shut up!"

Naruto unceremoniously interrupted Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo's speech, "You teach Ninja to resist the Ōtsutsuki clan, right?"

"What are you doing so tall? To make up for the guilt of sealing your mother?"

"You see, your brother is very smart. He knew he was cheated by the toad, so he ran to the moon to accompany his mother."

"Only you are wandering around the ninja world like a psycho all day long, just trying to select powerful ninjas by imparting Chakra refining techniques."

"You are more hypocritical than Ōtsutsuki Kaguya. Ōtsutsuki Kaguya ruled the ninja world for a thousand years and gave birth to a total of 100,000 White Zetsu, but the ninja world you created, how many ninjas died in the millennium, all of this is not because you set up a plan to make your two sons Infighting, so as to provide you with a powerful soul."

"But you should have also discovered that Impure World Reincarnation has a limit. The strongest Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara still cannot pose a threat to the Six Paths level."

"So get out of here while I'm in a good mood, or you half-baked Six Paths class, I don't mind getting rid of you!"

After Naruto finished speaking, circles of blue ripples suddenly appeared in his originally blue eyes, and the circles were dotted with hook jades, which made people feel the coercion of terror just by looking at them.

Jiugouyu Rinnegan!

Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo looked at Naruto with a livid face: "Are you from the Ōtsutsuki family?!"

Naruto gave Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo a strange look: "I won't tell you all, I am Uzumaki Naruto, sixth Hokage."

Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo immediately retorted: "Impossible! How do you know things in ancient times!"

Naruto flashed a trace of nostalgia,

"It probably started with a 720-episode memory that inexplicably popped into my mind?"

Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo looked at Naruto with question marks,

But at this time, Naruto has no idea of ​​wrangling with this guy, because at this time the first batch of players who received his rewards seem to have separated from Infinite Tsukuyomi.

The blue Nine Gou Yu Rinnegan flashed, and black holes suddenly appeared behind the soul of Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo.

Huang Quan Hirazaka!

"Wait a minute! I haven't..."

Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo didn't exclaim in surprise, a strong repulsive force came from the front and pushed him away.

After he returned to the ninja world again, he found that he could no longer find the exposed space coordinates.

Apparently it was left to him by Naruto on purpose.

Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo sensed the earth with an ugly face, then got up and flew towards the moon.

ps. Ask for data

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