Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter Thirty: Naruto's Killing Intent

【"Quickly tell me! Where is Naruto-kun!"】

【In the school, Ino and a group of girls asked loudly in front of Shikamaru and others. 】

【Shikamaru looked at Yingying Yanyan around with a headache, not a trace of happiness. 】

【"How do I know! Maybe I skipped class, after all, Naruto's strength doesn't require school classes at all."】

【"You are talking nonsense! How could Naruto-kun skip class!" "That's right, that's right, Naruto-kun must have gone to work. It's a pitiful life alone." What about orphans?"]

【Not far away, Sasuke clenched his fists. This should have been his treatment, but it was snatched away by that nasty Naruto. 】

In the original plot, Sasuke is cold and cold, because the world revolves around him. He has a harmonious family, a strong ethnic group, and talents far beyond ordinary people. It is commonplace to attract these Muggles, which naturally does not attract him. His original goal was on his brother.

Now there is a Naruto standing in front of him, which makes the self-proclaimed genius extremely jealous.

[At this time, Naruto was walking through the woods in Anbu costume, accompanied by Uchiha Itachi and Kakashi. 】

[This is the first time he has performed the Anbu mission, to be precise, the root mission, because this operation is not in the name of Hokage. 】

【Responsible for the face-to-face exchange of scrolls is the ninja team that Might Guy and Ten Thousand Years Genin Maruhoshi Kosuke belong to. 】

[At night, Maruhoshi Kosuke used the big black pot behind him to cook the food, and Kakashi and the others were eating dry Bingliang pills on the treetops not far away. 】

【"They don't know the inside story of the mission, right?" Uchiha Itachi looked at the cheerful Might Guy and the others and asked. 】

[Kakashi nods. 】

【"Yes, the only ones who know the inside story are Konoha's senior management, and us who accepted the mission."】

【Uchiha Itachi: "Unexpectedly, that person clearly didn't know the inside story of the mission but realized the essence of the mission."】

【Kakashi glanced at the Might Guy below: "Some people's intuition is terrible."】

Might Guy: "Hahaha! Kakashi, are you overwhelmed by my heroic appearance?"

Kakashi: "..."

[Kakashi looked at the unpalatable Bingliang Wan in his hand and said with emotion: "In a sense, this really fits our Anbu. They are eating hot pot leisurely in the sun, but we are eating Bingliang Wan in Anbu."]

【Uchiha Itachi smiled slightly: "It's okay, I know Anbu's nature very well, what about you, Naruto?"】

[Uchiha Itachi suddenly turned his head to look at Naruto, Naruto seemed a little dazed, and suddenly looked at Uchiha Itachi with a shock: "Huh?"]

【Hatake Kakashi took a deep look at Naruto and began to close his eyes to meditate. 】

【Uchiha Itachi: "You've been a little absent-minded since just now."】

【Naruto's smiling Kaidō: "Is there? Sorry, I really didn't notice."】

Onogi on the two-day scale: "This kid, there seems to be something wrong. I always feel that he looks at the two Anbu with malicious eyes."

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Hey, too young, that's Sharingan, I heard they can read people's hearts."

Senju Tobirama: "Hehe, it's just an observation eye. It's easy to guess the other person's psychology through the micro-expressions of people. I don't know why, but I feel that Naruto seems to want to kill them both. Could it be Danzo's intention?"

Uzumaki Naruto: "You nonsense! How could I do anything to Kakashi-sensei! And there is no reason."

Uchiha Sasuke: "Hehe, it's better to kill, maybe if you die..."

Uchiha Fugaku: "Sasuke, shut up!"

Uchiha Sasuke: "Father? Why! Are you still partial to that guy?! Damn!!"

Uchiha Mikoto: "Sasuke..."

Uchiha Fugaku: "Shut up!"

Uchiha Sasuke: "Damn, what are you guys hiding from me!"

[Soon everyone came to the edge of the border,]

【 Might Guy started negotiating with the other party, but when the other party got the information, what was sent to Might Guy was a set detonating talisman. 】

[ Might Guy kicked it out, and the scroll exploded violently in the air. 】

【"Konoha violated the agreement and launched an attack on us, so we will take retaliation for this!"】

[The female ninjas of the Prajna Congregation looked at Might Guy with a sneer and sneered, and then a large number of ninjas appeared on the cliff at the border and started laughing. 】

[Two Chūnins under Guy showed fear on their faces. 】

【At this time Kakashi waved his hand and whispered: "It's our turn."】

【With a bang, the three of them landed in front of Guy. 】

【"Leave the rest to us, you guys escape."】

【"Anbu?!" Konoha and the others were overjoyed. 】

[The Prajna of the Kingdom of the Forest directly performed the joint ninjutsu: "Earth Style Rockfall!"]

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