Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 31 The Second Round Of Answering Questions

Shimura Danzō: "Haha! Sure enough, I have a dark heart, right? My original judgment was correct!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Isn't it my order?"

Shimura Danzō: "Hehe."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Danzo, don't forget that I am Hokage!"

Shimura Danzō: "Hehe, you're not even allowed to laugh?"

In the Hokage building,

Sarutobi Hiruzen squeezed the pipe in his hand in half, this damn Danzo, every time he wants to gain some fame, this guy jumps out to yin and yang himself, anyway, now he has become a big trend, or kill him, anyway, now The roots have almost merged.

【Earth Style · Earth Flow Wall! 】

[A soil wall with a dog's head on it blocked the rockslides of the Prajna Congregation in the Kingdom of the Forest. 】

[The moment Kakashi shot, Uchiha Itachi and Naruto breathed up from both sides through the dust at the same time. 】

【"Eight Inner Gates·Fifth Du Gate·Open!"】

[The melon-skinned ninja covered in green Chakra stepped on the rock and rushed up. 】

【Uchiha Itachi on one side looked at Might Guy with a shocked face: "Only using Taijutsu...?"】

[Before he finished being shocked, Naruto has already formed a seal with both hands: "Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"]

[Hundreds of Shadow Clone appeared densely before the eyes of Prajna. 】

【"Impossible! How could there be such a powerful Chakra!"】

[The leaders of the Prajna group changed their expressions and exclaimed. 】

[However, what surprised him even more was not limited to this. Hundreds of Naruto quickly formed seals with both hands at the same time: "Wind Style·vacuum waves!"】

[Countless powerful wind blades spewed out from the mouths of Shadow Clone and Naruto, and the indiscriminate attacks directly swept away the Prajna Congregation on the cliff. 】

【Kakashi, Might Guy, and Uchiha Itachi stared at the ninjutsu bombing in front of them in dumbfounded. 】

[This TM is a six-year-old ninja? ! 】

The Xiaoqiang who watched the movie all looked at Naruto, who was immersed in his own strength. Now they all have the same experience. Why is there such a big gap between Naruto on the projection and them? !

Senju Hashirama: "(Dignified) This Naruto, I'm afraid he can already control Nine Tails Chakra! The feeling he gives me is very similar to that of Madara back then."

Uchiha Madara: "Hehe, just because this kid is worthy of comparing with me?"

Senju Tobirama: "You are better than him in clearing the level in the Tsukuyomi space?"

Uchiha Madara: "Hmph! Of course! I am the master of Nine Tails!"

Kurama: "Me! @¥%#!"

Everyone: "???"

Uchiha Madara: "(angry) what are you, dare to scold me?"

Kurama: "I fuck @¥#...!"

Uchiha Madara: "Hehe, when you wait for my resurrection, I will make you kneel in front of me."

Senju Tobirama: "It's as if you can be resurrected. It's not certain whether you can answer the questions correctly."

Uchiha Madara: "Hehe, my resurrection needs to rely on this answer?"

Everyone: "???"

[On the battlefield, the prajna crowd of the forest country suffered heavy casualties following Naruto's attack. 】

[They originally planned to bully the few with more, how could they have expected to encounter such a situation, the vacuum wave split many Prajna congregations into two in an instant like sharp sword energy, and the few people who wanted to escape from the battlefield were blocked Kakashi and Uchiha Itachi siege. 】

【Kakashi retrieved the information that Might Guy handed over before, and handed it back to him. 】

【"Take it, take it back to the village, your mission is over."】

【 Might Guy smiled knowingly and wanted to say hello to Kakashi, but there was a screaming sound from the side. 】

【 Might Guy turned his head in a hurry, but saw Naruto and Uchiha Itachi making up swords to the groaning Prajna with quick movements. 】

【"Hey! What are you doing!" Guy looked at the two in shock. 】

【Kakashi walked up to the front and said blankly: "This is the task we accepted."】

【Might Guy looked at Naruto and Itachi who were attacking the helpless enemy and said anxiously: "That can't be...stop it, Kakashi!"】

【Kakashi stared at Might Guy with cold eyes: "Hey, how can you call out the name of Anbu who is on a mission!"】

【 Might Guy watched Kakashi's darkness penetrated into the bone marrow and felt a shudder. 】

【"It's okay, Captain, they've all been wiped out."】

【Uchiha Itachi and Naruto walked up to Might Guy covered in blood, the murderous aura emanating from their bodies made Might Guy doubt his will of fire. 】

[In his opinion, ninjas shouldn't be like this. Ninjas should attack to protect their companions, not just to kill. 】

The projected picture stopped abruptly,

Blackening Naruto suddenly appeared on the projection in the sky.

"How do you guys feel? Do you have a better understanding of ninjas?"

Blackened Naruto smiled:

"The next step is to rely on the defense, and those who answer correctly will be rewarded."

"What is the meaning of the existence of 'ninja'?"

ps. Ask for data

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