Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 32 The Meaning Of Ninja Is To Kill

Looking at the playful figure in the sky, everyone fell into silence.

After watching Anbu's brutal killing method, everyone's mood became a little depressed.

Although Anbu existed in every village, when this bloody practice was put on the table, everyone felt a little embarrassed.

Senju Hashirama: "Tobirama, you made Anbu?"

Senju Tobirama: "Brother, you should know that the battle between ninjas is cruel, either you die or I live!"

Senju Hashirama: "(angry) So what is the purpose of my establishment of Konoha Village!"

In the Hokage office,

Sarutobi Hiruzen watched Senju Hashirama's speech in the chat room and took a puff on his pipe.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Master Hashirama, not everyone can become a ninja god."

This sentence is a sentence that Sarutobi Hiruzen has held in his heart for a long time.

Not everyone is the god of the ninja world, and not everyone is able to set up the Buddha, and two people will destroy the four kingdoms.

Senju Hashirama thinks of peace too idealistically, and he thinks Tailed Beast is too powerful.

As a small clan that survived Sengoku, the Sarutobi clan does not have any blood succession limits and special talents. The only characteristic is that there are more Fire Style ninjas.

However, under the halo of the Uchiha clan, it seemed too weak, and it was too difficult for the small clan to rise, so the Sarutobi clan had to run over to be their dog legs when the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan united.

But none of the families in the Sengoku period prioritized the interests of the family, and the education Sarutobi Hiruzen received was naturally the same.

In his opinion, the village was originally a tool for the purpose of strengthening the family, and sacrificing himself to help others, isn't this pure irony.

So the first time he became Hokage, he was trying to figure out how to restrain the Senju clan.

Because the Sarutobi clan is not the Senju clan, it is impossible for them to raise a Senju Hashirama.

But the Senju family can have countless Senju Hashirama, Sengoku has existed for so many years, Ashura's reincarnation is not once, Wood Style is not a rare thing.

The Senju family basically has a powerful Wood Style ninja in every generation, but this time I don’t know why it didn’t appear.

The patriarch of his little ninja naturally didn't know that Ashura Chakra was reincarnated following Indra Chakra, and Ashura would not be reincarnated until Indra reincarnated and died.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who felt that this was a godsend opportunity, naturally launched a plan against the Senju clan without hesitation.

By the time Uchiha Madara died of old age, all the direct descendants of the Senju clan had died in battle.

Not everyone can become a ninja god.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is the Senju family that was destroyed because of this sentence.

That kind of desperate strength is what Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn't want to see.

Even at the level of Third Raikage Ai, he can still use crowd tactics to pile up to death.

But Senju Hashirama has clearly escaped the shackles of numbers.

If there is another ninja of that level in the Senju family, then his Hokage position will be handed over to others again, and the Sarutobi family that he has finally grown up will also be reduced to cannon fodder again.

Perhaps Senju Hashirama has become obsessed with the false peace established by Ninja Village, and is willing to backstab Uchiha Madara for the sake of the village,

But Sarutobi Hiruzen has never forgotten that the reason why the Sarutobi clan joined the village is to make the Sarutobi clan stronger.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes flashed fiercely, and he kept tapping on the table with his fingers. After a long time, he sent directly in the barrage:

"The reason for the existence of ninjas is to kill!"

Uzumaki Naruto: "Why, old man, didn't you say that ninjas protect the village and their companions?"

Senju Hashirama: "I don't agree with what you said, monkey! Ninjas exist to protect peace!"

Senju Tobirama: "Ninjas exist to maintain rule."

Uchiha Madara: "Boring, the existence of ninjas is meaningless."

Uzumaki Xianglin: "The meaning of ninja existence is to make people feel pain."

"To make money and support the family." "To pretend."

Wuhua Eight Gate's answers were constantly refreshed on the barrage. After everyone appeared on the black slate in the center of Ninja Village, the blackened Naruto's figure appeared again.

This time blackening Naruto didn't talk nonsense at all, I saw him snap his fingers.

Two white lights suddenly lit up on the Yin-Yang escape stone slab.

The answers of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Uzumaki Kaphos appear in the column.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was ecstatic in his heart,

Did you get the answer right? !

That blackened Naruto didn't even wear little shoes for himself because of what he did?

On the other side, a red-haired girl among the candidates looked at the name that appeared in the barrage with a look of disbelief.

Did you get the answer right?

However, at this moment, the two people with the Forehead Protector of Kusanagi Village on their heads suddenly pushed her to the ground:

"Bitch! Hand over the reward you got this time!"

ps. Looking for data, 5 updates, it can be regarded as catching up, tomorrow is a new January, please ask for a monthly ticket, is there anyone else?

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