Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 38 Senju Tobirama's Extinct Account

[The conversation between the two did not shy away from Naruto at all, because both of them are staunch supporters of Konoha, and they are not afraid of being discovered by Konoha F4. 】

[And Naruto later truthfully reported what the two said to Danzo. 】

Senju Hashirama: "Haha, Tobirama, have you seen it? I told you that the Uchiha clan also yearns for peace."

Uchiha Izuna: "Longing for peace? This is purely brainwashed. During the Sengoku period, we fought for the purpose of protecting the ethnic group, but after joining the village, we were wiped out for no reason. Brother, is this the village you want to build?"

Uchiha Madara: "Sorry Izuna, I was too naive at the time, it was too late when I found out the mistake, the clansmen have been dazzled by the so-called peace, and no one followed me when I left, don't worry, I The real path to peace has been found, and I've seen it done!"

Uchiha Setsuna: "Master Madara, I tried to help us Uchiha regain what we deserved, but unfortunately failed, sorry!"

Senju Tobirama: "Hehe, peace, where there is real peace, there will be strife wherever there are people. This is unavoidable, and only my eldest brother with a sincere temper can say such words as peace."

Uchiha Madara: "You were the one who refused to join forces with Uchiha to build a village. Later, you agreed to your elder brother's proposal. Now it seems that your purpose is to weaken Uchiha's combat power through the village, so as to achieve the Uchiha clan. The result of total destruction."

Senju Tobirama: "You Uchiha clan are looking for death, what does it have to do with me? I chose Uchiha Kagami as my personal guard. I am not as narrow-minded as you think!"

Uchiha Obito: "Huh? Not so narrow? Let the Uchiha clan who became stronger in the battle be in charge of the Konoha garrison that offends people and subtly weakens the overall combat effectiveness of the Uchiha clan. At the same time, select genius ninjas from the Uchiha clan to brainwash and divide, In order to achieve the effect of not only possessing the combat power of the Sharingan but also destroying most of the Uchiha. It can only be called Second Hokage."

As soon as these words came out, many Uchiha dead souls fell into deep thought.

It seems that this is true, the strongest of the Uchiha clan is naturally the Sharingan,

The Sharingan in the Sengoku period was similar to the white eyes, and basically they could be opened at will, because at that time there was a war, and many relatives and friends died.

However, once the Uchiha family has been immersed in peace, there is no chance to be stimulated to open the Sharingan, so most of the tribe will not be able to open the Sharingan for a lifetime.

In the year when the Uchiha clan was exterminated, there were only a few dozen people in the entire Uchiha clan who could open Sharingan, and even became a genius of the Uchiha clan as long as they opened Sharingan, which is enough to show how weakened the Uchiha clan has been.

It can be said that even if it is hard, Konoha can definitely destroy the Uchiha family with ease.

And the only three Mangekyō Sharingan who could change the situation on the battlefield all abandoned their clansmen and stood by Konoha in the end.

It can be said that the trick of assigning the Uchiha clan to the Konoha Guard is the most successful trick ever played by Senju Tobirama!

It can only be said that Senju Tobirama has been studying how to completely destroy the Uchiha family all day long, and even the people of Uchiha are not necessarily more familiar with the Uchiha family than he is.

【After listening to Naruto's return, Danzo showed a look of disdain. 】

【"Naruto, do you believe what they say?"】

【"I only trust Master Danzo's judgment."】

【Danzo looked at the smiling Naruto and nodded in satisfaction. As expected, it would be much easier to leave it to him to train. If he had to engage in the will of bullshit, look at Naruto now, as a Jinchūriki should look like, Fourth Hokage So what about the son, in the interests of the village, individuals can sacrifice at any time. 】

Uzumaki Kushina: "That bastard, look, this is the village you want to protect, the country you want to protect!"

Namikaze Minato: "(Wry smile) Kushina, Master Danzo is right, if it's for the sake of the overall situation..."

Uzumaki Kushina: "Namikaze Minato! You! %@¥#! (!"

[The next day, the gathering of the Uchiha clan proceeded normally. 】

[However, in the evening before leaving, Uchiha Shisui was looking at the distant tribe and muttering to himself. 】

【"It's decided like this. It's not difficult to use my Sharingan to cast illusions to stop the coup d'état, and it will be over soon. It's just that itachi will be angry if he acts without authorization, but as long as the two brothers live happily alright."】

forest country,

Uchiha Itachi looked at Shisui on the projection and his eyes twitched. Kisame on the side watched with relish and smiled:

"Mr. Itachi, this Shisui seems to be really kind to you."

Itachi didn't speak, just lowered his eyes.

【However, at this moment, several kunbu shot towards Shisui from a blind spot. 】

[Several ninjas in white and black robes jumped out of the forest and killed Shisui! 】

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