Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 39 Distinguished Heavenly Gods Light!

【Shisui's expression changed, "Who are you?!"】

[Kunai's hand-to-hand combat sounded, and Shisui retreated to a relatively spacious grassland while fighting, followed by several roots. 】

【"Is it really the root? Then the mastermind behind the scenes is..." Shisui frowned. He had just been introduced to Danzo by Third Generation, but he came to kill him. 】

【"Such a quick skill, as expected of Shisui." Danzo glanced at Shisui in admiration,】

【Shisui's face turned ugly: "Danzo...!"】

【Danzo waved his hand calmly: "You go back first."】

【Shisui asked with a livid face: "What are your plans? Why are you hindering me?!"】

【Danzo said lightly: "Being able to sneak into the opponent's mind and create an illusion that resembles a real experience, Distinguished Heavenly Gods, you actually want to use such precious power to prevent a mere coup d'état. I didn't expect that the descendants of the Uchiha clan would not Knowing the real usage of the Sharingan, even if you temporarily suppress them with the pupil technique, as long as the Uchiha clan is still there, the village’s suspicion of their coup will not be eliminated.”]

【"Even if it achieves temporary results, it's only for the moment. You can't guarantee that things won't happen in the future. No, it should definitely happen again. The confrontation between Uchiha and Konoha is just a matter of time."】

【"In that case, let's take this opportunity to wipe out the Uchiha clan! This is for the sake of everyone in the village, isn't it?"】

【Shisui's face is livid: "Danzo! You wanted to..." from the beginning

【Danzo raised his head and said with emotion: "This is also for the peace of Konoha Village."】

【Then he looked at Shisui's scarlet Sharingan again and smiled: "Don't worry, I will use your Sharingan effectively."】

【Danzo rushed towards Shisui after speaking: "Shisui! I want your eyes!"】

【"Damn it! Come out to make trouble at such a time!" Shisui drew out his short blade and fought with Danzo. 】

[The fierce fight between the two made it impossible for everyone at the root to intervene. 】

[Naruto stood in the root team with a look of surprise in his eyes: "Tsk tsk, I thought it was a one-sided situation."]

【The root on the side asked Naruto strangely: "What are you talking about?"】

【"No, I didn't say anything, but I don't think Master Danzo is his opponent. It seems that we have to support at any time."】

【"Don't be kidding, that's Mr. Danzo, and his strength is no worse than Third Hokage."】

【Naruto pouted, Third Hokage? Is that thing strong? 】

In this world,

Hearing Naruto's disdainful voice, Third Hokage's cheeks twitched twice. At this moment, he seemed to have a sense of foreboding. This Naruto seemed not as obedient as he imagined.

At this time, in the examination room, Sasuke stared at the sky with tearing eyes,

Danzo's words made the unease in his heart grow stronger.

【"Wind Style·Vacuum Sphere! Shisui, for the sake of the village, some sacrifices are inevitable, don't you understand? Have you forgotten the sacrifice of the Fourth Hokage?"]

【Shisui dodged the oncoming Vacuum Sphere with a blink, and then hit Danzo with a Great Fireball Technique. 】

【"If Fourth Hokage knows that you treat his children like this, I don't know what he will think!"】

【Shimura Danzō sneered: "What would he think? He won't have any thoughts. I admit that he is an excellent Hokage cultivated by Sarutobi Hiruzen. As long as he is a guy who can sacrifice for the village, whether it is a wife or a son, this kind of Qualified tool people are even enviable to me."]

Danzo's words caused Kushina in the chat room to start a new round of spiel about Namikaze Minato again. What made everyone feel strange was that this time the chat room didn't seem to intend to ban the guy who swiped the screen.

【Shisui snorted coldly: "You are wrong for planning to sacrifice others from the beginning! You have been trying to take my eyes from the beginning!"】

【"Hmph, your eyes are very useful."】

【Shisui's expression became completely angry, and his eyes instantly turned into four-cornered windmills. 】

[The bodies of the two also stood motionless in place at the same time. 】

[As soon as the screen changes, Danzo and Shisui appear in a scarlet blood moon space, and the huge Gouyu is reflected on the moon. 】

【"Here, I can rule everything!" Shisui looked down on Danzo like a god, "Turn to dust! The village and Uchiha... I will guard both sides! Don't get in my way!"】

[The terrifying light instantly filled the blood moon space, and Danzo's consciousness was completely shattered under the bombardment of the light! 】

【Distinguished Heavenly Gods Light! 】

[Using the right eye to release a wide range of golden light, pull the enemy's spirit into the illusion space, and instantly turn his spirit into ashes. 】

[It is the powerful attack pupil technique in Shisui Mangekyō Sharingan! 】

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