Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 41 Naruto Makes A Move, I Was Sent By Hokage

[Uchiha Shisui fled in embarrassment in front of him. He had already experienced a battle and had one eye gouged out. He was already exhausted at this time. 】

[Several Genbu kept using shurikens to harass and attack behind them, like fishing to prevent the opponent from dying. 】


[The poisonous mist exploded with a poison pill, and Shisui, whose reaction force was weakened, accidentally inhaled some poisonous mist. 】

【Shisui staggered and landed on a tree trunk, and the vision with his left eye has begun to blur. 】

【The Genbu crowd surrounded Shisui, and the white-robed Genbu, who was the leader, sneered at Shisui: "You have nowhere to escape, Uchiha Shisui! Avoid your face and aim for your feet."]

【The shuriken wrapped around the detonating charm flies towards Shisui's lower body. 】

【And Naruto, who was in it, took a few steps back calmly. 】

[a bang,]

[The explosion produced a large amount of smoke that directly covered Shisui. 】

[However, in the next second, countless shurikens in the shape of Gouyu attacked everyone, and several team members were instantly killed by Gouyu when they couldn't dodge. 】

【"What is this!?" The white-robed captain looked at the green Susanoo in shock. 】

[However, Uchiha Shisui was at the end of his strength at this time, and the huge Susano slowly disappeared like a flash in the pan. 】

【"Captain!" "Attack quickly!"】

[The remaining two roots threw kunai towards the fallen Shisui with some horror. 】

Uchiha Madara: "Didn't you think that even Susanoo can use it? I didn't expect that there is such a genius in the village that is not inferior to Izuna."

Uchiha Obito: "Impossible, Susano with one eye?"

He had a White Zetsu power bank installed and couldn't even turn on Susanoo with a Mangekyō.

Uchiha Madara: "What's so difficult about it, I still drive Susan even without Sharingan."

Uchiha Obito: "..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Danzo! I didn't expect you to commit such a thing without telling me. I thought it was someone from the Uchiha clan!"

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen really regretted it. He didn't expect Mangekyō Sharingan to be so powerful. If he controlled it well, this would be his combat power.

But thinking of Shisui killing Danzo, Sarutobi Hiruzen became quiet again. Shisui can't stay, his fire will is not firm enough, and the most important thing is that the effect of Distinguished Heavenly Gods is too pervert. At this time, he doubts Have you been influenced by the Distinguished Heavenly Gods?

[Just as Shisui was about to die, a thin figure instantly rescued Shisui who was about to fall to the ground. 】

【"What are you doing!"】

【Captain Anbu was furious when he saw the figure. This is Naruto who was chasing together in his team! 】

【Under the mask, Naruto showed a sneer on his face, and suddenly a huge Chakra burst out from his body, turning into two scarlet tails, directly piercing through the roots of the two survivors! 】

【Uchiha Shisui looked at Naruto under him with a look of astonishment: "You..."】

【Naruto took off his mask and smiled: "Don't talk yet."】

[Then he directly used the root secret method to completely destroy the fallen corpse. 】


【Then Naruto helped Shisui walk towards the cliff where the three discussed Uchiha before. 】

[Uchiha Itachi, who was supposed to monitor the Uchiha assembly, was already waiting here. 】

【Shisui looked at Itachi in astonishment: "One hits seven? Don't you still have a mission?"】

【Itachi looked at Shisui's embarrassed figure with a flash of anxiety on his face: "It was Naruto who informed me."】

【Shisui looks at Naruto,】

[Naruto showed an apologetic expression: "Sorry, I couldn't save you in time. My strength is not enough to fight against the entire root team and Danzo."]

【Shisui shook his head: "Why did you save me, you should be..."】

[Naruto: "For Konoha! I don't want the Uchiha clan and the village to start an infighting. I am Anbu on the side of Lord Third Hokage, and I am responsible for secretly assisting you in completing the Distinguished Heavenly Gods plan."]

【"Unfortunately, I didn't expect Danzo to be able to be resurrected without knowing what method he used. Sorry, it's too late."】

【Uchiha Shisui and Itachi's eyes flashed with emotion, it turns out that Lord Third Hokage supports us so much. 】

【Shisui: "I don't blame you. Who knew that it was the Forbidden Technique Izanagi of the Uchiha clan. It is the strongest illusion that can eliminate all unfavorable factors including death. The price is the blindness of a Sharingan. I I didn't expect Danzo to own a Sharingan, it can only be said that he hid it too deeply."]

【Shisui sighed, looking at the dark valley with a look of sadness on his face: "Uchiha's coup can no longer be stopped. Once Konoha starts a civil war, other countries will definitely take advantage of it, and the war will come to an end. It's inevitable."]

【"I originally wanted to use the Distinguished Heavenly Gods to stop the coup, but Danzo took away my right eye. He didn't believe me at all, and planned to use his own methods to protect the village desperately. He probably wanted to take my right eye too. Left eye."]

【Shisui takes one last look at Itachi and Naruto, and puts his finger over his left eye. 】

【"Before he snatches this, please hand it over to Third Hokage-sama, Naruto!"】

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