Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 42 Sarutobi Hiruzen Who Is Responsible

【Shisui handed his eyes to Naruto without the slightest doubt, after all it was Naruto who saved him from Danzo. 】

【Naruto looked at the Mangekyō Sharingan in his hand and nodded: "Don't worry, I will definitely hand it over to Lord Hokage."】

【Itachi looked at the blind Shisui and his expression became even more difficult. 】

【Shisui suddenly turned his head to Uchiha Itachi and apologized: "Maybe I have to ask you to protect this village and the reputation of the Uchiha clan, Itachi."】

【"Before that, I want to give you a gift, Itachi. This is a new power belonging to our clan, Mangekyō Sharingan!"】

【Itachi's face changes drastically when he hears this: "Shisui you!"】

【Shisui reached out to stop the excited Uchiha Itachi: "I won't live long anyway, and Danzo will not allow me to survive in the current situation. Just treat it as my last gift to you."]

[Itachi has a very sad expression on his face. 】

【Shisui patted Itachi on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't show such an expression, I can guess your expression even now, the uneasy look is not suitable for you who keep calm all the time, don't worry, you must It doesn’t matter if you can do it, show your confidence.”]

【Itachi looked at Shisui in pain: "But I want to make Uchiha with you..."】

【Shisui pats Uchiha Itachi again. 】

【"For you, the road ahead is really dark and difficult. I'm sorry that I can't walk side by side with you. I'm sorry for you."】

【"But I know you can stick to your own direction. As Konoha's ninja! And with the Third Generation project, I believe that the relationship between the Uchiha clan and Konoha will be able to ease. I believe you can."】

【Uchiha Itachi clenched his teeth in pain. 】

【"This mission is entrusted to you, and Mangekyō Sharingan, I am so grateful to have a friend like you. My path has come to an end, but he will become your strength next."】

【Shisui finally turned to Naruto, and said with a smile: "Actually, Itachi often mentioned you to me, this contemporary Anbu who is even more talented than him. I hope you can believe that he can do it, and he will not let you regret your original decision. "]

【Uchiha Shisui jumped straight to the cliff behind after speaking. 】

【"Goodbye, dear friend, I will leave the rest to you."】

【Uchiha Itachi reaches out his hand, but finally doesn't hold Shisui who committed suicide. 】

【Watching the scene of Shisui falling, Uchiha Itachi's tears couldn't stop streaming down, and his original Sangouyu crazily turned into a triangular windmill! 】

【Mangekyō Sharingan! 】

Senju Hashirama: "There are still such righteous people, for the sake of the village, for peace... oh."

Uchiha Yatsushiro: "Shisui was forced to death by Danzo, a thief, why didn't damn Uchiha Itachi say it!"

Uchiha Rice Fire: "Don't ask, haven't you seen that Nine Tails Jinchūriki? They are on Hokage's side!"

Uchiha Shisui: "Itachi, is this the same in our world? Even though I entrusted you with the future of Uchiha and Konoha, you still chose to destroy Uchiha?!"

Uchiha Itachi: "Sorry, Shisui..."

Uchiha Sasuke: "Uchiha Itachi! I'm going to kill you! And who is that Danzo! Why does he have our Uchiha's Sharingan, why is he targeting us Uchiha! I'm going to kill him too!"

Shimura Danzō: "Shut up, kid! I'm doing this for Konoha! I'm a member of the Konoha Elders, what are you trying to kill me? Are you trying to betray Konoha Village?"

Senju Hashirama: "Shut up, too! The consequences of your stupid behavior! You have clearly seen hope, but now you have killed it."

Shimura Danzō: "Master First Hokage, as you have seen, that guy doesn't just use ninjutsu against the Uchiha clan. If Konoha Village disagrees, he will target Konoha instead!"

Senju Tobirama: "Brother, I think he is right, this Distinguished Heavenly Gods ability is too dangerous."

Two-day scale Onogi: "So Sarutobi Hiruzen also has a Mangekyō Sharingan in his hand?"

Second Tsuchikage 无: "Tsk tsk, I suddenly thought of a question, you all have seen the isolation that Nine Tails Jinchūriki suffered when they were young, but I think Uzumaki Naruto seems very optimistic now, if Distinguished Heavenly Gods can modify people In other words, Uzumaki Naruto's will has been modified?"

Third Mizukage Ghost Moon: "Only here I agree with you. You don't know the character of the Jinchūriki in the village. I think the spirit of the red-haired kid in Sunagakure is just like a Jinchūriki should be. , so it must be that Uzumaki Naruto has been modified by Shimura Danzō long ago!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Don't slander others casually, I don't have a Mangekyō Sharingan in my hand!"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Hehe, Shisui was handed over to Naruto to give it to you, didn't you? Even if the experience in this world is different, Uchiha Itachi should give you the Sharingan, right? I... I am stupid?!"

Just when Fourth Raikage was talking about continuing Yinyang Sarutobi Hiruzen, everyone stared at the projection and couldn't help but curse.


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