Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 43 Blackening Naruto's First Kill, Look Back!

Everyone looked at the projection in shock,

Even the other Four Great Ninja Villages, who originally took the opportunity to provoke trouble, couldn't help but let out a 'fuck'.

Because in the projection at this time, the palm of Naruto, who had always been unknown to Konoha and had a very low sense of presence, penetrated directly into the heart of Uchiha Itachi!

Just now,

【Uchiha Itachi wanted to reach out to hold Uchiha Shisui who fell off the cliff, but the will of fire in his heart prevented his actions. 】

[Seeing that his beloved relatives and friends were about to die in front of him on the spot, Uchiha Itachi's Sharingan spun crazily and with tears falling, he successfully opened Mangekyō Sharingan. 】

[At this time, he was at the most shaky moment in his life, and Naruto, who was always harmless to humans and animals behind him, moved. 】

[The berserk Chakra erupted from Naruto in an instant, and Naruto turned into a black-faced fox in an instant, with four tails swaying behind his back, and Chakra Scalpel was attached to his palm and pierced through Uchiha Itachi's back And pass. 】


【Uchiha Itachi spat out a mouthful of blood, he looked down at the scarlet palm holding his heart in astonishment. 】


【 Uchiha Itachi turned his head to look at Naruto with difficulty, at this moment Naruto still had a trace of his original harmless appearance. 】

【"For peace."】

【Naruto's slightly sarcastic voice came from the Nine Tails coat. 】

Killer Bee: "How is it possible~?! This guy has already controlled the 4-tailed tail beast coat~!"

【Uchiha Itachi opened his mouth, but couldn't speak. 】

【Naruto said as if self-serving: "For peace, but I am not for Konoha's peace, I want to destroy Konoha's peace. People can't at least not build peace on the pain of others."】

[Then Naruto's expression became ferocious: "Why are those idiots in the village enjoying the peace brought by ninjas with peace of mind, why should I become the Nine Tails Jinchūriki that everyone hates! Why is the person I trust most My worst enemy, why should I kill my companions!"]

【"The future that you are looking forward to to save the world has died in the root prison three years ago. What I want to do is to destroy the world and re-establish order!"】

【"Payne is right. People need to understand pain and feel pain to understand each other, but he is too stupid to think that collecting tailed beasts to create Forbidden Technique can achieve the purpose of deterrence."】

【"It's a pity that this is not enough! People will choose to give up resistance only when they feel real despair. I don't want the world to feel pain, I want the world to feel despair! Pain from the abyss of the soul!"]

【 Naruto growled at Itachi who was about to die as if venting, and then he crushed the heart in his hand. 】

[Itachi tried his best to use the Mangekyō Sharingan to pull him into the Tsukuyomi space. He had to kill the young man in front of him, because the man in front of him was simply a collection of hatred, even worse than the hatred in Nine Tails' heart. this boy. 】

[However, before he could release the ninjutsu, a sharp pain hit his eyes, and his eyes had already been gouged out. 】

[Naruto's indifferent voice came again: "You don't have to try to resist anymore, I know everything about you."]

【"I have been waiting for this opportunity for almost 4 years. I may not be your opponent and Shisui, but I know too well when to attack you."】

【The tailed beast coat on Naruto's body retreated slowly, his entire skin had been completely burned by the Nine Tails Chakra, and his whole body was like a devil in hell. 】

【But at this time, Naruto didn't show any painful expression. Compared with the pain in his heart, the physical injury can no longer shake him at all. 】

【Naruto took out a Summoning scroll, and he sealed Shisui's body and Itachi's body into the scroll and swallowed it directly. 】

[Then Naruto quickly forged the battlefield, checking for hidden fluctuations around him, when he was sure everything was safe. 】

[He used Shadow Clone and Transformation Technique to create the figures of Shisui and Itachi. 】

[The next second, the huge Nine Tails Chakra erupted, and Anbu and Gen Ge, who lost the trace of Naruto and Shisui, simultaneously sensed this malicious Chakra fluctuation. 】


[Several teams quickly reached the edge of the cliff where Naruto was. 】

【At this time, Naruto seems to be losing his mind and kills 'Uchiha Shisui' and 'Uchiha Itachi' in front of him. 】

[The Gouyu in Uchiha Shisui's eyes spun wildly, and the pupil power left in the Distinguished Heavenly Gods was activated, instantly attacking Anbu and everyone at the root. 】

【'Uchiha Itachi' snorted coldly: "Danzo! I remembered."】

【After speaking, he jumped off the cliff without waiting for Root and Anbu to react. 】

[And Naruto, who lost his target, "coincidentally" transferred his malice to the few teams that just arrived...]

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