【Sarutobi Hiruzen watched the unconscious Naruto walk out of the ward. 】

[However, in the next second, Naruto's closed eyes suddenly opened, and the original blue left eye instantly turned into a scarlet four-cornered windmill. 】

【Tears of blood flow from the eyes, the symbol of Mangekyō flashes in the right eye for a moment and then disappears. 】

Uchiha Madara: "Transfer the seal? This kid actually set Shisui's Distinguished Heavenly Gods in his left eye in advance? Interesting."

Onogi on two scales: "Is he snatching Uchiha Itachi's Mangekyō really because he wants to fight the Distinguished Heavenly Gods that Danzo snatched?"

【 Naruto sat up slowly, Nine Tails Chakra was continuously transformed into Naruto's own Chakra by Eight Sign Seal. The burned skin is also starting to heal itself at an unreasonable speed, but this time the burn is because of the Nine Tails Chakra, so even the same Nine Tails Chakra repair can't heal overnight like before. 】

【"Sure enough, the guess is right?"】

【A gleam of coldness flashed in Naruto's eyes. Through the memory of "Hokage Ninja", he wondered why he was still optimistic under such extreme discrimination. 】

[He thinks that it is impossible to do it with his own will, especially because he still has the memory of a parallel world named Namikaze. Even with his parents, he still cannot erase the hatred in his heart. How could Naruto, whom Ye targeted, live so optimistically. 】

[So he made a bold guess based on the Distinguished Heavenly Gods set on the Mangekyō that Uchiha Itachi gave Naruto in the plot. 】

[That is, the self in the plot was used Distinguished Heavenly Gods to modify the will! 】

[Why didn't Danzo use Distinguished Heavenly Gods to win the Hokage position? Why did Uchiha Itachi know that Distinguished Heavenly Gods can successfully modify Sasuke's will to protect Konoha? 】

[If only the effect that Danzo released on the Iron Country Sanfune at the Five Kages Talks, it is absolutely impossible for Sasuke to devote his allegiance to Konoha. 】

[Then there is only one possibility, Uchiha Itachi has seen an example modified by Distinguished Heavenly Gods, and Danzo is unable to use Distinguished Heavenly Gods on Sarutobi Hiruzen because of the CD for more than 10 years! 】

[So during this year, Naruto has been planning to capture Shisui's other eye to resist the invasion of the Distinguished Heavenly Gods. For this reason, he used the transfer seal to engrave the pupil of the Distinguished Heavenly Gods into the left eye, so as to hit the Distinguished Heavenly Gods Heavenly Gods is the condition of the operation to trigger its own Distinguished Heavenly Gods to offset. 】

[Since this is only guessed by Naruto based on the plot, he is not sure whether he will use it, but he thinks it is quite cost-effective to use a Mangekyō to prevent himself from being brainwashed, especially against an old cunt like Sarutobi Hiruzen, He didn't dare to be careless at all. 】

[As for attacking Uchiha Itachi, it was an opportunity he had waited so hard for. This guy's strength is too strong. Even Naruto, who has already grasped the advantage of the plot, still has no confidence in defeating the genius who let Sasuke go to sea . 】

【Naruto has only one chance if he wants to get Rinnegan, and he must ensure that he kills Uchiha Itachi while opening his eyes. 】

【"Sarutobi Hiruzen..." Naruto sneered with a chilling smile, "I will definitely make your life worse than death!"】

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "..."

"Go, send two more people to keep an eye on Naruto." "Yes!"

Onoki: "Tsk tsk, you're only 7 years old, right? What kind of monster did your Third Hokage provoke?"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Don't you wonder how he knows so many secrets? Even Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn't know this information, right?"

Terumi Mei: "It seems to be the "Hokage Ninja". Obviously there are a lot of information about ninjas in Konoha Village. It seems that we should collect this stuff from somewhere."

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya: "My Chakras!!"

Black Zetsu: "Mother, don't make trouble, you can't speak indiscriminately here."

Uchiha Madara: "???"

[The defection of Itachi and Shisui made the atmosphere in the village even more tense. The ninjas in the entire Konoha Village are like a powder keg, always clashing with the Konoha Guard. 】

【Naruto returned to school after recovering from his injury. After this incident, even Anbu's mission was resigned. 】

[Only Naruto himself knows, this is Sarutobi Hiruzen thinking that he has won the Distinguished Heavenly Gods, and he no longer needs to be watched by Kakashi as before. 】

[The defection of Uchiha Itachi also made the original pretender Sasuke become silent, but his training also began to become more assiduous. 】

[In the actual combat class, Sasuke threw several shurikens at Naruto, and at the same time, his hands were not idle and quickly made seals. 】

【"Fire Style Great Fireball Technique!"】

[A flame nearly two meters long spewed out towards Naruto, and the teacher in charge of the assessment widened his eyes in disbelief: "How is it possible! How old is he, and he has already released ninjutsu of this level!?"]

[It is important to know that nearly half of Genin only master the most basic Three Body Technique and Shuriken Technique, and the remaining half of Genin only master one or two C-level ninjutsu at most. 】

[Now that Sasuke has used Great Fireball Technique, it basically means that he is already a top existence among Genin. 】

[The B-level Shadow Clone used by Uchiha Itachi can only be done at the Chūnin level, which is why he graduated directly after one year of school. 】

【"So handsome!" "Sasuke is awesome!"】

[A group of little girls couldn't help screaming when they saw such a wonderful ninjutsu. 】

[However, Naruto curled his lips in disdain, and disappeared in place in an instant, and the next second, Kunai was already lying on Sasuke's neck. 】

【"The forward swing is too long and the speed is too slow."】

【Naruto said to Sasuke with livid face. 】

[Although he has more memories of "Hokage Ninja", he is only a 7-year-old child after all. When he appeared because of the protective color of Distinguished Heavenly Gods, he still pretended to compare himself to his classmates unconsciously. 】

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