Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 48: Naruto Shaken By The Will Of Fire

【"Ah! Naruto is more handsome~" "Sure enough, Naruto is the only one more handsome than Sasuke!!" "He's looking at me~ Naruto-kun is looking at me!"]

[The little girls on the training ground screamed excitedly, Shikamaru covered his ears with disgust on his face. 】

Uzumaki Naruto from the outside showed an idiot-like expression, he raised his eyebrows proudly and said with a smile: "Haha, Sasuke, do you see, I am actually much more popular than you!"

Sasuke looked gloomyly at Naruto and didn't speak. Naruto felt a chill in his heart and didn't stimulate Sasuke any more.

At this time, Naruto also closed his smile, his heart was also not so peaceful,

He was wondering if he was also influenced by the Distinguished Heavenly Gods,

Once the seed is planted, it will germinate rapidly.

Why do I try to be Hokage myself?

Why do I let the group of villagers who discriminate and exclude me recognize it?

As a normal person, shouldn't it be revenge?

Why did I still use pranks to attract their attention when I knew they would look at me with disgust?

Distinguished Heavenly Gods may be very powerful, he can change the will of the spellcaster without the opponent being detected.

But once the opponent realizes that he may be a medium-skilled player, the effect of Distinguished Heavenly Gods will weaken.

Just like when Mifune was cast Distinguished Heavenly Gods by Danzo, after being exposed by Qing, Mifune voluntarily gave up his identity as a notary to prevent misjudgment.

The advantage of Distinguished Heavenly Gods lies in its invisibility, silently changing the decision made by the enemy without being discovered by the magician.

And when the magician realizes that he is being manipulated by the Distinguished Heavenly Gods, the original decision will be overturned by himself.

Even if Naruto didn't hit the Distinguished Heavenly Gods, but when he thought he had hit the illusion of the Distinguished Heavenly Gods, he would subconsciously deny that he was loyal to Konoha's idea of ​​being Hokage.

In the original plot, Naruto breaks the curse of the Distinguished Heavenly Gods in about two stages. One is when Jiraiya goes to Rain Shinobi Village to spy on the enemy and die. Everyone, including Tsunade, only pays attention to information.

At that time, Naruto just wondered why such a heartless Konoha himself wanted to be Hokage.

The other is Payne's attack on the village, and Hinata was killed by Payne in order to protect herself.

At that time, Naruto had completely broken the shackles of the "village" and became a Hokage for those who love him.

This is why he behaved so double-standard in the later plots, begging Fourth Raikage to let Sasuke go, but he didn't allow Raikage to give up revenge after killing Sasuke, and later chose to pardon Orochimaru, just because he chose to monitor.

At that time, Naruto was no longer the black and white boy controlled by the Distinguished Heavenly Gods named "Will of Fire".

Now that the projection appears, the seeds of doubt have been buried first. At this time, Naruto's heart is not as calm as it looks on the outside, especially after going through the same three years as in the projection, even if the will of fire has already Deeply rooted in him, cracks began to appear in his inner beliefs.

【After school, Naruto invited Ino and Hinata to go shopping outside the village. Naruto, who does not need to perform Anbu tasks, has more time to freely control. 】

[So Naruto chose to develop relationships with Ino and Hinata. 】

[One of the two is the eldest lady of the Ino–Shika–Chō family, and the other is the direct descendant of the Hyuga family. No matter which one you win, it will be of great benefit to your future treatment. 】

[Because Naruto has been missing for three years, although Hinata has a good impression of Naruto, but it has not reached the point where Naruto is necessary in the plot, so Naruto decided to take the initiative to capture the hearts of the two. 】

[As for which one to choose? Just kidding, in order to build my own network, I have to choose everything. At this time, Naruto is not the good-for-nothing in the original book who stares at a commoner green tea whore all day long. He has already blackened and only thinks about which girl to associate with. After that, it will be more beneficial to what you have to do. 】

[And as a commoner, the only way he can think of to deepen the connection with the various clans is naturally to marry. Anyway, there is no rule in the Ninja world to marry only one, and it will be over when he becomes stronger. 】

[However, Naruto, Ino, and Hinata just left the school, and a concession in the distance made him frown. 】

【"Ino, you take Hinata back first, I have something to do, I can't accompany you today."】

【"Huh?" Ino looked at Naruto reluctantly, "What's the matter, can we be together?"】

[Naruto chuckled: "Suddenly it occurred to me that the hot spring where I work part-time seems to be cleaning today, are you sure you want to come together?"]

【Ino blushed with a blushing sound: "Rogue!"】

【Then she ran away with Hinata who was about to faint, and made a funny face for Naruto near the end of the street. 】

【The corner of Naruto's mouth raised unconsciously, and the next second his face became expressionless again. 】

【"What's wrong?"】

【"Master Hokage is waiting for you in the office."】

ps. Ask for flowers every day, ask for a monthly ticket

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