Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 50: The Unexpected Bounty Hunter

【Kakashi led the team across the border of Fire Country to the private land between the Country of Grass and the Country of Taki. 】

[Looking at the ninjas on both sides fighting to the death for a little land area below, the members of Anbu unconsciously felt a sense of superiority in their hearts. 】

【"Too weak, there are not even a few Chūnin, most people only rely on physical skills and shuriken technique to fight, and there are not many ninjutsu."】

【An Anbu contemptuously said. 】

【Kakashi gave him a cold look: "Have you ever participated in a war?"】

【The Anbu was taken aback, then quickly shook his head and replied: "No."】

【Kakashi nodded, turned his eyes to the battlefield again and said: "No wonder, in this kind of large-scale ninja battle, Chakra is extremely important, even if Jōnin uses Chakra excessively, it is easy to be in the hands of a Genin The sword was killed by a sneak attack, so when you actually go to the battlefield, remember, the first thing is to save your own Chakra, which is completely different from your usual cleaning of small-scale enemies.”]

【Anbu nodded embarrassingly when he heard the words: "Sorry, my lord, I was careless."】

【Kakashi nodded: "But it's really weak."】

【Anbu: "..."(╯‵□)╯︵┻━┻!】

[ Naruto is too lazy to respond to Kakashi's black humor. At this time, he has already put his mind on Kusanagi Village behind the battlefield. 】

[I almost forgot that besides getting Itachi’s Sharingan, what I can do during this period of time is to win over a fellow who has had a worse life than myself. 】

[ Naruto glanced at Kakashi and the others, he now needs to find an opportunity to leave the team, and then see if he can save Uzumaki Karin from Kusanagi Village. 】

[The current war between the two countries should only be the initial contact. Naruto remembers that during the most anxious period of the war, Xianglin's mother was killed by the scumbags in Kusanagi Village, and the young Xianglin did not die. Can escape the hellish fate. 】

[Now that I have the opportunity to participate in this war, it is a bit unreasonable not to take this girl under my command. After all, Xianglin's talent is extremely outstanding even among the whirlpool clan. 】

[Just a few more days after such a leisurely day, the ninjas of the two countries began to gradually suffer large-scale casualties. 】

【Naruto's brows were tightly frowned, and he had already begun to think about the consequences if he forcibly left the team. 】

[Suddenly, Yamato pointed at a camp in Kusanagi Village and gave a light sigh: "Look, Captain, it doesn't seem like there are ninjas from Kusanagi Village?"]

【Kakashi turned his head and took a look, and said lightly: "They belong to the Fuma clan of Tianzhi Country. They are mercenary ninjas, and they are often hired in various ninja villages to earn commissions."】

【Yamato nodded: "I see."】

【"However, if even mercenaries start to join the battlefield now, it means that the cards of both sides are about to come out. We can't be careless these days. We can keep an eye on the Fumo clan. I suspect that they were also hired to target the Jinchūriki of Takinobu Village." 】

【"But haven't they already hired us Konoha?"】

【"We are simply blocking it, and are not responsible for participating in the war."】

【Yamato nodded, understanding what Kakashi meant. 】

【The threat of Jinchūriki is too high. I and others are only restricting the opponent's Jinchūriki to a certain extent. If it is too difficult, they have the right to retreat at any time. After all, it is not worthwhile to lose a team of elite Anbu for this commission. 】

[The so-called abandonment of the mission caused heavy losses to the village like Hatake Sakumo, only stupid civilians will believe that the importance of a Kage-level strong man is completely beyond the reach of an S-level mission. 】

[Moreover, ninjas originally existed to protect their families and relatives. It is completely abnormal cognition to simply ignore their companions for the purpose of killing and obtaining property like this. 】

【Kakashi and others secretly followed the Fumo clan, when suddenly there was a loud explosion in front of them. 】

【 Kakashi's face changes. 】


[When everyone came to the direction of the explosion, they saw ninjas of the Fuma clan who had lost their breath all over the ground. 】

[And the original bald leader who looked like a blind monk was being strangled by a Taki Ninja village Renren who was naked from the upper body and covered with stitches. 】

【"How is it possible?" Yamato whispered in surprise, "The group was wiped out so quickly?"】

【Kakashi's face is solemn, and he can feel the huge Chakra contained in the visitor's body in his Sharingan. 】

[ Naruto's pupils shrank, and a look of surprise flashed across his face, isn't this the good guy Kakuzu who helped him kill Asuma? Why is he here? 】

【Bottom Kakuzu looked at the bald man with disdain: "Humph, that's all there is to it, it can't be exchanged for a lot of money."】

【He broke the leader's neck casually, and continued walking towards the depths of the forest in an instant. 】

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