【 Kakashi let out a long sigh of relief, he actually felt a bit of pressure on that guy. 】

【Yamato asked Kakashi with a solemn face. 】

【"Captain, who is that?"】

【"The undead ninja Kakuzu, I heard that he is a ninja who has survived from the Sengoku period. He is a very famous bounty hunter in the black market. Now it seems that he was hired by Taki Ninja Village."】

【"Then what should we do?"】

【"Don't worry about it, our mission is only the tailed beast, and the rest of the enemies are out of our control."】

[Just as Kakashi finished speaking, Naruto behind him "coincidentally" stepped on a branch. 】

【Kakashi's complexion changed drastically: "Not good."】

【"Fire Style Head Hard!"】

[Without the slightest intention of saying hello, the powerful Fire Style blasted over from the front in an instant! 】

【Kakashi fell to the ground suddenly, his hands swiftly formed a seal: "Earth Style·Earth Flowing Wall!"】

【Yamato stretched out his hand and Yamato said: "Wood Style·Wooden Ingot Wall!"】

[The two teamed up to create a huge pot cover to wrap everyone in it. 】

[Boom, sparks fly]

【Kakuzu sneered: "I told you where the little mouse came from. It turned out to be Konoha Shinobi."】

[Wood Style on the top of the earth flow wall retracted, Kakashi shouted at Kakuzu with a cold face: "We are just passing by! There is no conflict with you!"]

【However, Kakuzu looked at the dog's head on the earth flow wall with a sneer and said: "Copy ninja Kakashi, the price of your head on the black market is very exciting!"】

【Kakashi stared at Kakuzu with an ugly face and asked: "How did you know my identity?"】

【Kakuzu: "???"】

【He looked back and forth at the dog's head on the dirt flow wall a few times, and decided to ignore this guy: "Wind Style·Head hard work!"】

[Suddenly a mask appeared on his back and spit out a hurricane, Kakashi finally understood at this moment that the bounty hunter in front of him was looking at his head. 】


【 Kakashi let out a low snort, and everyone quickly retreated towards the rear. 】

【However, at this moment, a voice with a cold tone came from behind: "Shenluo Tianzheng!"】

[A terrifying repulsion came from behind, and everyone was instantly sent flying by this powerful repulsion, and Kakuzu's crush was also crushed. 】

【Kakuzu looked at the figure walking out of the dust and frowned and asked, "Who are you?"】

[The figure is wearing a red cloud robe with a black background, without looking at it. Kakashi and the others just stared at Kakuzu and said lightly:]

【"Undead ninja Kakuzu, we welcome you to become a member of the 'Akatsuki' organization."】

[The people who come here are Tiandao Payne and Jue! 】

【"Xiao?" Kakuzu looked at the two with a strange face. 】

【White Zetsu smiled and said: "We are an organization that exists to achieve real peace~"】

[At this time, Kakashi and others sat up from the ruins, and the sudden attack caused Kakashi's team to suffer heavy casualties directly. 】

[Even Anbu at the Elite Chunin level is still extremely weak in the face of these Kage-level attacks. 】

[At this time, Kakashi is still just an Elite Jōnin. Without Mangekyō and no intelligence, he cannot be compared with Kakuzu and Penn at all. 】

【"Prepare to retreat quickly! These people are too dangerous!" Kakashi whispered with an ugly face, "Go and see how many people are still angry."】

【At this time, Kakuzu snorted coldly at Payne: "I'm not interested in this kind of organization. The only thing that can attract me now is money. The head of Kakashi over there is more suitable for me."】

【Penn's expression remained unchanged and he said indifferently: "Whether you are interested or not, you have to join Akatsuki's ranks."】

[And hearing such tough words, Kakuzu's face also became gloomy: "You can really boast, it seems that you are a big fool with a lot of strength, although you can't change much, but what you say too big!"】

[The corner of Payne's mouth raised in disdain: "Challenge me...? That's fine."]

【He slowly took a few steps forward: "If I win, I will take you back and join Akatsuki!"】

【Kakuzu stares at Payne coldly,】

【"Before that, let's get rid of those little mice first?"】

【Kakashi yelled: "Separate and run! Let go!"】

【The few people who were not seriously injured made a swish and left in all directions. 】

[At this time, Naruto opened the Nine Tails Chakra without any hesitation, and ran away into the distance. 】

[He who knows the opponent's strength clearly knows that if he can't master the strength of the eight-tailed rampage, he can't fight against it. 】

【"Nine Tails?"】

【Payne looked in the direction of Naruto in astonishment, he stretched out his hand, and Universal Pull's pupil technique was about to be released, but Black Zetsu at the side stopped him. 】

【"Wait a moment!"】

[Paine looks at Black Zetsu,]

[Black Zetsu's hoarse voice came: "Now is not the time, our organization does not have enough funds and strength to carry out the plan, don't startle the snake."]

【Payne nodded when he heard the words, and set his target on another Anbu. 】

【"Universal Pull!"】

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