Onogi on two scales: "How do you feel that the direction of Naruto's escape is very purposeful?"

Chitu: "Indeed, it seems that he has no plans to find his own teammates."

Might Guy: "It seems to be Kusanagi Village there? What is Naruto doing in Kusanagi Village?"

[Naruto, who escaped from the battlefield, took back his Nine Tails Chakra, and he used the Transformation Technique to become a Grass Ninja Village. Genin walked into the Grass Ninja Village. 】

[Kusunin Village is just a small village, and there is no Konoha exclusive enchantment class to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. 】

【Because of the intense battle situation, a continuous stream of wounded people on the streets were carried into the hospital in Caoyin Village. 】

【Naruto's eyes showed anxiety. He quickly searched around the edge of Kusanagi Village, as if he was looking for something. 】

[As time goes by, the ferocious look on Naruto's face becomes more and more obvious. 】


Akimichi Chōji stuffed a mouthful of potato chips and asked Shikamaru with a strange look, "What is he looking for?"

Shikamaru scratched his head: "How would I know!"

Chōji turned his head to look at the confused Naruto: "What are you looking for?"

Uzumaki Naruto rolled his eyes: "How would I know!"

Only Xianglin who was not far away held her head in her hands with a frightened face, trembling all over.

At this time, she has already guessed Naruto's purpose. Even with 3 years of memory, she still can't forget the experience of hell in those years.

【Finally, Naruto found a dilapidated wooden house in a near-wild outskirts. 】

[To say that it is a wooden house is already exaggerating it, this place is more like a temporary farmhouse built for farming. 】

【Naruto quickly stepped down and opened the door impatiently. 】

[But the room is already empty. 】

[At that moment, Naruto's blue eyes turned into vertical pupils, and the scarlet eyes like a demon fox made people shudder. 】

【He touched the shoe prints on the ground, and rushed towards the grass ninja village hospital like crazy. 】

[This time he did not choose to continue to hide his strength, such ostentatious behavior naturally attracted the attention of the ninjas in Kusanagi Village. 】

【"Who! Stop!"】

[Several guard ninjas jumped out and shouted loudly, but they were confronted by several tricky shurikens of Kakuzu. 】

[A few puffs, blood splattered everywhere, and the guard died instantly. 】

[Learning Shuriken Technique from Uchiha Itachi for a year in Anbu is enough for him to deal with these cannon fodder Chūnin easily. 】

[However, this behavior also triggered the vigilance of Kusanagi Village. Kusanagi who was hiding in the dark directly sent the order of the enemy's invasion to the superior. 】

[The next second, his neck was cut by a kunai, and he fell to the ground clutching his trachea, convulsing endlessly. 】

The Twelve Little Strongs watched outside in horror, they couldn't believe that the murderous man in front of them was Uzumaki Naruto whom they knew.

Uzumaki Kushina: "(Anxious) What happened, why is Naruto so excited?"

Namikaze Minato: "(frowning) This will cause disputes between Kusanagi Village and Konoha, what is he doing?"

Tao Di will not be beheaded again: "Hehe, as expected of the guy who defeated Bai, once he gets serious, he has such strength."

Cao Ying: "Master Hokage should give us an explanation?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "This is not done by Naruto in our world. This matter has nothing to do with Konoha."

[As Kusanagi gradually gathered, the killing intent in Naruto's eyes became stronger. 】

【"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"】

[With a bang, thousands of Shadow Clones densely packed the street roofs of Kusanagi Village in an instant. 】

【"How is it possible! Who are you?!"】

【Jōnin of Kusanagi Village looked at so many Shadow Clone in shock, "Shadow Clone! You belong to Konoha!"】

[However, before he could finish speaking, blue orbs appeared in Shadow Clone's hands instantly. 】

Jiraiya: "Rasengan?! When did he learn it?"

【Jōnin Kusanagi looks at Naruto who has an A-level Rasengan with a look of horror on his face: "How is that possible!"】

【Naruto shouted hoarsely: "Kill! Not one left!"】

[The Shadow Clones did not hesitate at all, and rushed towards the person with the ninja forehead protector on the opposite side. Those Genin and Chūnin had no power to resist under this dimensionality reduction blow, and were instantly killed by Naruto's Rasengan . 】

[And Naruto's body rushed into the hospital in Kusanagi Village like a bamboo shoot, and searched quickly. 】

[At this time, the hospital in Kusanagi Village was full of wounded and medical staff, but whenever he encountered Naruto, he would kill him instantly without expression. 】

[The number of ninjas and wounded who died in the hands of Naruto soon was nearly a thousand. 】

The Twelve Xiaoqiang who watched the projection in this world already started to churn in their stomachs, and the strong discomfort made them retch.

[Finally, Naruto found a dead body covered with white hair in a morgue. 】

【He walked forward tremblingly, lifted the white cloth from the corpse, and the dense tooth marks were clearly visible from the woman's corpse like the devil's tattoo. 】

【Boom~! 】

【The terrifying Nine Tails Chakra ran away in an instant! 】

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