Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter Fifty-Four Two Narutos Run Away Simultaneously

Senju Tobirama: "Brother?"

Senju Hashirama: "(Dignified) Well, that's from the Uzumaki clan. The people of the Uzumaki clan will have gray hair once the Chakra is exhausted. That woman probably died of being sucked dry of Chakra, plus the tooth marks all over her body , I'm afraid it's..."

Uzumaki Kushina: "That's a lot..."

Namikaze Minato: "Kushina, have you seen what happens to people after losing their country?"

Uzumaki Mito: "Why don't they take refuge in Konoha? The Senju clan and the Uzumaki clan are originally related by marriage, right? There are also distant blood."

Two-day scale Onogi: "Hey, everyone from the Senju clan in Konoha is dead, why don't you say they go to Konoha?"

Uzumaki Nagato: "As long as the Uzumaki clan escaped from that disaster, they would rather go to a small village where the war continues than to go to Konoha."

Senju Hashirama: "You're from the Uzumaki too? Why?"

Whirlpool: "Hey~ That must be because they managed to survive from Konoha's pursuit~"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "You fart! Don't think about slandering me, Konoha!"

Uzumaki: "Then tell me why only you Konoha rescued a pure-blooded Uzumaki Kushina? Why do you Konoha have the complete sealing technique of the Uzumaki Clan? Even Kirigakure, who destroyed Uzumaki Village, did not find the inheritance of the Uzumaki Clan , How did you find it? They would rather seek refuge in small villages like the Land of Grass and the Land of Rain, where there are constant wars, than Konoha Village, why?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "This is what we Konoha Village brought back when we rescued the Uzumaki clan!"

Whirlpool: "Hehe, Kirigakure took so much effort to find the inheritance, and you Konoha brought it back with ease, so amazing~"

At this time, the chat room fell into silence again. Although there was no evidence, many smart people had already guessed that this might be the truth.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Hmph, this is just your imagination."

Anbu made a move, even the dead couldn't know who the enemy was, except for the few whirlpools who escaped alive...

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the projection again, and the picture at this time came to the upper floor of Naruto.

[A Jōnin from Kusanagi village mercilessly dragged a little red-haired girl who was retching desperately towards the medical room ahead. 】

【"Because of the sneak attack, our side suffered heavy casualties. There are countless wounded in the village now. Your mother alone is not enough."】

【"Let go of me! Mom! Woo~ Mom!"】

【"This is the only way to protect the village! It's a pity to lose your mother, but there are still many wounded waiting for treatment."】

[Jōnin of Kusanagi Village dragged the little girl and opened the door of the medical room, and there were endless screams. 】

【"It's too slow! Where's that woman?" A medical ninja in medical uniform came with a frown, his tone full of impatience. 】

【Kusa Shinobi threw the girl over and said coldly: "He's dead, this guy will take her place from now on!"]


【"Such a small girl, can she do it?"】

【"This is that woman's daughter, with the same ability."】

【Xianglin was terrified, and frantically wanted to rush out the door, but was stopped by Jōnin Cao Ren. 】

[When she was young, she had no resistance at all in front of a Jōnin. 】

【"Don't! Let me go! Don't!"】

[The medical ninja dragged Xiang Rin towards the medical staff without any mercy. 】

[The ninja behind him sneered: "We took you in who are homeless, so you have to earn your own rations, right?"]

[A ninja with a broken limb and arm yelled in pain: "It hurts! It hurts! The doctor!"]

[The medical ninja forcibly pressed the young Xianglin's arm and moved towards the seriously injured man: "Don't worry, you'll be healed soon, come on, bite!"]

At this time, the people watching the projection in the present world don't know how the woman from the whirlpool family died before.

Seeing Xiang Rin's terrified expression and Kusanagi's ferocious faces, everyone's heart couldn't help but twitch.

Naruto even made a bang, his eyes were red and a terrifying Nine Tails Chakra erupted.

Shikamaru on the side changed his face and hurriedly shouted: "That's too much! Don't get excited! This is not our world! There is no Kusanagi here!"

However, at this time, several Genins from Kusanagi Village in the examination room took a few steps back with ugly faces.

And Xianglin and their figures instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Gaara waved his hand suddenly, and a wave of sand directly entangled Xianglin who was in a panic. The clothes on his arms were lifted off, and dense tooth marks were exposed on his arms, which penetrated endlessly.


Seeing this situation, Naruto went berserk, with beast-like vertical eyes and swollen claws, he rushed towards Kusanagi Village.

Four Anbu appeared in an instant and rushed towards Naruto: "Don't be impulsive! It's the Chūnin exam period! She is not our Konoha ninja!"

Naruto growled, "Get lost!"

The Chakra on his body surged again, and the third tail swayed slowly behind him.

With a bang, Anbu was sent flying out by his tail.

The two Genins were slammed into the air by their tails, and they died instantly on the spot!

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