Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 55 Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

"Secret Technique Shadow Imitation Technique!"

"Wood Style Four-Pillar Prison Technique! Hokage-style Ear Shun Technique Tenth Edict On Enlightenment!"

A wooden cage trapped Naruto, and several branches protruded from the cage to tie Naruto tightly.

An Anbu stretched out his hand, and a character 'Zuo' appeared in the center of the palm, desperately suppressing Naruto's Nine Tails Chakra.

"Don't get excited Naruto! That little girl is fine!"

Shikamaru yelled, pulling Naruto back to his mind, who was about to lose his mind.

At this moment, he looked blankly at the projection in the sky, the red to black Four Tails form was raging in the projection.

Just now.

【Xiang Rin is about to be forcibly held by such a medical ninja and sent to her mouth as a blood bag. The injured ninja gnawed at her immature arm like a wild beast. 】

[a bang,]

[A scarlet tail pierced through the floor and instantly slapped the Kusanagi who was about to bite on the wall, and the huge force directly slapped Kusanagi into a meat paste. 】

[The medical ninja sat down on the ground, and took two steps back in horror. 】

[Kusunin Jōnin at the door turned pale with shock: "What happened!?"]

【"It's not good, the Seven Tails Jinchūriki of Taki Shinobi Village have invaded, and they have already killed here. All the wounded, ninjas and medical staff downstairs have been killed!"】

【"What!? What about the Konoha Shinobi we hired? Didn't they say to restrict Jinchūriki's actions? What about the Fuma clan? Didn't they go to assassinate Jinchūriki!"】

[However, no one answered his question at this time, because a fox-like figure full of murderous intent had rushed to his own floor. 】

[The black face is completely unclear, and the transformation of Four Tails at the beginning makes the ninjas of Kusanagi Village have no resistance. 】

[Jōnin of Kusanagi Village was shocked, his hands quickly formed seals: "Earth Style..."]

【With a bang, the tail behind Naruto suddenly stretched like a sharp blade and cut him in two instantly. 】

[There is no so-called nonsense, and there is no forward shaking. The 4 flexible tails are killing wantonly in the hospital like Hezi controlled by ghouls. 】

[The resentment from the Nine Tails is constantly attacking Naruto, the three years of abuse and the pain suffered by the same family continue to magnify the killing intent in Naruto's heart. 】

【At this time, he just wants to kill all the ninjas and scum in front of him. 】


[Suddenly a terrified cry made a tailed palm rest in front of Xianglin's eyes. 】

[In the sealed space, Naruto, whose eyes were as black as ink, stared at Nine Tails in the cage with a playful face. 】


【A hoarse voice came from Naruto's hand, he suddenly stretched out his hand and directly took his eyes out of their sockets. 】

【Blood flowed down Naruto's empty eyes. He forced his will and summoned a pair of culture bottles from his abdomen with his hands in mudra. Inside were Uchiha Itachi's Sharingan! 】

[Without the slightest hesitation, Naruto quickly placed the eyes in the bottle into his own eye sockets before his consciousness subsided. 】

[With the continuous invasion of Nine Tails Chakra, the optic nerves of both eyes also began to connect with Naruto's brain. 】

[In the sealed space, Naruto's azure blue eyes suddenly turned into scarlet three-god jade, he raised his head and stared at Nine Tails and shouted again: "Get out!"]

【Nine Tails' face changed drastically, and he looked at Naruto with a ferocious face and roared: "Sharingan! You bastard, you killed Uchiha Itachi to control me!"】

[ Naruto didn't answer, but the three-pointed jade in his eyes directly turned into a windmill with the continuous expression of Chakra, Mangekyō Sharingan! 】

[ Sharingan, which Kakashi took years to control, is completely in the hands of Naruto! 】

In this world, Black Zetsu hid in Kaguya's cuff with a serious expression: "Sure enough, this guy knows Ashura's secret!"

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya on the side looked up at Naruto and frowned: "Is this the offspring of my concubine?"

Black Zetsu on the side hurriedly said: "Mom, they are just the descendants of those two scumbags you created with Yin Yang Dun, and have nothing to do with you."

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya nodded with an obsessed look on his face: "But Chakra is mine!"

Black Zetsu responded hastily: "Don't worry, my lord, the Ten Tails Jinchūriki plan is being implemented now, and all your Chakra will be recovered by then!"

[The killing intent of Nine Tails in Naruto retreated quickly with the opening of Mangekyō, and the spirit of Nine Tails full of killing intent could not make any waves in front of Mangekyō. 】

【Then Naruto opened his eyes. Although the blood-red Mangekyō was still full of killing intent, he was no longer as crazy as before. 】

【He looked down at Xianglin who was already frightened and stretched out the arm burned by Nine Tails Chakra and touched her face with distressed expression: "Sorry, I'm late."】

【Then Naruto picked up Xiang Rin's body, and the huge Nine Tails Chakra instantly turned into a red Susanoo, instantly bursting the entire medical building! 】

[Kao Ying led many Anbu and ninjas to look at the figure in the center of Susanoo with horror on his face. 】

[At this time, Naruto did not know when he transformed into the figure of Uchiha Itachi and stared down coldly. 】


【Following Naruto's deep roar, the gigantic Susan swept across with Amacongun sword in his hand! 】

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