Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 60 It's All Uchiha Itachi's Fault!

Inside the mansion,

Danzo smashed the tea table to pieces with one punch.

"Asshole Sarutobi Hiruzen!"

At this time, he didn't understand the gap between himself and Sarutobi Hiruzen for so many years, and now he also understands why Sarutobi Hiruzen is so indecisive and likes to communicate with those useless civilians so much.

Originally, he thought that as long as he devoted himself to Konoha, even the dirty and dark work would be understood by the villagers.

Especially when Hatake Sakumo committed suicide because of mission failure, he believed this even more.

Now the crowd of these villagers made him see clearly that all this is just his own wishful thinking.

At the beginning, I complained about Orochimaru, but if he cared about his reputation, he would not be taken away by Namikaze Minato as the Fourth Hokage.

Now it seems that I don't know when I also ruined my reputation like Orochimaru!

And all of this was done by that jerk outside who was putting on a show for the villagers.

Danzo held back his anger,

knocking on the broken coffee table,

Among the several Anbu on the roof, one of them grimaced. Anbu kept recording something in his mind.

Not long after,

Orochimaru, who didn't know where, received the message from Danzo. He looked at Danzo who urged him to act quickly in the secret letter, and a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

Then he looked at the sky frantically, the truth of ninjutsu exists there, and there is what he wants!

As for Konoha?

At this time, Orochimaru already knew clearly that Konoha was about to die!

This story, which seems to be based on Konoha Shinobi as the protagonist, has revealed too many secrets of Konoha Village.

Once this game is over, Konoha Village will be grilled on the grill, and I am afraid that the Fourth Ninja War will break out in an instant.

Thinking of this, he looked at the ninja of Kusanagi Village who had no human form.

He said that fighting is prohibited during the viewing of the movie, but there may be more than one or two people who died in various places.

At this time, the projection in the sky lights up again,

Many people in the ninja world are terrified, not everyone has the tough will of a ninja.

After experiencing mental torture twice in a row, I don't know how many people are on the verge of collapse at this time.

Unknowingly, the darkness and violence in the entire ninja world are secretly breeding crazily.

【"Brother Naruto, you're awake!"】

[A cry of surprise opened the eyes of Naruto who was sleeping. 】

【 Naruto frowned and looked around, and quickly found himself in Konoha's hospital. 】

【He looked at Xianglin who was at the side, and there was a gleam in his eyes. 】

【"Where is Master Hokage?"】

【With a bang, an Anbu appeared instantly, it was Naruto's captain Hatake Kakashi. 】

【"Captain Kakashi."】

【"Tell me what happened after you separated from the battlefield." Kakashi said coldly. 】

【Naruto nodded and spoke eloquently. 】

【"After leaving the battlefield, I didn't know where to gather, so I planned to go back to Cao Ninja Village to see if the squadron leader of the hospital would treat the wounded."】

【"In the end, I met Konoha's S-rank rebel Uchiha Itachi. He was wearing a coat with a red cloud on a black background. Like the guy with Rinnegan, he was massacring the village of grass ninja."】

【"I couldn't see it anymore, so I decided to make a move. I thought I could stop Uchiha Itachi with the power of my Nine Tails, but he turned into a huge red Chakra giant and easily seriously injured me."】

【"Fortunately, that ninjutsu seemed to consume a lot, blood and tears flowed from his eyes, and then the giant retreated after disappearing. Unfortunately, all the people in Kusanagi Village died, and only one Xianglin was left. She seemed to be with me. Both belong to the Whirlpool family, and they survived because of their strong vitality."]

【"Then I overused Nine Tails Chakra and passed out, that's all I remember."】

【Kakashi nodded: "It's similar to what I guessed. The girl you brought back seems to be a little scared. She stays by your side all day. She won't say anything except Uchiha Itachi. When you recover from your injury, You are responsible for enrolling her, and Third Generation will reassign you a residence when the time comes, and you will be responsible for taking care of her."]

【Naruto nodded upon hearing this, without showing any expression of surprise or impatience. 】

【Kakashi observed carefully, then nodded secretly. It seems that there should be nothing unusual about Naruto. 】

【"I'll go back to Hokage-sama first, you can rest well this time."】

【Kakashi disappeared for a moment after speaking, Naruto stopped Xiang Rin who was about to speak, closed his eyes and lay down again: "I'll rest for a while."】

【Xiang Rin nodded when she heard the words, but her hands were still tightly holding Naruto's hand, as if he was afraid that he would disappear. 】

【And after closing his eyes, Naruto's pupils trembled for a while, and turned into Gouyu's scarlet color again. 】

[Sure enough... Ashura's reincarnation is still adaptable to the fairy eye? 】

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