Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 61: The Night Of Genocide, Hiring The Xiao Organization

【The news of Uchiha Itachi massacre spread throughout the ninja world. 】

[At the same time, the name of the mercenary Akatsuki organization also spread among the senior officials of Ninja Village. 】

[This makes Payne, who is still in the recruiting stage, a little baffled, Uchiha Itachi? Didn't that Madara guy say he went to recruit himself? This is recruited? So fast? 】

[However, Obito is also confused at this time, has Uchiha Itachi joined the Akatsuki organization? How the fuck didn't I know? 】

[ Orochimaru's eyes lit up when he heard the news, and he even wiped out the entire Kusanagi Village with his own power. You must know that before this, he was the only one who was recognized as capable of destroying the Konobu Village. The Mangekyō Sharingan in . 】

[So, not long after, the famous Akatsuki organization successfully received the first big order through Orochimaru to wipe out the Uchiha clan! 】

【Hidan stared at Obito and mocked: "Hey, it's really interesting to send Uchiha's rebellious ninja to destroy the Uchiha clan."]

[At this time, Obito's identity is not Uchiha Madara, but the legendary Uchiha Itachi, because itachi helped the Akatsuki organization to become famous at this time, but Uchiha Itachi did not join the Akatsuki organization. 】

【In desperation, Obito, who owns Sharingan, had to pretend to be Uchiha Itachi first, to see if he could fish out the real body, and then let him really join the Akatsuki organization. 】

[It's a pity that there are many tasks to be done during this period, but there is still no news of Uchiha Itachi, Obito even wonders if he has blamed Konoha. 】

[Now the mercenary mission sent by Danzo has reassured Obito a little. It seems that Konoha doesn't know that Uchiha Itachi didn't join Akatsuki. 】

【And today is the night of genocide agreed between Akatsuki and Konoha. 】

[Itachi and Shisui's defection during this time delayed the rebellion of the Uchiha clan as a matter of course. 】

[However, the defection of the two also had a great impact on the reputation of the Uchiha family. Uchiha, who was hated by everyone, was directly upgraded to the treatment that Naruto used to receive when he was a child. 】

[So even Uchiha Fugaku couldn't suppress the mutiny. 】

[Finally, when the Uchiha clan’s crazy xenophobia and gathering began, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo decided to act first, and because there was no tool man Uchiha Itachi, they immediately thought of the mercenary organization Akatsuki that Itachi joined, so There is today's scene. 】

Senju Tobirama: "Huh, it really is the evil Uchiha, has it developed to the stage of a coup after all?"

Uchiha Fugaku: "The Uchiha clan just want to pursue fair treatment! If you hadn't been pushing us Uchiha out, how could we have come to this point!"

Senju Tobirama: "If you didn't always have the heart to destroy Konoha, how could Konoha exclude you? Uchiha Madara is like this, and so is the guy who released Nine Tails on Nine Tails night!"

Uchiha Fugaku: "You fart! The rebellion in Konoha Village is not only our Uchiha clan! Orochimaru is still outside! Why blame our clan for what some Uchiha people do! You Senju clan must be good Is it?"

Senju Tobirama: "Hehe, our Senju family is indeed good."

Uchiha Fugaku: "That's right, they're all wiped out, they're just a bunch of idiots."

Tsunade: "Do you want to die?"

Uchiha Fugaku: "Hehe, you come to me."

With a bang, on a gaming table, Tsunade smashed the gaming table to pieces in an instant, and the excited gamblers around were shocked. Is this the legendary fat sheep losing his eyes? The problem is that I really didn't cheat.

Shizune on the side shivered with his arms in his arms, "Master Tsunade, what's wrong with you?"

Tsunade waved his fist angrily and cursed: "Damn it, I met a damned dead man!"

Shizune immediately guessed that it was Uchiha Fugaku in the chat room, he was already dead and couldn't die anymore, so naturally he wouldn't be afraid of Tsunade looking for trouble.

For this kind of thing, Shizune can only laugh twice.

Then he looked at the gamblers in a circle, and she admired the fact that the first thing they did after they left the Tsukuyomi world was to continue gambling with Tsunade.

[The blood moon is in the sky, Sasuke and others are left in school to make up lessons. 】

【 Naruto raised his head and looked in the direction of the Uchiha Clan. He was sleeping on the table, but the real body had already transformed into Uchiha Itachi and touched it quietly. 】

[At this time, the killing of the Akatsuki organization has already begun. Obito with a higher level of Sharingan and Kamui is completely crushing against this group of so-called Uchiha elites. 】

[The proud illusion has failed, no matter what kind of attack it is, it can't hit Obito, and the lack of intelligence makes them have no room to resist. 】

【Screams were heard continuously in the guard room, and Obito, who was unharmed, came out slowly from the door. 】

[Swish a few times, a few kunai pierced through his forehead. 】

【Obito turned his head slowly, and a girl with a flustered expression was staring at him with a scarlet three-goat jade. 】

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