Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 62 There Is Still Mangekyō? !

Namikaze Minato: "This is the guy! This is the culprit of the Nine Tails night and the source of all the tragedy! Kushina, I mean he is behind the scenes, probably Uchiha Madara guy!"

Onoki: "Didn't that big back just now say that he is Uchiha Itachi?"

Uchiha Fugaku: "Hmph! Itachi doesn't bother to cover his face."

Fourth Raikage Ai: "You were killed by your own son, and you are still talking to him."

Uchiha Fugaku: "It's just that we chose a different path. We did it voluntarily."

Uchiha Sasuke: "Voluntary?! What does it mean to be voluntary? Father, please tell me the truth! What the hell is going on!"

Uchiha Fugaku: "It's none of your business."

Uchiha Sasuke: "Why? What the hell do you mean! Damn! Do you still treat me like a child!"

However, no matter how Sasuke asked again, Uchiha Fugaku didn't have the slightest intention to speak.

【"What a pair of eyes."】

【Obito looked at the scarlet Sangouyu in Uchiha Izumi's eyes and showed an expression of interest. The 13-year-old Sangouyu Uchiha tribe is already a genius second only to Uchiha Itachi. 】

[Uchiha Izumi panicked and threw two shurikens again, but the shurikens still passed through Obito's head and were nailed to the stone pillar behind him. 】

[At this time, Uchiha Izumi was completely panicked, she turned her head and ran away with a look of horror on her face, Obito at this time has exceeded her understanding, especially on the way here, she saw the death of many tribesmen, this is why she can Reasons to start Three Tomoe Sharingan. 】

【However, at this moment, Obito showed an indifferent expression on his face. He dropped the chain in his hand and entangled Uchiha Izumi tightly. 】

【"How is it possible! Help, Itachi, come and save me!"】

[Quan looks at Obito's scythe raised high with tears in his eyes, full of fear. 】

Namikaze Minato: "This guy's entity will only appear at the moment of the attack. If it is not fast enough, it will be difficult to cause damage to it."

Two-day scale Onogi: "Tsk tsk, 13-year-old Three Tomoe Sharingan, don't give us Iwagakure from Konoha, we are rare in Iwagakure."

Fourth Raikage Ai: "It's so cruel to kill the family."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "I don't know, this matter is an order from Danzo, I have been trying to ease the relationship between Uchiha and Konoha, alas~"

Shimura Danzō: "The Uchiha clan is about to carry out a coup d'état, I just handed it over to Uchiha Itachi to handle it himself! I didn't give him an order! And Uchiha Itachi is Anbu of the Third Generation!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "He was taken to the root by you."

Terumi Mei: "Stop talking nonsense, you two, even if it's to kill the coup, you don't need to carry out genocide, right? They're not the lunatics of the Hui Yoruichi tribe, everyone is in the shadows, so don't explain your little thoughts, Who doesn't know who, but you are Hokage."

Uzumaki Kushina: "Why does this masked man look so familiar?"

In the Kamui space, Obito looked at Kushina's speech and felt anxious. If he wanted to say who he was most sorry for, it was undoubtedly the teacher who entrusted his Hokage dream to himself.

Not only did he kill her with his own hands, he also caused her son to suffer.

Suddenly Obito's eyes sharpened, what's the matter with the teacher's wife, I want to create a world with Lin! All obstacles in front of me will be erased by me! I want to destroy this world myself!

【Obito's sickle fell towards Uchiha Izumi without mercy. 】

[At the moment when the fragrance was about to disappear, several shurikens pierced through the gangster's forehead in an instant, and at the same time, the sickle and chain also passed through Izumi's body. 】

【Izumi's legs are trembling, and he and Obito look at the direction where the shuriken is attacking at the same time. 】

['Uchiha Itachi' wearing a red cloud robe with a black background looked at the two below with no expression. 】

【"Itachi?!" Uchiha Izumi looked at the visitor with surprise on his face, and the excitement in his heart was beyond words. 】

【Obito frowned at the figure on the roof and asked, "Are you here for the Uchiha clan?"】

【'Uchiha Itachi' raised his eyebrows and said indifferently: "No, I just ensure that one person does not die."】

【Obito glanced at Uchiha Izumi with great interest: "I never thought that a person like you would act for a woman."】

[ Uchiha Izumi was very excited when he heard Obito's words, Itachi came for himself! 】

[However, the words of ‘Uchiha Itachi’ in the next second made her feel like she was in an ice cave. 】

【"I'm here for Sasuke, he can't die yet."】

【Izumi looked at 'Uchiha Itachi' in disbelief, Obito looked at Itachi with a strange face and asked: "Then why did you stop me from doing it?"】

【'Uchiha Itachi' squinted at Xiang Quan and suddenly laughed: "Didn't you just say that her eyes are very good."】

【Boom~! 】

[At this time, in the depths of the Uchiha clan, a violent explosion sounded instantly. 】

[The two turned their heads to look at the depths of the clan at the same time, and a giant skeleton was already standing in midair. 】

Everyone: "There is a third Mangekyō Sharingan opener?!"

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