Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 63 I Am The One Who Restrains You

The Uchiha people who died in the pure land were stunned.

"Our clan has a third Mangekyō Sharingan holder?"

"Three Kage-level powerhouses! Why did the coup fail?!"

"Why didn't he come out on the night of the genocide!"

Looking at Susan raging in the projection, the radicals of the Uchiha clan shouted excitedly in the chat room.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the projection with a look of rejoicing. Fortunately, he had instigated Uchiha Itachi and Shisui since he was a child. Sure enough, it was too unreasonable whether it was the Senju clan or the Uchiha clan.

As soon as Xuelunyan opened, Wood Style came out and directly hit Kage-level.

A small clan like myself that has no boundaries of blood successors can basically only be pushed to the ground and rubbed.

The reason why I have been targeting the Senju and Uchiha clans is not because the top combat power displayed by these two clans makes people look desperate.

Even a powerhouse at the level of Third Raikage, who is one against ten thousand, would not make Sarutobi Hiruzen so targeted.

But the so-called divine power of the Uchiha family and Senju Hashirama, the recognized god of the ninja world, discouraged them like "mortals".

He can tolerate the Hyuga clan, the Ino–Shika–Chō clan, and the Shino clan, because these families can be restricted by the system after all.

But he can't tolerate the power that can destroy the level of the rules of the game, because he knows that all conspiracies and tricks are just clouds under that kind of strength, and no matter how much he wins the hearts of the people, it is impossible to shake their position.

So when he saw Susanoo in the projection, he was extremely thankful that he had made an early move, otherwise, if he really got hit by the other party, he would basically have to wait to be killed.

Two-day scale Ohnoki: "(Shocked) There are three Mangekyō in one era, and they didn't succeed in the coup."

Fourth Raikage Ai: "(smirk) Isn't this nonsense, there are three Mangekyō, two are the sixth, and the remaining one may also be from Sarutobi Hiruzen. Political IQ, no wonder being rubbed on the ground by Senju Tobirama for decades."

Senju Hashirama: "Who is that Mangekyō? It looks pretty strong."

Uchiha Madara: "Huh, this level is considered strong? Not even Izuna's level."

Senju Tobirama: "Hehe, there is a limit to bragging, Izuna can drive Susan?"

Uchiha Madara: "Are you courting death?"

Senju Tobirama: "Hehe, you bit me."

【Obito looked in the direction of Susan in astonishment: "There is still a guy who has activated Mangekyō Sharingan?"】

【'Uchiha Itachi' looked at Obito jokingly and said, "Why, why don't you go and see?"】

【Obito regained his senses and looked at Naruto again: "It's okay, it's just Mangekyō, and it's not a rare thing, but here I want to invite you to join the Akatsuki organization together."】

【Uchiha Izumi behind him panicked and looked at Naruto helplessly: "Itachi!"】

【And Naruto sneered: "Okay, but give me the position of leader."】

[The current Xiao organization is still in the stage of saving money, and I don't have time to run around with them. 】

[Obito's expression changes,]

【"What a big tone!"】

【After speaking, he directly controlled the sickle and killed Naruto. 】

【Uchiha Izumi shouted worriedly upon seeing this:】

【"Itachi, be careful, his body will miss!"】

【However, Naruto looked at Obito's approaching figure with disdain. 】

[At the moment when Naruto was about to attack, a Kunai struck first and passed through Obito's body, and Obito had to activate the attack to avoid Kunai. 】

[But as the bodies of the two overlapped and passed, Obito's special sickle chain was about to wrap around Naruto. 】

[However, at the critical moment, Naruto turned around and pulled out, and Obito had to pass through Hollow and Naruto again. 】

【"That's it?" Naruto looked at Obito mockingly,】

【The eyes under Obito's mask revealed a fierce look: "You know my information?"】

【He clearly remembered that the Fourth Generation didn't have time to record his information until his death. It stands to reason that Konoha didn't know the effect of Kamui. 】

[And Naruto also showed a look of contempt on his face, after all Obito is just a crane tail. 】

[Although the emotionally enabled Mangekyō has greatly improved his dynamic vision, and he has a huge Chakra and Wood Style ninjutsu with the White Zetsu power bank on Chakra, but in fact Obito's fighting talent is still the tail of the ninja school. . 】

[It's just that Kamui's BUG ability makes him invincible in battle. Once he knows Kamui's information, as long as he makes a targeted defense against Hollow, Obito's combat effectiveness will decline in a straight line. 】

【Obito snorted angrily, "So what if you know, you can't do me any harm!"】

[ Naruto didn't speak, just looked at Obito with disdain, the next second his left eye was bleeding and the windmill in his eye was spinning rapidly. 】

【"It just so happens that I am the one who restrains you!"】


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