Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 70 The Yellow Hair Is Actually Me? (Triple)

This time, the twelve young men in the examination room all looked at Naruto.

Naruto opened his mouth wide, staring at himself in the projection in dumbfounded, a lot of question marks flashed in his mind.

Wang Defa?! What the hell?! The yellow hair is actually me?

Although I am a Grandmaster seduce Technique, I don’t have much interest in superficial things like men and women. Isn’t this what an adult should do? Is the self in that world so precocious?

Feeling the growing murderous intent from the side, Naruto hastily turned his head and shouted at Sasuke who was about to lose control: "Misunderstanding! This must be a misunderstanding!"

【"What are you going to do!" Mikoto looked at Naruto in astonishment and asked. 】

【Of course Naruto replied to Mikoto: "Of course be my woman!"】



Sasuke: "I'm going to kill you!!!"

With a bang, Kakashi knocked Sasuke out directly from behind.

Lin Zhiguo Guixier looked at Itachi with the blue veins on his forehead exposed and teased him unconsciously: "Mr. Itachi, you are going to have multiple fathers.


After a while, Kisame with a bruised nose and swollen face slapped himself on the mouth behind the ashen-faced Uchiha Itachi, why are you so owed!

Uchiha Fugaku turned into a Telegram broadcaster in the chat room at this time, typed a series of * numbers, and was finally banned directly.

Even Uzumaki Kushina uttered a series of ellipses before finally sighing.

Uzumaki Kushina: "Is it really because of the lack of maternal love? Mother is sorry for you!"


You can wash this TM?!

Everyone looked at Naruto in the projection, and they all felt an unspeakable weirdness in their hearts.

Small horse-drawn cart + yellow hair + widow? Fuck, "This kid is a bit fancy.

They looked at the projection again in unison,

[At this time, Uchiha Mikoto and Izumi also looked at Naruto with a perverted face. 】

【Naruto frowned "290", and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his shocking remarks. 】

[He looks at Uchiha Mikoto coldly. 】

【"you are not willing?"】

【Mikoto looked at Naruto with shame and anger and shouted: "Nonsense! Do you know who I am! I visited you when you were young! Do you know what you are talking about!"】

【Naruto nodded his head as a matter of course and said calmly: "Of course I know, I know far more than you think."】

【"Your Uchiha clan has been suppressed by Konoha high-level officials. They have been secretly targeting the Uchiha clan since the Second Hokage. After the Nine Tails Rebellion, they have completely isolated you from Konoha. It can be said that the coup of your Uchiha clan is inevitable. ."]

【"When the conflict between your Uchiha clan and the Konoha ninja clan becomes more and more unmanageable because of the Konoha Guard, they will find an opportunity to wipe out all the Uchiha clan." 1

【"Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi were murdered by them, and I also got Itachi's eyes at that time. This is the reward he entrusted to me to help take care of his brother, so I will show up tonight You are saved."]

Sasuke just woke up: "You put it! %@¥#*!()"

Everyone looked at Naruto's nonsense without blushing and admired them, and they were short of posting 666 bullet screens in the chat room.

【"As for Fugaku, he can't run away. He is the patriarch of the Uchiha clan. Sarutobi Hiruzen will not let him escape alive even if he digs three feet into the ground, and the Mangekyō owned by Uchiha Fugaku is also their coveted target. In order to prevent the increase of enemies strength, that's why I took my eyes away."]

【"You are also Sangouyu, so you can naturally see the words engraved on this stone tablet, and you also know how dangerous Mangekyō is. I can't leave it to Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others."]

【Mikoto still stared at Naruto and said: "So what does this have to do with what you just said!"】

【Naruto glanced at her faintly and continued:】

【"When I was 3 years old, for some reason, I was directly taken away by Danzo and took the roots. They wanted to brainwash me into a Konoha weapon of war. Thanks to them, I suffered a lot in it. sin, so I will inherit the will of the Fugaku patriarch and let Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others pay the punishment they deserve.”]

【"In order to achieve this goal, I will use all the conditions around me. One of them is naturally Sasuke who was secretly selected by them to control the Nine Tails in my body. This is one of the reasons why I chose to rescue you."】

【"If Sasuke is not used by me, I will kill him mercilessly. I don't want to put a time bomb around me. Of course, you don't need to doubt whether I can do it. I think the strength of an Elite Jōnin It can still be done.”]

Now Naruto has reached the Kage-level level in Chakra and ninjutsu, but his combat talent and experience are still too shallow after all,

It shouldn't be a big problem if Susano hits Jōnin with the method of one force and ten meetings.

But if the opponent is an Elite Jōnin with rich combat experience, it is easy to find that Susano has poor flexibility and many flaws in Chakra, and then consumes himself to death, so Naruto will say that he only has the strength of Elite Jōnin.

But with this kind of strength, it is not too easy to assassinate a less than 8-year-old Sasuke who has just surpassed the strength of ordinary Genin.

【Mikoto was a little anxious when he heard Naruto's threatening words: "So what does this have to do with being your woman?"】

【Naruto looks at Uchiha Mikoto with a disdainful expression,】

【"The subjects I studied during the root training also included torture and developing offline. If I want to use Sasuke for me, the easiest way is to have a hostage who can control him, and you, as his mother, are naturally this hostage The best choice, of course I will not treat you badly, since I have chosen you, I will make you my woman as compensation, I will not let you be like those horny female ninjas in the prison."]

【Uchiha Mikoto: ".....I don't need compensation!"】


At this time, the people still don't understand that the eight-year-old Naruto in the projection regards the method of torture some female ninjas as a reward during the root training.

Although Naruto in the black frame inexplicably has the memory of the "Hokage Ninja" episode, but the mind is still the original Naruto, otherwise he would not go to Sarutobi Hiruzen to show off

Eventually got caught in the roots.

And even if he has undergone root training, he is still at a very innocent age when it comes to things about men and women.

In his opinion, helping those female ninjas who have been drugged to solve their problems is a reward, and the best way to subdue a tool man is through threats.

So making Uchiha Mikoto his own woman is undoubtedly the most convenient and quick way to subdue Sasuke.

And in Naruto's view, marriage is undoubtedly a very good way to expand his power, otherwise Sarutobi Hiruzen would not have allowed himself to meet Hinata by chance.

And this is why Naruto picks up Ino and Hinata at the same time, because there is a Konoha clan standing behind both of them.

【Uchiha Mikoto looked at Naruto dumbfounded, as if being my woman is a win-win situation. 】

[When she was about to persuade Naruto to give up this ridiculous idea, Naruto frowned, and said to Uchiha Mikoto and Izumi seriously: "This matter is settled, this place is relatively hidden, there should be no one I found out that it's time for school to end, I need to go back to school to watch Sasuke, I'm worried that Danzo will assassinate Sasuke

There are enough supplies here for you to stay for a week. During this time, I will find an opportunity to take you out to find a place to settle down. Firstly!"】

【After Naruto finished speaking, he put a sealing scroll on the ground and disappeared for a moment. 】

【Uchiha Mikoto opened his mouth, and watched the closed underground chamber collapsed on the ground. 】

【She knows that after today, the Uchiha clan will be dead in name only. If Naruto hadn’t said that Sasuke would still be alive, she would already want to go to the Pure Land with the clan. 】

【"Aunt Mikoto!"】

【Uchiha Izumi burst into tears and threw himself into Uchiha Mikoto's arms, "Itachi..."】

【Mikoto touched Uchiha Izumi's head and sighed: "Forget about him."】

【She suddenly remembered what Naruto said just now. In fact, it's good for you to be Naruto's woman. "]

【Uchiha Izumi: "???"】

Uchiha Itachi:

[On the other side, Naruto escaped the surveillance of Anbu who was guarding the school, and returned to the school toilet. 】

[At this time, my Shadow Clone is already waiting here. 】

[With a bang, the Shadow Clone disappeared, and sure enough, I lay here all night sleeping and no one paid much attention. 】

【At this time, Sasuke was silently packing his schoolbag. Ever since 'Uchiha Itachi defected', Sasuke had received strange looks from those commoner students. 】

[If Naruto was still short and poor, Sasuke's treatment might be better, but because the black-framed Naruto was also a handsome and warm boy in school, all the original Sasuke fans switched to the Yellow Hair Sect. 】

【 Naruto returns to the classroom, just in time to see Sasuke who is about to leave. 】

【"Yo, Seth, today I will accompany you to practice shuriken."】

【Sasuke gave Naruto a cold look, then nodded: "Yes, come to my training ground."】

Because of the influence of Itachi's "defection", Sasuke's desire for strength surpasses that of Sasuke before the genocide in the original book, and without Itachi's care, Naruto naturally took on this role.

Because no one is more eager than Naruto for Sasuke to open Mangekyō Sharingan as soon as possible, because he needs to replace Sasuke's eyes to make Mangekyō evolve into Eternal Eyes. Only in this way can he open Rinnegan as soon as possible to compete with Uchiha Madara.

To put it bluntly, Naruto's cheat is just Ashura Chakra. If it develops normally, let alone Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, he probably can't even beat Uchiha Madara.

And his dream now is to destroy the ninjas in the ninja world, so he is destined to be an enemy of the ninja world just like Obito.

Familiar with the plot, he naturally would not choose the path of the Dream Ambassador Yakushi Kabuto to start the Fourth Ninja World War.

Because he knows that what can really determine the future of the ninja world is the number of personal combat power, which is meaningless in front of Six Paths ninjas.

So he needs to get Sasuke's Mangekyō Sharingan as soon as possible, thus opening the eternal eye fusion Ashura Chakra and finally awakening Rinnegan.

Sasuke in the original plot was stimulated by the news that Obito told Itachi that Konoha was undercover after killing Itachi, so he started Mangekyō......

Today's Itachi has been slaughtered by Naruto, which makes Naruto have to find other ways to help Sasuke open Mangekyō.

So Naruto made Uchiha Mikoto his own woman, besides being a hostage, it might not have stimulated Sasuke's eye-opening idea.

After all, when Genbu was studying interrogation, there were some cases of husband and wife teaming up with ninjas, and Genbu would use some tauren methods to stimulate them to confess information.

Based on the files Naruto has looked at, it seems to work pretty well.

Naruto scoffs at this approach now, but what if it works for Sasuke?

So Naruto decided to play it safe, in case Uchiha Itachi's death and the revelation of Konoha's dark news can't help Sasuke open his eyes, he will try to be

Sasuke's godfather, see if it can stimulate him. If it doesn't work, he has a sister-in-law. If not, he will sacrifice to give the green tea Sakura to green. He doesn't believe that helping Sasuke can't open his eyes!

Of course, Naruto is not without humanity, Uchiha Fugaku's Mangekyō is his spare eyeball for Sasuke.

[The two quickly walked to the entrance of the Uchiha family's clan, which is located at the most edge corner of Konoha Village. 】

[During the period, the two also passed through the clan land of the Aburame clan and the clan land of the Inuzuka clan. After the night of Nine Tails, they were secretly moved to Uchi as a clan responsible for monitoring Uchiha

Next to the wave clan, Naruto used to monitor the Uchiha clan in these two Anbu strongholds before. 】

【Naruto looked at the entrance of the Uchiha clan and narrowed his eyes. If the night of the genocide hadn't happened, he would definitely not be allowed to approach the Baozhibo clan. 】

【Now that I walked into Uchiha's clan openly and aboveboard, it means that Uchiha has completely disappeared at this time. 】

[Sure enough, Sasuke, who found no one around, became flustered. 】

[Although I came back late today, it is not impossible to see no one. 】

【Naruto looked at the edge of the room calmly, although a masked Anbu greeted him. 】

【That person is Anbu from the Kakashi team. 】


【Suddenly there was a scream, and Sasuke ran out from the corner of the street with a face full of horror: "Everyone, everyone! Dead! Everyone is dead!"】

【Sasuke hugged his head and yelled frantically. 】

【Naruto looked intently, but didn't find that Sasuke's eyes changed to Sharingan's. 】

【Naruto sighs,】

[Sure enough, although Sasuke is second only to himself as a supporting actor, Sasuke's talent is really bad. 】

[The whole family's death light plus the Tsukuyomi package, only opened one hook jade, and then I TM forgot, you must know that the known Mangekyō Sharingan openers basically opened their eyes for the first time with double hooks. 】

[And Orochimaru used various prohibited potions to help Sasuke forcefully increase his strength. As a result, two years later, at most, he played 55 with 4-tailed Naruto, which is enough to show that this year's Indra

What a miserable mess. 】

【Now when Naruto saw this Sasuke who died so many people without opening his eyes, Naruto knew that the time for his showdown might be later,】

【If I had used Itachi's emotions in advance, and he didn't even open the three hook jade, then I don't know how to let him open the Mangekyō Sharingan. 】

[Naruto reminded Sasuke with a solemn face: 0.9 "Go and see your house!"]

【Sasuke nodded in panic at this moment: "Yes! Home, my lord father, my lord mother!"】

【The two hurried to Sasuke's house, and along the way they saw the traces of the escaping attack. 】

【 Naruto frowned. Sure enough, Kakuzu was responsible for the extermination of the clan. It seems that he released his avatar to carry out the killing, and only he, a guy who recognizes money but does not recognize people, can do it.

According to the request of the employer, don't destroy the Sharingan on your head. As for the other lunatics, the devil doesn't care how you die, just kill them. 】


【A shrill scream came out, and Sasuke collapsed and knelt down in front of the dead body that lost his eyes and was stabbed in the chest, trembling. 】

【"Are you OK?"】

【Naruto leans forward and glances at Sasuke. 】

【Why hasn't TMD opened his eyes yet, is Uchiha Fugaku's death not miserable enough?】

【 Naruto sensed his surroundings, found an angle that Anbu couldn't see, and opened his eyes. 】


【Sasuke hugged his head suddenly and collapsed on the ground, and his eyes had turned into scarlet... 一拉玉 Sharingan. 】

【"What happened!"】

【Suddenly, several Anbu came behind Naruto in an instant. Knowing Naruto's real identity, they didn't shy away from Naruto. 】

[When Naruto turned his head, the Mangekyō in both eyes had disappeared, just this level of Tsukuyomi would not make the eyes bleed, and Nine Tails Chakra delayed it to a certain extent

Sharingan side effects. 】

【Naruto spread his hands: "I don't know, maybe the stimulation was too severe and I lost consciousness."】

【Several Anbu looked at Sasuke, shocked after seeing the scarlet jade in his eyes. 】

【"Opened eyes at the age of 7! This is a genius! One year earlier than Uchiha Itachi opened eyes!"】


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