Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 71 Are You Actually Stepping On Two Boats? ! (Triple)

【Looking at Anbu who was shocked by Sasuke's 'great' aptitude, Naruto began to wonder if the memory of the cheating "Hokage Ninja" in his mind was fake. 】

[He carefully went through the plot of "Hokage Ninja" which he regarded as the spiritual pillar several times in his mind, and finally he reconfirmed that Sasuke who restarted the single Two Tomoe Sharingan after 12 years old is indeed a waste wood. 】

【Naruto glanced at the dull-eyed Sasuke with some disgust and said to several Anbu: "You guys take him to the hospital."】

【"Yes." Anbu respects strength, and Naruto killed more than one team of them. Although they were all in the name of the tailed beast running amok, Naruto's strength is beyond doubt, so Anbu did not refute Naruto's disposal . 】

【"Naruto," at this moment a kind voice came, and Sarutobi Hiruzen appeared behind Naruto with a sad face, "Why are you here?"】

【Naruto cupped his hands: "Isn't this to continue to complete the task of improving Sasuke's strength? I originally planned to give him a special training tonight. What's going on, Mr. Hokage?" 1

【Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded, and sighed to Naruto with a sad face: "It's all that Uchiha Itachi!"】

Uchiha Itachi: "???"

I'm fucking dead, can you still throw the pot over?!

However, when he thought that Naruto was using his own eyes to commit crimes under his own name, Uchiha Itachi, who had always been absolutely calm, couldn't help but lose his mind.

After all, it is unbearable to watch a shameless brat plot against his own mother and put it on anyone.

On the side, Kisame looked at Uchiha Itachi with a bad face and took two steps back: "Mr. Itachi, I didn't say anything this time!"

Itachi paused and continued to walk forward in silence.

Kisame let out a long sigh of relief, it's better not to mess with him recently.

【 Naruto was very proud when he heard Sarutobi Hiruzen's blame. Isn't this the purpose of impersonating Uchiha Itachi? 】

[In this way, Tsukuyomi in Sasuke's house can be easily explained, now that Danzo will not do anything to Sasuke, Naruto directly greeted Sarutobi Hiruzen and walked towards his broken apartment. 】

[The reason why he followed was purely because he was worried that without Uchiha Itachi's warning, Danzo lost his fear and killed Sasuke. After all, Ashura and Indra have been reincarnated for thousands of years, and there are many accidental deaths. If it hangs up by accident, Naruto's Indra Chakra will be ruined. 】

【Now that the arrival of Sarutobi Hiruzen is confirmed, there is no need for Naruto to stay any longer. This guy will never allow Danzo to attack Sasuke, because he needs Sasuke's Sharingan to grow up, and then prevent the Nine Tails in his body from going berserk. 】

[After Naruto left, Danzo walked over with two roots on a walking stick. 】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen snorted coldly: "Danzo, you are too much! From today, you will cancel your Hokage assistant position, disband the root and merge into Anbu!"】

【Danzo who just walked in looked confused: "Wait a minute Hiruzen! This is all..."】

【"Shut up!" Sarutobi Hiruzen snarled, "Danzo, I can no longer turn a blind eye to your arbitrariness! If it is for the sake of the village, the Uchiha clan is also a member of the village, and soon I will formally decide what to do with you. Before that, I will punish you for confinement."]

In the chat room at this time.

Shimura Danzō: "See! I'm just the one who was dumped by Sarutobi Hiruzen. No matter how you look at it, Sarutobi Hiruzen is behind the scenes! I'm still locked up by him!

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "The one who hired the Akatsuki organization has something to do with me. It was obviously your order from Danzo. I just said to think of other ways as much as possible, and I just let you prepare, but the murderers from the beginning to the end are Your roots!"

Shimura Danzō: "Nima!"

No matter which world Sarutobi Hiruzen is so disgusting.

Two-day scale Ohnoki: "Is this the darkness of the ninja world? I overestimated you before."

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Being treated like a monkey, is this the legendary bystander Qing?"

Terumi Mei: "I think Ninja is somewhat inconsistent with your character design, you should change the title with the head of the team to be more appropriate."

【Kakashi led the team to look at the tragic scene and fell into confusion. 】

【"It's so miserable." "What happened?"】

[They Anbu received orders only to support the Uchiha clan, and all those who participated in the last knife before were Danzo's roots. 】

[As the captain, Kakashi probably guessed the truth of some things, he turned his head to Sarutobi Hiruzen and said: "There are no other survivors々1

【Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded without the slightest surprise and said: "Recover the remains, listen carefully, it's all of them! Don't miss the ones in the house."】

【Kakashi's pupils shrink: "Yes!"】

【Yamato on the side asked in a low voice: "By the way, who did it?"】

【Kakashi was silent, Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a sighing expression: "It is Uchiha Itachi, who became a traitor with Shisui, full of disgust and hatred for the people who caused all this, and finally led to this Tragedy, well, stop dawdling, work quickly, and don't let Uchiha's reputation be tarnished."]

[Then Anbu intensively collected the corpses of the Uchiha clan, and the missing ones were also taken away by the Akatsuki organization. 】

【Sharingan is different from white eyes. Foreigners can’t control it after transplantation, so Sarutobi Hiruzen is not worried about the outflow of Sharingan, but he looks a bit ugly when he looks at Uchiha Fugaku’s empty eye sockets, that’s Mangekyō!】

[The next day, the news that the Uchiha clan was exterminated spread throughout Konoha. 】

[But the strange thing is that this incident did not cause much disturbance in Konoha at all. 】

[After the villagers talked about it for less than a month at most, the No. 1 ninja family in the ninja world disappeared completely from history. 】

Onoki: "It's so ruthless, the Uchiha family has long been abandoned by Konoha, and it's so embarrassing that the most dignified Konoha family has disappeared."

Ghost Lantern Huanyue: "Xiao Nizi, learn a little bit, this is the real method, be careful when dealing with that monkey in the future, if he sells you, maybe you have to count the money for him.

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Hehe, I think I know why the Senju clan disappeared, and the two village ninjas in Konoha were actually removed from Konoha, which is so interesting.

Uchiha Madara: "Hehe, Hashi hot mom, is this the peace you want? I remember that your dream is not to let the children of the family not go to the battlefield? The family is gone, and you still have to speak for Konoha ? If this is the case, you should have led your clansmen to commit suicide collectively during the Sengoku period, and I, Madara, would be able to unify the ninja world and achieve world peace by myself."

This time Senju Hashirama didn't answer, because at this time his soul was also lost in confusion.

Madara is right, when he defended Konoha and backstabbed his dearest friend, it was because his clan members were all in Konoha.

Now Konoha is still the same Konoha, but all of his people are dead, so what is the purpose of creating a village?

Moreover, Hashirama found that it seems that because of the establishment of the ninja village, the battles in the ninja world not only did not stop, but because of the improvement of military power, the scale of the battle and casualties increased exponentially.

This made Hashirama start to wonder if his original intention of founding Ninja Village was correct.

Especially after experiencing Naruto's tragic experience as a victim of the Tailed Beast Balance Plan and the miserable experience of the Uzumaki Clan, "Senju Hashirama's heart was greatly shaken.

So at this time Senju Hashirama has no way to refute Uchiha Madara's ridicule.

【"I want to graduate early."】

[During the projection, Naruto found Sarutobi Hiruzen again and made his request. 】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned unconsciously, and then said kindly:

"Naruto, this is a period of peaceful truce. You are still too young to graduate early, and your strength is very strong, and there is no suitable Jōnin to guide you. Wait, wait until you graduate with Sasuke and the others Bar."】

[ Naruto sighed with a troubled face and said:

"Master Hokage, it's not that I'm making things difficult for you, you know, I have a lot of girlfriends now, Ino is okay, but Hinata is the eldest lady, it's already very difficult for me to be with her, and I have a date on weekdays and the like You can’t always ask Hinata to pay, can you?”]

【"And I always bring two followers when I go out. I can't say that I'm right with him. At least I have to hire two servants to take care of my daily life and cultivate my future aristocratic temperament, right?

【So, I need money for everything~ I want to do missions to make money now, but my poor old dad didn’t leave me any property, and it also got me involved in the political struggles of dog days. If it weren’t for you, Mr. Hokage, I might still be locked up somewhere and never see the light of day. 】

【"So Hokage-sama, please agree with me to graduate. After graduation, with my strength, I will definitely make a name for Konoha."】

[Sarutobi Hiruzen on the opposite side listened to Naruto's babbling with a dark face, and couldn't help cursing in his heart at this moment: "Nimma, you're only 8 years old and you're dating each other!

I'm still single! Laozi's woman died while delivering you!

If it wasn't to win over the Hyuga clan to solve the problem of Hinata and Hanabi's Caged Bird, you still want to fall in love with Hinata?

Bah! You’re still stepping on two boats, the Fourth Generation doesn’t have this gene, and as a Nine Tails Jinchūriki, you can’t even get out of TM Village, and you still want to do missions, you’re thinking fart!”]

【Thinking about it, Sarutobi Hiruzen wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said to Naruto earnestly:

"Naruto, there are really not so many tasks that can be assigned now, and the ninja's level has nothing to do with strength,

You need to complete enough tasks and accumulate enough contribution points to continue to advance to Chūnin, Jōnin.

The money earned from Genin missions alone is not as much as your monthly pension. "]

【Sarutobi Hiruzen persuaded Naruto earnestly. In addition to Naruto's difficult supervision after graduation, there is another reason that Asuma has not gained enough trust from the daimyo who guarded the twelve ninjas. 】

[He is going to find someone to incite the idea of ​​"one country, one jade" first, ask Asuma to save Daimyo's life, and then transfer him back to Konoha Shuashua contribution point, and then spend some money to fight him on the black market. Appreciate it and name it. 】

[Combined with my reputation in Konoha, the next Hokage must be Asuma. 】

【And my little grandson has been receiving elite education, instilling in the villagers the idea that this is the young master of Hokage's grandson. When he grows up, he can continue to take over Asuma's class. 】

【As long as you pass this model on to the elders of the Sarutobi clan, then Konoha's position of Hokage will always be in the hands of the Sarutobi clan!】

【What is this called? This is called inheritance!】

[And Naruto is the guardian Konoha cultivated by himself, the strongest weapon of war that firmly believes in the will of fire!]

【As long as the Sarutobi clan firmly holds the position of Hokage in their hands, Jinchūriki will always be the sharpest sword of the Sarutobi clan!】

【It's just that the bloodline of the Naruto whirlpool family seems not to be pure. This tail beast has gone berserk several times. Although only some Anbu died, I had to continue to prevent Nine Tails from losing their blood.

Control breeds a key. 】

【That is the legendary Sharingan who can control Nine Tails. 】

[Today, Sasuke has stabilized the jade with the help of Naruto, and it is no longer like in the plot that he wakes up and forgets the fact that he opened his eyes. 】

[Such a talented Uchiha family, as long as they grow up, their will of fire inheritance chain will become a perfect closed loop! 】

[So the current Naruto definitely cannot graduate early and break the existing plan. 】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen thought for a moment and said to Naruto:

"." How about it, Naruto, your monthly pension will be doubled! I will change you to a courtyard to live alone, and I will also help you find two servants in the family to take care of you

Your daily life, cultivate your aristocratic temperament, and you can stay at the Ninja School to improve Sasuke's strength. If there is an Anbu task that suits you, you can follow Kakashi to do the task,

How about this?"]

【Naruto's eyes flashed, he grinned and pretended to be embarrassed and said: "Is this okay?"】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen waved his hand: "Don't worry Naruto, it's absolutely suitable! We won't lose a big hero."】

【"Then I will accept it with a smile."】

【After speaking, Naruto happily left the Hokage building. 】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen called an Anbu. 】

【"Go and call Tianzang and ask him to help build a house for Naruto on the site of the Fourth Generation. By the way, inform the clan and ask them to find two female Genin and send them to Naruto.

Responsible for monitoring and reporting Naruto's whereabouts. "]


【Sarutobi Hiruzen knocked the cigarette pouch in his hand, his eyes narrowed into a line. 】

[The original residence of the Fourth Generation was originally located on the edge of Konoha. At that time, the house was settled there to prevent the Kushina Nine Tails from running amok. Now Naruto controls

The power is worse, so it is quite appropriate to build a house there again. 】

【As for the servant, I was worried that I couldn't use Anbu to spy on him because Naruto was too powerful, but Naruto came to my door by himself. This kind of good thing is rare. 】

[Everything is developing in a good direction, and I will support it for another 10 years. At that time, Konoha will completely change from a public world to a family world, and the position of Hokage will always be controlled by the Sarutobi clan.

Here, this is something that even his father Sarutobi Sasuke dare not think about!]

【Everything is done in the An (Zhao Wanghao) platoon, just waiting to reap the fruits of victory. Sarutobi Hiruzen happily took a mouthful of the pipe, revealing his yellowish big teeth. 1

[On the other side, Naruto packed some Ichiraku ramen, and after going around to make sure no one was following him, he came to the shrine of the Uchiha clan. 】

【Following the secret passage into the ancestral land, Uchiha Izumi's excited voice came out: Naruto!"】

[Having experienced the heroic rescue of the beauty, the loss of his people, and the life of a gopher for more than a month, Uchiha Izumi began to unconsciously regard Naruto as a reliance in the dark. 】

【After all, apart from Naruto, she doesn't know what she can do now. Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn't allow the Uchiha people who know the truth to survive. She also realizes it now

The suffering of the Uzumaki family being forced to flee to the battlefield. 】

【"How's it going outside?" Uchiha Izumi looked at Naruto longingly, she was really fed up with this dark life, and Naruto promised them to change their bodies as soon as possible

Take it to the ground. 】

【Naruto frowned at the girl who was rescued by accident. To be honest, he did what he said to Obito at the time, because of her eyes. change】

[But it's not for her eyes or anything, but simply because I don't want Obito to get Uchiha Izumi's eyes. 】

[You must know that this guy escaped with these eyes and killed Konan by the way, so Naruto simply didn't want Obito to get Uchiha Izumi's eyes. 】

[Now that she is really rescued, Naruto doesn't know how to deal with her, especially when Naruto finds that Uchiha Izumi seems to be more and more dependent on himself, and this feeling is already moving towards Hina.

Tian's direction has developed, but at this time, he still doesn't feel much about these love affairs. 】

【Women will only affect the speed at which he draws his sword. If it weren't for the Hyuga clan and the Ino–Shika–Chō clan, he would not sacrifice his hue. 】

【However, Naruto thinks that Uchiha Izumi has the attributes of Sasuke's sister-in-law after all. If it's not possible, let Sasuke try the effect first. 】

Uchiha Sasuke: "You ML#@%#!"

Uchiha Itachi:


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