Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 72 Aunt Mikoto, I Don't Mind~ (Three In One)

【"In the next two days, Sarutobi Hiruzen will arrange for two maids to come over, and then you can replace them, and you can live normally."】

【Looking at Izumi Uchiha with eyes full of anticipation, Naruto had no choice but to tell her the news he just received. 】

【Uchiha Izumi's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Really? That's great!"】

【At this time, Uchiha Mikoto also came out from the darkness, she opened her mouth hesitantly. 】

【Naruto immediately said: "Don't worry, Sasuke has been in a good state of mind for the past two days, but now he has shifted the target of hatred to Uchiha Itachi, and then uses this as a lesson to work hard to improve the calendar."】

【"About the sharingan exercise, I also relayed it to him, and he is now able to use the sharingan very well."】

【Naruto only feels pain for the improvement of Sharingan, and it is obvious that the Uchiha family has a corresponding training method to improve pupil power. 】

[Just because the Uchiha clan was wiped out, no one continued to guide Sasuke, which caused his pupil power to improve slowly. 】

[Until the ninja school graduated, Sarutobi Hiruzen found that Sasuke still hadn't opened the Sharingan, so he sent Kakashi, the only Sharingan owner, to give advice to Sasuke. 】

【Mikoto let out a long sigh of relief when she heard Naruto's words. She said to Naruto with an apologetic face: "I really trouble you, Naruto."】

【Naruto shook his head calmly: "It's just a win-win situation. By the way, you really don't need me to help you solve the problem?"】

【Uchiha Mikoto's face turned red immediately, and she waved her hands at Naruto angrily:

"No need! Really! Naruto, those methods at the root are not suitable for everyone "and not all girls have needs! You will not find a girlfriend like this!"]

【Naruto glanced at Uchiha Mikoto suspiciously: "How is it possible, I have already found two of them now."】

【Uchiha Mikoto, Uchiha Spring:..."】

【"In short, it's good that you're all right. I'll come and pick you up after I've settled the matter thoroughly."】

【Naruto put down the ramen he bought, and quickly left the secret room. 】

【Uchiha Izumi looked at Naruto's back with a disappointed face and muttered: "Have you found two?"】

【Uchiha Mikoto patted Izumi's head and comforted him: "It's okay, the current Naruto doesn't know what love is at all, and you will have opportunities in the future."】

【Uchiha Izumi's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "Really?"】

【 Mikoto nodded as a matter of course, she can now see that Naruto has no concept of women at all, in his eyes, the most important role of beautiful women should be to help him use the color penetrating technique to lower the defense of the enemy. 】

【Uchiha Izumi suddenly raised his head and asked in a low voice: "What about Aunt Mikoto?"】


【Uchiha Izumi lowered his head shyly: "I see Naruto treats Aunt Mikoto every time he comes...Actually...I don't mind 567..."]

【 Uchiha Mikoto's face turned blood red instantly, she slapped Quan's head angrily and shouted in a low voice: "Don't think about it! What nonsense are you talking about, how could Naruto and I["]

In this world,

Sasuke stared at Naruto with red eyes,

The murderous intent in his eyes almost caught up with the look in his eyes that wanted to stab his own brother.

Naruto in front of him was pale and sweating, and now he didn't even have the courage to turn around.

Without him, I have a guilty conscience, no matter how I look at it, the self in the projection is somewhat too much.

In the chat room, Uchiha Fugaku turned into a telegram maniac again, and after a series of BB sounds, he banned his speech again without accident.

the edge of the forest country,

Kisame followed the distance of Uchiha Itachi, and expanded the distance again. He felt that Uchiha Itachi was somewhat dangerous at this stage.

Fortunately, Naruto in the current projection does not really have any harmonious illusions about Mikoto.

【The next day, an Anbu found Naruto who was skipping class and sleeping late in the morning. 】

[Ever since he knew from the memory of "Hokage Ninja" that the seal on his body could turn Nine Tails wool into his own Chakra all the time, he never refined Chakra by himself. 】

[Because he knows that even if a person extracts all the Chakra in the cells of the whole body, he is only a Kage-level Chakra Emperor. 】

[There are only two ways to really break the shackles of the race, either to borrow the power of nature through fairy art, or to extract the power of nature and turn it into Chakra fruit for your own use through the sacred tree. 】

[And Nine Tails is the product of the second method. It is essentially a Chakra group formed by the fusion of the sacred tree by extracting the source of the planet. Unless you can activate the Ashura Chakra in your body, no matter how you extract body cells, you will not be able to surpass Nine. Amount of Chakra for Tails. 】

[So Naruto simply chose to lie flat. Anyway, at his level, the amount of Chakra with multiple ten cards and eight cards is basically dispensable. It has no effect on his strength. It is better to wait for Nine Tails to pry it Lock, and feed yourself back to Chakra. 】

【Naruto has serious doubts about himself in the plot. The reason why he only graduated with 100 Chakra cards is because he usually practiced too hard, which affected Nine Tails. [Frequency of picking locks

Lowered to slow down Nine Tails Chakra transitions. 】

[Anyway, since Naruto chose to play badly, his Chakra growth rate has soared again, especially after he pulled the penetration of Nine Tails Chakra to 4 tails through several active rampages, his Chakra growth rate has obviously increased again Not a lot. 】

[If you continue to practice at this speed, Naruto feels that when (bffb) he graduates, the amount of Chakra may reach the level where Shippuden is turned on. 】

【Naruto yawned and looked at the purple-haired Anbu at the door and asked:】

【"Already found a good place?"】

【The visitor nodded: "Yes, senior, Senior Tianzang asked me to take you there."】

【This person is Uzuki Yugao who joined Anbu as a substitute for Uchiha Itachi. Because Naruto belongs to Anbu at the same time as Itachi, he is naturally Uzuki Yugao's senior. 】

【Naruto nodded: "Understood, just wait for me."】

【Then he went back to the house and changed into a casual outfit and came to the door. Uzuki Xiyan's eyes lit up when she saw it. 】

[Although Naruto in the black frame world has been cruelly trained and tortured, his identity as Nine Tails has been concealed, so Naruto has not been isolated by the villagers, which can only be said to be a blessing in misfortune. 】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen chose the same brainwashing method as Yamato, and gave up the mental pua through the isolation of the villagers, so now Naruto's life is much more comfortable than Naruto in the plot. 】

[So his physical development has not been affected by eating instant noodles for a long time. At the age of eight, he already has a height of nearly 1.6 meters. Also like a child. 】

【Led by Yugao Uzuki, Naruto came to a ruin outside Konoha. 】

【At this time, Yamato and the two servants have already been waiting here. 】

[ Naruto looked around, always feeling a sense of familiarity. 】

【He frowned and walked to the ruined wall on the platform, and suddenly found a broken photo frame in the ruins. 】

[At this time, the photo in the photo frame has been blurred, and a tall yellow-haired man can be vaguely seen holding the three Genins in front of his chest with his hands open. 】

【At this time Yamato came up to see the photo, he exclaimed in surprise: "Huh? Didn't this thing be taken away?"】

【Naruto frowned and looked at him, the familiar feeling came again and again, "Where is this?"】

【Yamato seemed to think of something, and coughed twice: The ruins of the Fourth Hokage's residence, when Nine Tails..."

【Yamato glanced at Naruto: "When Nine Tails launched Tailed Beast Bomb, Fourth Hokage moved Nine Tails and Tailed Beast Bomb here, so Konoha was saved from disaster." 1

[With a click, the photo frame in Naruto's hand was crushed by him. 】

[He looked up and looked around, and sure enough, there were still faint traces of the enchantment around. 】

[Naruto, who has worked in Nebu and Anbu, naturally knows that her mother's life is not comfortable. When she first transferred to Nine Tails, she was imprisoned in the barrier every day and couldn't even get out. To go out, you need to find Sarutobi Hiruzen to apply. 】

[This situation was not relieved until Namikaze Minato learned Rasengan to assist Kushina to pull enough Nine Tails Chakra from Nine Tails. 】

[But even so, the village built the residence of the two of them on the edge of the village because they were worried that Nine Tails Chakra would run amok. 】

[It is precisely because of this that after Minato lost the Sky's Path mark, he directly chose to use the Flying Thunder God mark on the Kushina seal as the coordinates to transfer the Nine Tails and Tailed Beast Bomb here, which led to the subsequent tragedy. 】

【Yamato looked at Naruto, who seemed to be in a bad mood, and immediately reminded: "Naruto, if you don't want to use this place, I can go to Mr. Hokage to discuss it."】

【Naruto put away the fluctuating emotions caused by Namikaze Minato, he smiled at Yamato and shook his head: "It's okay, it's good here."】

【Ever since he learned about the memory of "Hokage Ninja", every time he thinks of the scum who only knows about the village and ignores himself and his mother, he gets very angry. 】

[And whenever Konoha brainwashed him or detained him, his resentment towards Namikaze Minato deepened. He didn't care how others regarded him as a hero, but in Naruto, he only had Namikaze Minato hate. 】

【With Naruto's permission, Yamato started to help build the house. 】

【"Wood Style·Lianzhujia Technique!"】

[He clapped his hands and a luxurious courtyard rose from the ground. 】

[The eyes of Naruto on the side are shining, this ninjutsu is really good, if you have this, you still need to worry about not being able to afford a house, you can change one every day. 】

At this time, Naruto is not the only one who thinks of this.

"I'm Inoue from Tsuchiya Construction in the Land of Fire. I hope to have an in-depth cooperation with this ninja from Konoha. The price is not a problem. I'm willing to release long-term S-level missions and only need to release ninjutsu a few times a day."

"I am from the Land of Wind..."

"I am from the Land of Earth..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen in Hokage's office turned black, this is his treasure, the only Wood Style ninja who can suppress Nine Tails, his own captain Anbu, how could he be sent out to be a construction worker.

But looking at the prices offered by those real estate tycoons made Sarutobi Hiruzen feel like he's a fucking poor man.

Fortunately, he knew that such things as killing chickens and taking eggs cannot be done, so he resolutely rebuked the capitalists who stretched out the evil hand of Yamato:

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Sorry, bosses, Tianzang is our signature ninja in Konoha, so his appearance fee is relatively expensive. If you are interested, you can come to Konoha for a private chat. Thank you

Tenzo Yamato: "???"

Two-day scale Onoki: "Bah!"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Bah!"

Terumi Mei: "Bah! We're looking for marriage here. Those who are Kage-level or above and those with blood successors are given priority. They must be enthusiastic and passionate.

Qing: "Shut up, Mizukage-sama!"

[Because of Naruto's request, Yamato was forced to build a surrounding area that was not inferior to the Hyuga clan.

Oversized townhouse complex. 】

[In Naruto’s words, his future girlfriend needs everyone to have a villa, one cannot favor one over another, just build it according to the configuration of the daimyo’s mansion, and he also needs to learn from the daimyo

Wives, four concubines, 72 concubines and the like. 】

[When Yamato completed the construction according to Naruto's request, the whole person felt as if he had masturbated 18 times in one night.

Life. 】

[At this time, another group of enchanters in white robes came outside. 】

[The leader of the team arched his hands at Naruto and said: "We are here to set up the enchantment under the order of Lord Hokage."]

【Naruto narrowed his eyes, a killing intent surged in his heart, then he glanced at the dark place, stepped aside and said indifferently: "Hurry up, I want to move here as soon as possible."】

[Afterwards, under the arrangement of a group of people, an enchantment technique similar to that of the whirlpool clan's family Hui was hidden in Naruto's mansion. 】

【Naruto felt that the Nine Tails Chakra in his body stagnated, and the connection with the Nine Tails consciousness space was much weaker. 】


[Suddenly, Nine Tails' mocking voice sounded in my mind. 】

【"You vortex family regard the power of that vortex-like seal as pride."】

【"You use that power, and now it is also used by others, but in today's moment, in the vortex of the times, you yourself are drowning in it and cannot break free."]

【"So accept my power and undo the seal in front of the door~ With it, all your problems now will be solved~"】

【Naruto closed his eyes, and in the next second he was in the dark space of consciousness. 】

【He looked at the Nine Tails Chakra constantly overflowing from the door, and the scarlet Three Tomoe Sharingan appeared in his eyes. 】

【"Get back!"】

【Naruto grabbed Nine Tails' Chakra foam and shattered it, Nine Tails' teasing eyes lit up in the seal, looking at Naruto's scarlet eyes was full of pleasure. 】

【"Hey, Fourth Generation, this is the savior you expected~haha~"】

Senju Hashirama: "(Heavy) Trouble, why is his adaptability to Sharingan so high?"

Senju Tobirama: "(Confused) Is it possible to control the Sharingan as long as you are deeply in hatred? This has never been tried before."

Uchiha Madara: "Hehe, goods."

Senju Hashirama: "Madara, do you know something?"

Uchiha Madara: "Hashi hot mom, you just need to know that your so-called peace is fake, I will bring real peace!"

Land of Rain, in the underground base.

"Mother, did you see, this idiot thought I was his consciousness clone, I modified the stele left by Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo, he is still dreaming that Infinite Tsukuyomi is the

The road to peace.

"At that time, when he casts Infinite Tsukuyomi, we can take the opportunity to release the god, the birth of the tree world, and then tie up all those who have been under the illusion to provide mother with a source of energy.

Constant chakra.

Black Zetsu asked Kaguya for credit with a proud face, Kaguya looked at the speech in the chat room and nodded, she pointed to Naruto in the projection and said doubtfully: "This is the generation you are talking about.

Shura reincarnated?"

Black Zetsu poked his head out, his face a little dignified:

"I'm not sure yet. Originally, I thought that the Senju clan disappeared, and Ashura Chakra would no longer be reincarnated. I checked before, and I didn't find any Ashura Chakra in his body."

If there is a chance, I will go to Konoha to see the traces of Carat. "

[The enchantment squad that finished setting up the enchantment quickly disappeared. Naruto looked carefully at the spells and finally confirmed that this is the sealing enchantment that suppresses Nine Tails Chakra, as long as you stay in the enchantment

Nine Tails Chakra Nine Tails was suppressed to a minimum, and the closer to the center of the barrier, the stronger the suppression. It was obvious that Konoha's senior management was worried that Nine Tails would go berserk again, so they arranged the barrier. 】

[After confirming that there is no surveillance technique in the barrier, Naruto turned to look at the two maids who were still there. 】

【Naruto grinned, and asked the two of them: "The root?"】

[The faces of the two changed slightly, and then a characteristic smirk appeared on their faces: "What are you talking about? We are just sent by Mr. Hokage to take care of your house. 1

【Naruto nodded when he heard the words, and after reconfirming that there was no surveillance around, he waved to the two: "Come and see me."】

【The two raised their heads, and a pair of scarlet Mangekyō Sharingan caught their eyes!】.

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