Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 73: In Front Of My Mother, Seduce Technique! (Triple)

【Naruto looked coldly at the indifference on the faces of the two lifeless maids on the ground. 】

[At first I thought that Sarutobi Hiruzen believed in himself completely, but now it seems that he is too naive. 】

【He stretched out his hand, and attached a sharp wind attribute Chakra to his fingertips: "Eliminate writing face Technique!"】

【Then two human skin masks appeared in his hands. When it comes to camouflage, there is no technique that is more concealed than the technique of erasing face. If he did not come from the root, he would not have mastered this Forbidden Technique. 】

【 Naruto turned his head to look at the huge head on the Hokage Rock and showed a sneer. 】

[Then the screen changed, and I don't know how long the time has passed. 】

【Naruto's figure appeared at the gate of Ninja School, but his figure has changed to the same appearance as that of Shippuden. 】

【"Naruto!" Ino's cheerful voice came from behind Naruto, "I'm going to eat meatballs after the exam~!"】

【Naruto turned his head, a nephrite-like body threw himself into his arms, and in the next second, two sweet petals kissed him directly. 】

【In the back, Hinata stood with her face flushed, covering her eyes and looking at the bold Ino, her eyes were also full of longing. 】

【Hinata resisted the urge to run away, and explained to Naruto in a low voice:】

【"Naruto-kun, Sister Tiantian said that she has a task to do today, so she can't come..."】

【Naruto pulled Ino away from his body, touched Hinata's head and said with a smile: "Let's go, let's go to the exam first, and finally the fuck is going to graduate."】

At this time, the projection screen with black frame disappears.

Twelve Xiaoqiang,

Shikamaru and other boys looked at Ino in disbelief, and then at Hinata.

Neji and Xiao Li looked at Tian Tian with bewildered faces.

"Could it be that what she said every day is..."

Tian Tian blushed and waved his hands again and again: "Impossible!! I'm not even on the same level as him!"

And Ino in the distance hastily denied it: "That is to say, how could I fall in love with Naruto?"

She was talking, but she touched her lips unconsciously, and the big Naruto who was obviously overdeveloped appeared in her mind, and a blush climbed up her pretty face.

And at this time in the chat room.

Uzumaki Kushina: "Why is it gone? How did Naruto become so big all of a sudden?"

Namikaze Minato: "Kushina, it seems that nothing special happened next, so time just fast forwarded.

Uzumaki Kushina: "You shut up, I don't want to talk to you."

That is to say, I can't meet him now, if I can meet him, I will beat him several times with Nine Tails Chakra no matter what I say.

Senju Tobirama: "What Fourth Hokage said should be correct, the timelines in the two projections overlap, and both end at the time of the graduation exam.

Onoki: "Did you find out that the projections all take Uzumaki Naruto as the protagonist, and all the projections revolve around Uzumaki Naruto. Naruto in the white frame projection is weak, and many things have nothing to do with him, except being In addition to being excluded, he was studying at a ninja school, so these experiences were taken away in one stroke.

Onoki: "The black frame Naruto, because of the "Hokage Ninja" led to a divergence in the direction of history, and he was forcibly added to the root. He has stronger strength and has more contacts, so the broadcast also longer."

Killer Bee: "Yo~ Now it seems that the life of Naruto with white frame seems to be better than that with black frame~"

Hidan: "Fart, Naruto with the black frame is more comfortable~! Haha, killing! Painful! So many delicacies dedicated to Lord Cthulhu! It's so wonderful~!"

Scorpion: "Boring and eternity is art. He should make those guys in Kusanagi Village into puppets."

Deidara: "My lord is wrong, art is an explosion! We have to pursue the brilliance of that moment ~ hehe [I think now that I made a bomb in that world and smoothed out the roots and I would be happy."

Scorpion: "That's why you haven't come out of Tsukuyomi world for so long?"

Uzumaki Nagato: "Sure enough, pain can only be understood by feeling pain. Naruto in the black-framed world will definitely understand what I do. Uzumaki Naruto, I hope you can support my plan in the future to make the world peaceful."

Uzumaki Naruto: "???"

At this moment, another change appeared in the sky, and the blackened Naruto's figure reappeared. This time, the blackened Naruto's expression seemed somewhat mechanical.

"Congratulations to everyone who has read the summary of the previous story and completed the novice guidance. The next questions will appear directly in the chat room or in the form of barrage projections. The first three players who answer correctly will receive corresponding rewards. I hope Everyone can have a good time.”

Senju Tobirama: "(Frowning) How did it become a rush to answer?"

Terumi Mei: "Are rewards only given for the first three answers correctly? That's where it gets interesting.

Nara Lujiu: "There will be such a rule, which means that for some of the following questions, there may be more than three people who know the answer, so it is necessary to grab customers."

At this time, the white frame in the sky lights up,

[Naruto is improvising on Sarutobi Hiruzen's Shadow Rock with a paint bucket in his hand. 】

Everyone: "???"

Naruto's eyes widened, if the previous projection felt far away from him because he was too small, but he was very familiar with the scene in front of him.

Because this is the day when I have not yet taken the graduation exam!

【Several Chūnin rushed to the distance, and shouted at Naruto angrily: "Stop! Naruto! Who told you to scribble on the Hokage Rock again!"】

【Naruto chuckled, picked up the paint bucket and fled down the mountain. 】

【After a while of chasing, Naruto was tied by Iruka's ears to the weight of the Ninja School. 】

【"Listen well, Naruto, you failed the graduation exam last time and last time, now is not the time to play pranks!"】

【Naruto curled his mouth and showed a dismissive expression, Iruka's face turned black, and he immediately ordered all the students in the class to re-test the changing Technique. 】

And when the projection played to this point, Naruto's face had already started to change.

Uzumaki Naruto: "Wait, wait a minute! Why are you broadcasting these bastards, Hokage ninjas, Hokage ninjas, there should be a lot of ninjas in Konoha Village [Why me as the main character!"

Uzumaki Kushina: "It must be because of Naruto, you are excellent, after all, you are my son, and you will definitely be able to become Hokage in the future...Forget it, it is just as good if you don't become Hokage~!

Whirlpool Naruto: "No, mom, this, that, why don't you close your eyes first?"

Uzumaki Kushina: "???"

【Naruto: "Change!!"】

[A blond uncensored Uzumaki Naruko appears in front of Iruka. 】

【"Wow haha~ How about it! This is the seduction technique I developed!"】

Uzumaki Kushina: "...

Jiraiya: "Save! Awesome! Naruto, wait for me to go back! I'll take your apprentice away! As I said, it's useless when Hokage comes!"

Uzumaki Kushina: "(angry) Mr. Jiraiya, did you teach Naruto these things! How can he use such... nasty ninjutsu for such an innocent child!


Everyone unanimously thought of the killing that Hei Ming experienced before. Is this thing simple?

At this time in the examination room,

Shikamaru looked around for Naruto, and found that Naruto was squatting in a corner and trying to bury his head.

Shikamaru stepped forward with a smile and poked Naruto: "You are so shy now, you developed this thing when you were young."

Naruto raised his head with a look of lovelessness and gritted his teeth:

"My mother is watching!"

I have never met my mother before, so I watched the naked beauty I transformed into before I had time to meet her. It felt like I was hiding in the bedroom watching a movie and masturbating and then my mother bumped into me.

【"You big idiot! Don't create such a boring ninjutsu!!" Iruka's roar sounded in the classroom. 】

[After lunch, he led Naruto to clean up the graffiti left by Hokage Rock. 】

【Iruka sits on the rock and oversees the work, "I won't let you go back until I clean it up."】

【Naruto scrubbed the paint on the stone full of resentment and snorted coldly: "It doesn't matter! Anyway, I'm going home, and there's no one at home."】

Uzumaki Kushina: "Naruto...damn Third Generation! This is what you promised me to take care of Naruto!!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Kushina, I have been paid on time every month, and Naruto that others have is not short of anything. Even if it is news that Naruto is Nine Tails, I secretly ordered a ban on discussion."

Whirlpool Kushina: "(angry) Damn Namikaze Minato! I told you to stay with Naruto! I told you that my Chakra would die with Nine Tails!"

Namikaze Minato: "(Wry smile) Kushina, didn't I say it before, this is all for..."

Uzumaki Kushina: "Shut up! For Konoha, for the village, for the country? Who has ever thanked you for my son? They don't even know who your son is! The son of the fourth Hokage, is it a shameful identity? "

Namikaze Minato: "It's just that the teacher is worried that my enemies will take revenge..."

Uzumaki Kushina: "Revenge? You are dead. Who will take revenge on an innocent child? If Naruto Jinchūriki's identity wasn't leaked, who would take revenge on him?"

Onoki: "Tsk tsk, I'm going to tell you about this point, Hiruzen, I remember your grandson living like a prince in Konoha, especially Jōnin's personal protection and acting as a tutor by the way, even if you assassinate Hokage every day. Everyone is a playboy who is respected by others."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "That's all rumors! Konohamaru is working hard now."

Onoki: "(Contempt)"

[At this time the screen changes,

[The camera came to a street. 】

[Sarutobi Hiruzen in a Hokage robe and Kakashi with a gloomy face walk on the street. 】

【"Speaking of the Genin you are in charge of this time..."】

【Kakashi frowned: "Is it me again?"】

[At this time, Kakashi has not recovered from Anbu's killing, and he is not willing to guide Jōnin at all. 】

【The two came to a dilapidated apartment, and Sarutobi Hiruzen pointed to the residential building above and introduced: "I believe you will be very interested in the students this time."】

【Kakashi frowned: "Here is..."】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded: "Well, Uzumaki Naruto's home. 1

[A complex look flashed across Kakashi's face: "The orphan of the Fourth Generation..."1

Uzumaki Naruto: "Huh?! Sensei Kakashi knows my identity? Why didn't you tell me?"

…… Ask for flowers O………

Uzumaki Kushina: "Sure enough, Kakashi, you know Naruto's identity! Why can't you take care of him more!"

Uchiha Obito: "Hehe, someone is probably drowning in the regret of killing his comrades with his own hands, you hypocrite!"

Hatake Kakashi: "Obito, you don't know, at that time..."

Uchiha Obito: "I know Rin committed suicide, so what! Kakashi, you failed to protect Rin, that's the truth.

Yuan Yelin: "Obito, don't hate Kakashi, I really rushed up by myself.

Land of Rain, in the dark, Obito didn’t reply, a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes, this is not his own Lin, his own Lin is the one who loves and cares about her!

【Kakashi said as if in a lifetime: "Has that child become Genin?"】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled slightly: "It seems that you are a little interested."】

【Then the two entered Naruto's apartment, and Kakashi frowned at the messy instant noodle boxes and expired milk on the table. 】

Uzumaki Kushina looked at such a dirty room and felt distressed again.

Uzumaki Kushina: "Sorry Naruto, it's all my mother's fault for not taking good care of you."

Uzumaki Naruto: "It's okay, mom, I'm used to it, haha~"

Namikaze Minato: "I...."

Vortex Kushina: "Go!"

【After visiting Naruto's home, Third Generation took Kakashi to Sasuke's single apartment,】

Naruto was envious of the bright and spacious room, the huge floor-to-ceiling balcony, and the high-end furniture.

(Question: Why is Sasuke's house so much more advanced than Naruto's.)

(A. Sasuke loves to be clean more than Naruto, so he cleans well.)

(B. Sasuke is the sole heir of the Uchiha clan and owns a lot of wealth.)


(C. Because Uchiha Itachi is still alive.)

The sudden appearance of options made everyone stunned, and suddenly remembered that the answers at this time would be interspersed in the projection.

After Sasuke saw these three options, he immediately showed a joyful expression.

Isn't this a proper way to send points?

Uchiha Sasuke: "A!"

Vortex Naruto: "B."

Haruno Sakura: "B."

Uchiha Fugaku: "C."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "C.

Shimura Danzō: "C.

Ohnoki: "B."

(Congratulations to Uchiha Fugaku, Sarutobi Hiruzen, and Shimura Danzō for answering this question correctly, and get a reward of Rinne Tensei Technique Fragment*1.)

(Outsider Rinne Tensei Fragments: Collecting ten pieces can be exchanged for outset Rinne Tensei ninjutsu once, combined with Impure World Reincarnation and sacrifices, the soul of Pure Land can be revived. The card has been recorded at the Six Paths slate, and the owner can chat room for transactions.)

On the black slate standing now,

Handwriting records appear next to the names of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzō, and Uchiha Fugaku, respectively.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: Rinne Tensei Technique Fragment*1, Impure World Reincarnation Offering White Zetsu*1.

Shimura Danzō: Heretic Rinne Tensei Technique Fragment*1.

Uchiha Fugaku: Outer way Rinne Tensei Technique Fragment*1.

In Hokage Building,

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face flashed with joy,

Heretics Rinne Tensei Technique? Although I have never heard of it, it is undoubtedly a necessary condition for resurrecting the dead.

With the sacrifice White Zetsu, there is only one Reanimation Jutsu who can resurrect the dead strong man, or... son! My boss Sarutobi Shinnosuke!

"Come on!"


An Anbu appeared in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen,

Sarutobi Hiruzen knocked on the pipe and said calmly: "Go to Danzo and ask him to transfer the pieces under his name to me!"

Anbu: "Yes!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen had a shrewd look in his eyes,

Want to be resurrected? Then see if I agree with you!

At this time, Sasuke was in a state of confusion,


Why do I live better than Naruto, but because Uchiha Itachi is not alive?

Why does my father think so too? Itachi, as a traitor, shouldn't he be a burden to him?

Three answers, the inheritance of the Uchiha clan was completely blocked the next day because of the genocide incident, and I naturally didn’t inherit anything, but Konoha will send me money every month, so option B is wrong Yes, I know it myself.

As for option C, because Uchiha Itachi is still alive, as the village’s traitor and murderer, as his only living brother, he should not be dragged down by him, and his life should be even worse.

Uchiha Sasuke: "The answer is wrong! It's A!"

Uzumaki Naruto: "How big is the difference between the environment between us? Don't you have points? Is this a gap that can be made up by cleaning?"

Onogi of the two scales: "So that's it, itachi, hehe~ Is it because of Itachi's threat, that Sasuke is given better treatment? And Naruto's family members are all dead, hehe~ It's you, Sarutobi Hiruzen."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "I don't know what you're talking about."

Onogi in the Tsuchikage building looked at the silly Sarutobi Hiruzen in the chat room, curled his lips and said contemptuously: "Hypocrisy.

At this time, the projection in the sky continued to play, and two Genin appeared in the projection. .

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