Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 74: Uzumaki Naruto (Three In One)


[A loud bang. 】

【"Welcome Lord Third Generation! Hey, there is also Teacher Kakashi! This time my little Sakura will trouble you, please come in!"】

【"I'll serve you some tea~"】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen and Kakashi looked at the two people who suddenly appeared expressionlessly, and the scene fell into embarrassment for a while. 】

In the examination room, little Sakura looked at the projection with her face covered in disgust.

The two who appeared this time were his father and mother.

Every Jōnin in a ninja village is a strategic resource of the village, and not every Genin who graduated from a ninja school is eligible for the assessment to guide a Jōnin.

Basically, only those ninja school graduates of each class are eligible to be recruited by Sarutobi Hiruzen, and a guide Jōnin is specially assigned to protect the novice.

Most of the graduated Genin can only form a team alone, and then go to the Hokage building to start from the lowest level of tasks and climb up a little bit.

So when little Sakura's parents heard that their daughter was assigned to the team with the mentor Jōnin, they were only extra excited.

This kind of opportunity is simply rare for ordinary people, even if the little Sakura is the first in the theoretical foundation.

It's a pity that little Sakura didn't understand these things at all, she just felt that her parents' behavior was too embarrassing for herself.

Anyway, I am also the top student in the written test, what does this grateful look mean?

Haruno Sakura: "Dad, Mom! Look at you, why are you so excited? Your daughter and I are the top students in the ninja school exam!"

Sakura's father: "Wow haha, of course I am excited, my daughter is treated like this, even my father doesn't have it."

Sakura's mother: "It's amazing, it's amazing, my daughter is the best, you don't know that your auntie in the village next door is almost crying with envy, and their children didn't get such a good opportunity."

Hokage Office,

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face darkened, and he suddenly felt that it was a bit hasty to choose the little Sakura, and it was too high-profile.

【Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the familiar Sakura's father and Sakura's mother who coughed dryly and said "three three three": "cough cough, we are visiting privately after all, if we go to the students' house for tea, we are afraid of being gossiped by other parents of students. 1

【Sakura's mother: "Oh, don't be so serious】

【Sakura's father: "That's right, that's right, thanks to Hokage-sama, everyone can live with peace of mind. They won't talk nonsense behind their backs. Come, please come in."]

【Sakura's mother: "My daughter's future teacher, please don't be polite~"】

[The two warmly greeted the two and conducted an in-depth family interview. If Kakashi hadn't insisted on refusing, the two would have asked them to have a drink at home without saying anything. 】

[After they came out from the small Sakura's house, they all breathed a sigh of relief. The two were too enthusiastic and made them quite uncomfortable. 】

[After finishing all the home visits, the two came to a reclining chair in a training ground and continued to chat. 】

【"Why? Why did you put me in charge of the three of them?" Kakashi looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with the drink in his hand. 】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled slightly: "That's right, a crane tail, an honor student, plus a smart female ninja, isn't it like the Minato class?"】

【Kakashi's eyes widened: "Then...then you arranged for me on purpose?"】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes sharpened suddenly. 】

【"Kakashi, I am Hokage anyway, I will not decide personnel because of personal relationship."】

【"Appropriate talent, suitable place, I have also used my brains in terms of talent allocation. Of course, the school teacher's idea is another matter."】

Iruka: "(Surprised) What? Isn't Sasuke and Naruto placed in the same class because of the balance of the team's strength?"

Tsunade: "(sneer) hehe."

Senju Hashirama: "What's the matter, Tsuna, it seems that you are not satisfied with the grouping of monkeys?"

Orochimaru: "Hey, Master First Hokage, it took Tsunade a long time to make the medical ninja into the three-person team, and now she has left Konoha, and now someone is ready to make the ninja even more impersonal."

Senju Hashirama: "What do you mean?"

Orochimaru: "(shrug)"

【Sarutobi Hiruzen said to Kakashi earnestly: "Now ninjas are collective actions, and the organization of the class has a great impact on the success rate of the task. Therefore, I decided to develop a multi-specialty class. This is the responsibility of the people who govern the village." 】

【"For example, the Guy class compiled last year is not the balance that the school teacher said, but a specialty class specialized in gymnastics."】

【"So I set up a special search class this year, a special tactical class that uses secret techniques."】

Senju Hashirama: "There seems to be nothing wrong with what he said?"

Orochimaru: "Hey, the three ninja wars caused a lot of casualties on the battlefield, so your granddaughter, who is called Princess Tsunade, spent more than ten years developing ninjas into a three-person team composed of two fighting ninjas and one medical ninja. "

Orochimaru: "The establishment of the team has greatly reduced the casualties of ninjas on the battlefield, and greatly saved the lives of ninjas. It is a pity that the lack of combat power of medical ninjas has led to a decline in the completion rate of missions in the village. The number of remnants has increased, and Konoha’s finances have become tight, so our Lord Third Hokage plans to resume the previous high-death team formation.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Don't talk nonsense! I'm just trying to reform this year!"

Orochimaru: "Hehe~"

Once this specialization class is injured in battle, it is almost always fatal, because of the lack of necessary treatment for medical ninjas, as long as the injury is slightly serious, it is almost impossible to wait for death.

Hokage Office,

Sarutobi Hiruzen cut off a pipe again. Originally, he had always opposed Tsunade, a team that weakened the village's combat power and ensured the safety of tool people.

It’s just that Tsunade gained too much prestige in the ninja war, Konoha executives had to agree to the three-person team’s attempt to bring medical ninjas, the effect was naturally nothing, a large number of ninjas saved their lives,

But in this way, Konoha's finances became even tighter, and the medical ninja rules did not allow them to participate in the battle, which led to the medical ninja becoming a burden on the battlefield.

This situation is not a good thing for Konoha's senior management, so after Sarutobi Hiruzen completely consolidated Konoha's rule, he directly began to try to reorganize the specialization team.

Originally, this was not a big deal, but if it was put on the table, it would undoubtedly shake his prestige among the bottom ninjas.

And his biggest reliance is precisely these prestige, so Sarutobi Hiruzen is particularly angry at Orochimaru's cynicism.

【At this time Kakashi also understood the intention of Sarutobi Hiruzen,】

【He murmured: "In this sense, Naruto is Nine Tails Jinchūriki, Sasuke also has the possibility of opening Uchiha Sharingan..."】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded: "That's right, you are the only one who can assist Sasuke Sharingan. To plan ahead, Sasuke must activate the Sharingan that can control Nine Tails."】

Naruto looked up at the projected picture, his eyes were full of disbelief,

It turns out that Sasuke's role is to control the Nine Tails in his body!

In his heart, the seed of 'may be cast Distinguished Heavenly Gods' has grown a little again.

"Sure enough, Third Hokage has been guarding against himself...

Naruto clenched his fists tightly, feeling pain in his heart. This old man who appeared in front of him since he was a child really had ulterior motives.

And my teachers and companions in the team are all tools to control my strength.

For a moment Naruto felt like he was living in a world full of lies.

As for little Sakura,

At this time, the little Sakura was still looking at Naruto angrily, with some schadenfreude in her eyes.

It seems to be laughing at himself for not making any real companions.

At this moment, Naruto felt his heartache was worse than the three years of torture in Infinite Tsukuyomi.

After all, Naruto is 12 years old, and his willpower is not comparable to that of the three-year-old Naruto. Although the three-year root training was painful, it did not really defeat him. He even felt lucky that he lived in a relatively happy environment.

However, when the lie was shattered, Naruto felt that the whole world was full of malice towards him, and the companion he identified was just a tool person arranged around him to limit him

Naruto suddenly felt that his faith had begun to crumble.

Little Sakura looked at Naruto proudly and said: "Let you bully Sasuke, in the future Sasuke will definitely be able to control the demon fox in your body!"

After Sasuke saw that his Sharingan could suppress Naruto in the projection, he also became a little happy. It seems that he just didn’t train the Sharingan enough, and it’s not that he couldn’t beat Naruto

He suddenly thought of the tailed beast that was rewarded for answering the question before. If he could get one, wouldn't he be able to surpass Naruto in an instant?

Thinking of this, Sasuke looked at Naruto provocatively.

However, Naruto just looked at his original companion coldly, without the original sunshine at all.

【Kakashi nodded when he heard Sarutobi Hiruzen's answer: "I already know that these two have special identities, but what about the girl named Sakura?"】

Little Sakura frowned when she heard Kakashi's question:

"What is Little Sakura's girl? Why did the teacher ask such a question? Didn't Master Hokage say it all? I'm the smartest one in the trio."

Shikamaru and the others looked at little Sakura strangely, with a hint of sympathy in their expressions.

Kakashi didn't know where to go at this time.

【Sarutobi Hiruzen touched his nose: "She, I think she has the qualities to be an excellent female ninja..."】

Little Sakura was overjoyed when she heard that, and she glanced at Naruto triumphantly: "Did you hear, Master Hokage said that I have the qualities to be an excellent female ninja!"

However, the next second,

【"Of course it seems very common now, but talent may be able to narrow the distance between people, but men will realize the existence of women [competition will promote each other's growth]

Little Sakura's smile suddenly froze on her face,

The meaning of this is already obvious. Third Hokage means that little Sakura is a cheerleader, specially cheering for Naruto and Sasuke.

Shikamaru sighed, he knew that if Naruto didn't like little Sakura, she would definitely not be able to guide Jōnin.

【Kakashi looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with a speechless face,[

【"In other words, you have also considered the growth of the team."】

[Afterwards, Third Generation had a burst of PUA, which made Kakashi fully understand the importance of the will of fire, and made him decide to take over the task of leading the Naruto team...]

Naruto's face was gloomy, and he sat silently in a corner. The projection of this section hit him harder than the previous Infinite Tsukuyomi.

Little Sakura stared blankly at the sky, and when she found out that she was just an addition to Naruto Sasuke, it made her feel unbearable who was proud of being tenth in the written test.

"Impossible, why am I the only one who is ordinary! Obviously I..."

She suddenly looked at the 9 young masters who graduated in the same period, and when she saw Shikamaru and Chōji, she breathed a sigh of relief,

Yes, I am not at the bottom, Shikamaru and Chōji are inferior to me in theory and actual combat! Only Ino is my opponent!

Little Sakura who regained her confidence,

This time she showed a proud expression, and her inner personality was just like Ah Q, constantly cheering herself up.

Next, the projection showed how Naruto failed the exam, and how, under Mizuki's bewitchment, he stole the "Sealed Book" from Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Then I completed the first use of Nine Tails Chakra under the full gaze of Sarutobi Hiruzen's Telescope Technique.

Until the three of them successfully obtained Kakashi's approval and became a qualified Genin, the projection of the white frame was directly extinguished.

Mizuki: "Asshole! Are you kidding me?!"

Mizuki angrily questioned Third Generation,

Naruto and his every move are under the surveillance of Third Hokage, which makes him feel like a clown.

Onoki: "No wonder you're just a Chūnin, with such an IQ, is the Book of Seals so easy to steal? If it was easy to steal, we would have stolen it long ago."

Ghost Lantern Huanyue: "Third Hokage also shoots himself in the foot. He met a stubborn teacher. The one named Iruka is a stubborn one. That guy Sarutobi Hiruzen has already

I went to intercede with him personally and asked him to release the water properly, but he still brushed Naruto down, haha

Second Tsuchikage Wu: "That Mizuki was discovered by Sarutobi Hiruzen when he was fooling Naruto, tsk tsk, as expected of an old yinbi, just plan."

Uzumaki Kushina: "Didn't you say that your grandson is working hard? Why did he also enter the women's bathroom, but only my son was beaten! Hehe, what is the privilege of Hokage's grandson? Will the dead Hokage son only be hated by others?"

When Kushina watched Naruto teach Konohamaru the Seduction Technique, the anger in her heart exploded again.

They are also the heirs of Hokage, so why should my son live a life that everyone hates, while Konohamaru lives like a prince.

In this regard, Sarutobi Hiruzen can only keep silent. After all, this matter has nothing to do with it. The other party is dead anyway, so as long as she is not resurrected, there is no way to make trouble for him.

At this time, the picture in the sky changed.

The black framed world projection lights up again.

Everyone's attention was focused on the projection. Although Naruto with the white frame had a wonderful experience, Naruto with the black pants was more exciting.

Fooled Shisui, attacked Uchiha Itachi, rescued Xianglin, snatched people from the night of genocide, and traded under the nose of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

It seems that the black frame Naruto has almost finished the game, and the white frame Naruto has not finished the novice tutorial, which is boring.

【 Naruto walks into the classroom with his arms around Ino's slender waist, followed by a shy Hinata. 】

[In classroom 2.7, many boys stole countless jealous glances, only in one corner there was a girl who was jealous of Ino. 】

【That's the Karin that Naruto rescued from Kusanagi Village. 】

Konoha's treatment of Xiang Rin is naturally not bad. After all, as one of the few pure-blooded whirlpools, in the eyes of Konoha's senior management, the importance is not lost at all to Naruto.

It can even be said that under certain circumstances, with Xianglin, there is an emergency plan to replace Jinchūriki, which can be described as a double layer of insurance for Konoha.

Naruto is naturally happy to see the results, and Xiang Rin also likes Naruto crazily because of Naruto's life-saving grace.

It's a pity that Naruto at this time is full of revenge, and has no intention of wasting time for a girl like Xiang Rin who is not helpful for revenge for the time being.

That's why Xiang Rin gritted her teeth with jealousy all day long, wishing she could replace Ino.

【Seeing that Naruto was seated, Xiang Rin hurried forward to take out two movie tickets and asked nervously: "Naruto-kun, I have two movie tickets here, look..."】

【Naruto glanced at it and shook his head decisively: "Chen!"】

【Just kidding, I'm just playing on the spot, I'm already tired enough to deal with people at home and outside, and I'm still in the mood to watch movies with her. 】

【At this time, a Chūnin came in: "Next, the students line up to take the exam."】

Since there is no need to create the fetters of the will of fire for Naruto, Naruto's teacher in the black frame world is not Umino Iruka at all, and Mizuki is not qualified to be a teacher at the ninja school.


【"Uzumaki Naruto."】

【The examiner called Naruto to the next classroom. 】

【"For this Clone Technique test, as long as you can successfully separate two clones, you will be considered qualified."】

【Naruto glanced at the examiner, and in the next second he made an action to remove the seal, and his whole body turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared. 】

[The examiner's eyes widened. 】

【"Shadow Clone Technique?!"】.

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