Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 75 Prying Asuma's Corner (3 In 1)

[After experiencing a Uchiha Itachi version of the pretentious Technique, Naruto successfully got the ninja forehead protector from the examiner. 】

【"My classmates who mentioned their names stay, Nara Shikamaru, Inuzuka teeth, Aburame Shino... Uzumaki Xianglin, Uchiha Sasuke."】

Not surprisingly, because of the addition of Xianglin, there is no place for Haruno Sakura among the nine Xiaoqiang this time.

【Naruto raised his eyes and glanced at Haruno Sakura next to him. He didn't have an outstanding appearance. With the addition of a brain shell exposed by Ino's tricks, even if it was placed among many ordinary students, it would not be considered outstanding appearance. Naruto thought about Green Tea's character for a long time but couldn't figure out what he likes about her in the anime. 】

[Maybe because I knew the plot of Jiraiya's death and Payne's attack on the village in advance, I didn't feel anything about the green tea Naruto given by Sass

[At noon, the students who got the ninja forehead protector finished taking graduation photos, and then uploaded the ninja information to the ninja registration book. 】

Originally, Naruto failed the graduation exam, and later, after stealing the sealed book and getting Iruka's approval, he took a photo alone and asked Hokage to make a supplementary recording, but Naruto naturally does not need to do this.

Little Sakura looked at the projection with a confused face,

"Why, why is there no one in the seventh class?"

Uzumaki stepped forward proudly and taunted: "That's for sure, if it wasn't for Naruto, why would you be able to participate in the ninja briefing? Hehe"

Little Sakura raised her head and looked at Kanrin angrily.

And Xianglin did not show any weakness and also stared at the little Sakura, Shikamaru and the others stepped back a few steps in unison and said with emotion: "Women are really troublesome."

[In the afternoon, everyone was sitting in the classroom bored. There were originally 28 graduates, but now there are only 9 of them left. 】

【"Naruto-kun, you must miss me when you get assigned to a new team." Ino coquettishly said with his arms around Naruto. 】

【Hinata didn't speak but also silently stared at Naruto from behind. 】

【Inuzuka teeth gnash his teeth in jealousy, beyond recognition. 】

【"Why is this guy so popular, a scumbag with two feet on his feet. 1

【Chōji nodded in agreement: "It's all because those girls don't have aesthetics. They don't even like plump handsome guys like me."】

【Inuzuka Gai stares at Chōji with a dark face and disgust. 】

【At this moment, a big beauty 15 with black, long and straight came in from the door,】

【"Inuzuka Kiba, Aburame Shino, Hyūga Hinata, you three come out with me and I am your guide Jōnin Yuhihong, let's find a separate classroom for the briefing. 1

【Hinata and the others stood up and walked towards the door. Before leaving, Hinata shyly greeted Naruto: "Mr. Naruto, I'm going out first."】

【Naruto nodded, and focused on Kurenai Yuhi. 】

In this world, Sarutobi Asuma has a bad premonition in his heart.

Sure enough, the next second.

【"Yo~" Naruto greeted with a smile. 】

[Yuhihong's face was flustered, and she retreated from the class in a hurry. 】

【Nara Shikamaru looked at Naruto with a strange face,】

【"Naruto, do you know her?"】

【Naruto's mouth slightly raised: "It's sort of."】

[The past few years of being dormant at the ninja school have not been idle, after all, Sarutobi Hiruzen has promised to do some Anbu tasks. 】

[And during this period, it is inevitable to deal with those task ninjas who live in the sun. 】

【It was also at that time that Naruto happened to save Yuhihong who was still Chūnin during a mission. 】

[As Konoha Genin and Chūnin's training instructor's Yuhimako's daughter, Yuhiko's popularity among Konohas is quite high, otherwise she would not be appointed by Sarutobi Hiruzen as his next daughter-in-law. 】

[Ino–Shika–Chō three tribes are disciples, and Yuhi Hong, who has middle and lower connections, is his wife. Coupled with the reputation of guarding the twelve ninjas and the huge bounty rewards on the black market, he will definitely be able to easily stabilize after he succeeds Hokage. situation. 】

[It's a pity that these arrangements of Sarutobi Hiruzen Asuma didn't buy it, he was always angry that Sarutobi Hiruzen always treated him like a child. 】

[And since Naruto met Yuhihong, it is inevitable that he will be included in the list of marriages, whether it is due to the massive grassroots contacts left by Yuhi Zhenhong, or out of revenge for Sarutobi Hiruzen, poaching his daughter-in-law's corner Naturally, Naruto will not let it go. 】

[It's just that the age gap between the two is not a small gap. Even though Yuhihong has a good impression of Naruto, she still firmly rejects Naruto's pursuit. 】

[But for Naruto, as long as he can disturb the happiness of Asuma, a short-lived ghost, he will earn money, regardless of whether she can be together, anyway, he has no shortage of women. 】

Sarutobi Asuma: "(Angry) Damn brat!"

Yuhihong: "I was arranged by Sarutobi Hiruzen? Why didn't I know?"

At this time, Kurenai Yuhi has not agreed to Asuma's pursuit, and the information revealed in the projection makes her feel extremely uncomfortable. Is Asuma pursuing herself because of Hokage's position?

Sarutobi Asuma: "Red, don't listen to his nonsense, I never thought of being a Hokage, I don't want to listen to the old man's arrangement."

Xi Hihong: "Well, I believe you, I think it's better for us to avoid suspicion."

Asuma, who was waiting for the students to turn around at the barbecue shop, was struck by lightning. It took him a year to finally get a good impression of Hong, and now he is directly back to before liberation.

And because of the projection, Hong is 100% suspicious of her own motives. At this time, Asuma angrily wants to pull Naruto out of the projection and beat him up.

Of course, he just thought about it, and he found out bitterly that with the strength Naruto showed when he was 7 years old, he couldn't beat him.

Only Jinchūriki can fight against Jinchūriki, which is basically an unwritten iron law in the ninja world.

Even if Jiraiya and Minato team met 4 Tails and Five Tails Jinchūriki in Iwagakure, they still had to escape (Minato biography).

【After the Hinata team left, Hatake Kakashi came second. Because of the presence of Naruto, he knew that lying on the ventilation duct to observe the team was completely meaningless. 】

[After all, Naruto has been working in his own team all these years, rather than being ridiculed by him, it's better to be more straightforward. 】

[So Kakashi directly took Naruto, Sasuke and Xiang Rin away second. 】

【 Naruto looked at the last Shikamaru with some regrets, he also wanted to see the ugly face of Sarutobi Asuma who lost his love, now it seems that it can only be next time. 】

【Kakashi led the three of them to the balcony,】

【"Next you..."】

【Kakashi looked at the yawning Naruto and opened his mouth, then decisively retracted what he wanted to say: "Forget it, my name is Kakashi, we will meet at the third training ground tomorrow, above."】

【With a bang, Kakashi disappeared not far from where he was. 】

In this world, Naruto, Sasuke, and little Sakura are stunned.

Wang Defa?

Is it so omitted? Why didn’t you scare them with the passing rate of graduation?

Why didn’t you introduce yourself or something? It’s okay to say that you don’t have breakfast in the morning! Why do you have to suffer so much here and go to the other party and just finish it with one sentence?!

Might Guy: "Kakashi is still very smart. With the strength and intelligence of Naruto in the black frame, it is right that there is not so much nonsense, haha~"

Hatake Kakashi:

Uchiha Obito: "Hehe, I always thought you would stick to your beliefs, that's it?"

Kakashi in the white frame is cheating people, snatching the bell, and scaring people, "That sentence from his own mouth that the companion is more important makes Obito feel extremely disgusted.

As a result, when it came to the black box, Kakashi didn't say a word, which made Obito even more angry.

【In a blink of an eye, the next day,】

【Sasuke came to the third training ground early to assemble, but Naruto, Xianglin and Kakashi were not seen. 】

[Until it was almost noon, Naruto and Xianglin walked in from outside the training ground one by one. 】

【"Yo~ My stupid Odoudou~"】

【"I am older than you!"】

【"Okay, stupid Odoudou."】

Uchiha Itachi:

【Kakashi suddenly appeared on the training pile, "Sorry, I met an old lady crossing the road..."】

Yuan Yelin: "Pfft~, Obito, Kakashi is imitating you."

Obito in the dark trembled, and then his eyes became firm again, this is not my Lin!

【Sasuke looked at Naruto and Xiang Rin and asked blankly: "You also met the old lady?"】

【Naruto took a bite of the squid and said as a matter of course: "Nonsense, we just slept through, didn't we just wake up to eat."]

【Sasuke: "(?~?)!"】

At this moment, the projection in the sky suddenly stopped.

(Question, what is the next assessment for the seventh class?)

(A. grab the bell)

(B. Finger guessing)

(C. What kind of assessment do you want, do you think you died too fast?)

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "A!"

Jiraiya: B!

Namikaze Minato: "A!"

Terumi Mei: "C!"

Nara Shikamaru: "C!"

Nara Shijiu: "C!"

(Congratulations to Terumi Mei, Nara Shikamaru, and Nara Lujiu for winning the top three in this quiz, and a Blood Successor Limit Sharingan will be rewarded!)

With the announcement of the answer, a white light similar to moonlight appeared on the projection again.

It's just that this time the white light went straight into the right eyes of Terumi Mei and Shikamaru's father and son.

The faces of the three of them changed, and a sharp pain came from their eye sockets.

Then they felt a cold breath forming a special eye axis in the gathering mouth behind the eyeballs, which is the special organ that can produce the special Yin escape Chakra.

"what happened?!"

The three opened their eyes, and their right eye had turned into a scarlet Three Tomoe Sharingan.

"How can it be!"

Sasuke stared at Shikamaru who instantly had the same eyes as his own, and felt that his noble blood of the Uchiha family was a joke.

Kirigakure Terumi Mei raised her bangs, she looked at her scarlet master Gouyu with a dazed expression.

Terumi Mei: "I'm going! Cowhide! I actually have a Sharingan! It's still Sangouyu! In the future, I will be the one to copy the ninja's name! Haha~"

Onogi on two scales: "(Jealous) Damn! Is it true or not? That blackened Naruto in the sky can even get Sharingan out!?"

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya: "Mine! This is my Chakra! Sooner or later you will all get it back!"

In Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression became ugly.

If the resurrection fragments can be forcibly taken by relying on one's current strength, but what about the blood succession limit that directly acts on the body?

I can't let Nara Shikajiu and his son dig out the eyes for me. If that's the case, the Ino–Shika–Chō clans may rise up in an instant.

Different from the Uchiha clan who betrayed relatives, the Ino–Shika–Chō clan has a considerable say in Konoha.

Originally seen by Sarutobi Hiruzen

Blackening Naruto is just to make up for another, taking the tailed beast in the ninja world as a reward, I feel that this is an opportunity, because the Hokage ninjas played are obviously mainly Konoha, and naturally

With his power, he was able to search for most of the spoils.

But when the blackening Naruto created Sharingan out of thin air, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't hold back completely.

This means that the Uchiha family, Senju family, and even the Uzumaki family that he finally wiped out may return to this world.

Why do I want to exterminate them? Isn't it because the blood successors of these ninjas are too powerful, and once the top powerhouses appear, the Sarutobi clan is powerless to resist?

Now, after spending decades, I finally eradicated this hidden danger for the Sarutobi family, but now I find that they have returned, which makes Sarutobi go crazy.

"Come on!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen shouted loudly, and an Anbu suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Lord Hokage."

"Order the Sarutobi clan to find 12 clan members, and each person locks in an option, and as soon as a question arises, all the answers will be posted immediately!"


Sarutobi Hiruzen snorted coldly, since it can't be stopped, then find a way to keep all the rewards, anyway, there are only these few options, just answer them all.

on the examination room,

Shikamaru touched his right eye, his face was full of astonishment: "This is Sharingan?"

He feels that the movement trajectory of the surrounding world is very clear in front of him, and with this eye, he can perfectly imitate other people's movements and even the flowing direction of Chakra


Copy Ninjutsu!

At this time, Shikamaru finally understood the origin of copying the ninja Kakashi. With Sharingan, all ninjutsu can be thoroughly memorized by just reading it once.

As long as you have the corresponding Chakra attribute, you can easily release the ninjutsu that you have figured out.

"It's too buggy."

Shikamaru couldn't help complaining, "With this thing, who needs to go to Anbu to collect contribution points in exchange for ninjutsu. y

The biggest reason why Sarutobi Hiruzen is able to control Konoha is that he controls Konoha's financial source "task assignment" and the civilian ninja's promotion channel "sealed book".

If you want to make money, you can join the glorious Konoha family and spread the will of fire. We will assign you some tasks with less work and more money. If you don’t want to? Pick up trash and excrement

Take it easy.

Talented? Want to be promoted to Chūnin, Jōnin?

No problem, the united and friendly Anbu family is waiting for you, as long as you simply kill someone and sell your life, various high-level ninjutsu and Forbidden Technique are waiting for you.

It can be said that Sarutobi Hiruzen holds the lifeline of the entire Konoha civilian ninja with these two sharp weapons.

However, a Sharingan directly broke the monopoly of Hokage. If you want any ninjutsu, just copy it directly. If you want to learn any taijutsu, just read it once.

At this time, Shikamaru finally understood why the Uchiha clan has always been regarded as a thorn in the side of the village.

With the existence of this thing, people don't care about your reward at all.

Suddenly Shikamaru's eyes sting, and the Sharingan has automatically closed.

"Ugh, this thing is pretty bad Chakra."

At this time, Naruto didn't know when he came up, and he looked enviously at the Sharingan where Shikamaru disappeared.

"Good stuff, if only I had it too."

Shikamaru waved his hands excitedly: "Yes, there are, as long as you answer more questions, there will definitely be some.

He suddenly remembered that the black frame Naruto had done a lot of heart-wrenching for Sharingan.

Hearing this, Naruto put away his greedy eyes, turned his head and focused on the sky, next time he must be the first to answer correctly!

【At this time, looking at the shameless three people, Sasuke also has no choice, after all, no one can beat him except Xiang Rin. 】

【"So what to do next?"】

[Kakashi scratched his head: "Of course I have to do the task, you are now a registered Genin" My task is to teach you how to become a qualified Genin

should understand. "]

【Sasuke was taken aback when he heard the words: "Didn't you say there will be an actual combat assessment?"】

【He heard about the Jōnin assessment from Inuzuka Iba and the others, why didn’t he mention it here?】

【Kakashi's eyes twitched twice, he glanced at Naruto who was jokingly looking at him. 】

【"What's the assessment? I trust you. One of you is the first in the school, the second is the second, and the other is the third. If you still fail the assessment, then no one will pass."】

【Sasuke nodded, thinking that what Kakashi said made sense, but he always felt that something was wrong. 】.

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