Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 76 Young And Unaware Of Young Women (Three In One)

【Kakashi took Naruto and others to familiarize themselves with the process of receiving the task. 】

[Then the few people immediately disbanded on the spot. 】

【"Welcome home."】

【"I'm back."】

[At the entrance, a woman with a better face is kneeling at the door and preparing shoes for Naruto. 】

【"Izumi, where is Mikoto?"】

【"Aunt Mikoto is preparing dinner, is Sasuke coming tonight?"】

【Naruto waved his hand and said with a smile: "I guess he is doubting his life now. The ninja team he knows is different from what he remembered."】

[Suddenly Naruto frowned: "I don't need to keep pretending when I'm at home."]

【Quan nodded, took off the disguise on his face, revealing the pure and sweet pretty face under the mask. 】

【Naruto stepped forward and touched Izumi's cheek, and muttered unconsciously: "The longer you are, the more beautiful you are. I knew I would have asked Sarutobi Hiruzen to find two better-looking ones. Now, no matter how blurred they are, there is no way to make them look better. Your identities are back."]

Naruto, who was born in the root, is very familiar with the tricks of obscuring Yakushi Kabuto's identity and deceiving Nonoyu.

Originally, Naruto planned to change the appearance of the two maids little by little, so that Sarutobi Hiruzen could slowly accept the appearance of Uchiha Izumi when he grew up.

But it's a pity that although these two ninjas are not ugly, they are not a little bit worse than Uchiha Izumi's appearance. Naruto spent 5 years to downplay the appearance of the two and still can't let Uchiha Izumi show off the mask.

[Uchiha Izumi's pretty face flushed, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes, and he said shyly: "It's not as beautiful as you said, I'm going to help cook."]

[After Naruto finished changing his home clothes, a beautiful young woman with a casserole and an apron came out of the kitchen. 】

[The bumpy figure, combined with the gentle and elegant temperament, instantly turned Uchiha Izumi, who had just turned 28, into a scum in seconds. 】

【"You're back."】

【 Mikoto looked at Naruto and said hello, and naturally took the cooked food that Naruto handed over to him with both hands, as if they were an old couple who had been married for a long time. 】

In fact, the two did not do anything out of the ordinary, more like a tacit understanding of respecting each other as guests.

It's a pity that Sasuke and Itachi in this world don't know this. They looked at their mother's gentle care, and their eyes seemed to kill people.

And Uchiha Fugaku turned into a telegraph typist again and sent out a bunch of * numbers in the chat room frantically.

【After dinner, Quan took out a few secret beliefs with disordered words from a secret pavilion and gave them to Naruto. 】

【"This is the reply letter from Nara patriarch. He said that this matter is thankless, mainly because it is vulnerable to retaliation by the officials of the Fire Nation. Now Konoha Village's economic income is still mainly supported by the state, only relying on the small amount of money from the mission. It is simply not enough to support the normal operation of Konoha Village.”]

【Izumi held the envelope and described the specific content of the letter to Naruto, while Naruto was enjoying Mikoto's lap pillow and head massage. 】

【Hearing Uchiha Izumi's report, Naruto's eyes twitched. 】

[In the past few years, Naruto has been letting Uchiha Izumi secretly contact the major families of Konoha as the orphan of the Uchiha clan for revenge. 】

[According to Naruto's understanding of "Hokage Ninja", as long as he puts in front of them the ungrateful things that Sarutobi Hiruzen has done since he took the throne, bullying teachers and destroying ancestors, weakening major families, and secretly eradicating dissidents, they will definitely You will be able to overthrow the tyranny with yourself with the same hatred. 】

[However, in fact, Naruto was astonished to discover that all the major families are well aware of the conspiracies deduced by him through "Hokage Ninja", and everyone is pretending to be confused, pretending that the matter has nothing to do with themselves High hanging stance. 】

[As for Uchiha Izumi, who slipped through the net, they did not report it to Sarutobi Hiruzen, but just put on an ambiguous gesture. 】

【Speaking of support, but in action, Sarutobi Hiruzen is too powerful, too powerful, has too many resources and other excuses to shirk. 】

[This makes Naruto look down on this group of mud that can't support the wall. 】

[It wasn't until Naruto contacted Nara Shijiu through Ino's relationship, and after talking, Naruto understood the truth. 】

[To put it bluntly, the second and third ninja world wars suffered heavy losses, and the battle with Iwagakure, which should have been pursued by victory, was forced to sign an unconditional peace treaty because of Sarutobi Hiruzen. 】

[As a result, the elites of various ninjas suffered heavy casualties, but did not receive the compensation they deserved, and the strength of the ninjas who lost a large number of elites but had no resources plummeted. 】

[Small clans like the Moonlight Clan and the Kato Clan were almost wiped out, and the Jōnin of Ino–Shika–Chō, the relatively large occult families, was almost gone. 】

[On the other hand, the Sarutobi family, which has been arranged in the rear, has hardly suffered much damage, which makes the Sarutobi family directly become the second largest family in Konoha [second only to the Feng Zhibo family. 】

[The families were unwilling to reconcile, and once joined forces to force Third Generation from the position of Hokage. At first, they thought it was a victory achieved by the joint efforts of the major families, but Sarutobi Hiruzen pushed Namikaze Minato, a tool man, to the position of Hokage . 】

[You must know that Orochimaru, one of the legendary Sannin, was competing with him at the time. For example, when Sarutobi Hiruzen was discussing Fourth Generation with the daimyo, Orochimaru had killed too much on the battlefield and was not suitable for Hokage. It seemed like a joke. 】

【Isn't this a typical way of killing donkeys? During the war, one bites one lover, and immediately kicks aside after the fight, saying that the character is too cruel, and there is no good person who can be a movie star. 】

[So the major ninja clans who failed in the political struggle again had to choose to hibernate to recuperate [Jōnin, the main force of the family like the older generation Ino–Shika–Chō, also announced their retirement and no longer take the initiative to accept tasks. 】

[Konoha's overall strength has plummeted, but Sarutobi Hiruzen's power is becoming more and more concentrated. 】

[Civilian ninjas want to eat and all look at Sarutobi Hiruzen's face in order to survive. 】

[The admiration from the bottom brought Anbu to a period of soaring power. 】

[Later, the Nine Tails night broke out, Sarutobi Hiruzen once again shamelessly replaced Hokage on the grounds that the new generation hadn't grown up yet. 】

[Originally, each ninja wanted to struggle again, but Hyuga Hizashi was forced to death by him, and the Uchiha clan was wiped out without any effort. 】

[So the major ninja clans were discouraged, and the Konoha family headed by Hyuga began to send their own family members to the ninja school to receive the influence of the will of fire and stand in line among the factions of Sarutobi Hiruzen 1

【Today, they have long been frightened by Sarutobi Hiruzen's insidiousness. It may be possible to let them stand by and add insult to injury, but they don't have the guts to take the initiative to launch a coup. 】

[And for those ninjas, the purpose of the coup is for the development of the family. Now Sarutobi Hiruzen is in the honeymoon period with the high-level officials of the country of fire, and if there is no source of financial funds, Konoha will die in a few days. Try to dissolve. 】

【That's why Nara Lujiu told Naruto that if you want to do something, you need to make money first. 】

【Naruto frowned when he heard Lu Jiu's reply. He was an assassin who didn't understand politics. In his understanding, as soon as he let go of his domineering spirit and showed strength beyond Sarutobi Hiruzen, they would be able to bow down . 】

[However, the reality is that if you have no money, others will not play with you. In the face of the interests of the family, even members of the same clan, even the younger brother of the patriarch, will be sacrificed. 】

【This made the already depressed Naruto feel extremely irritated again. 】

【At this time, he discovered that the so-called Konoha collapse plan was definitely not made by Orochimaru on a whim. 】

[It is a perfect plan to revitalize Konoha after rigorous planning. 】

[Sarutobi Hiruzen's heroic death not only gave the Sarutobi family face, but also stabilized the power changes within Konoha, found Tsunade, the orphan of the Senju family who could not form cliques, and became Hokage, and let the elders headed by Danzo reunite. Restrict Hokage. 】

[Perfect plan, let Konoha change Hokage and change a chicken without causing any panic. 】

[However, this kind of ending is what Naruto does not want to see, he absolutely does not allow that guy to die with honor. 】

【Naruto suppressed his urge to forcibly kill Sarutobi Hiruzen with his strength. 】

【There was violence in his eyes and he whispered: "Isn't it just money? There are many rich people, and I really know one". "】

[As soon as the screen turns, 匚

[I don't know how long the time on the projection has passed. 】

[The Kakashi team is standing at the task reception area, one of the wives of the fire country daimyo is holding the poor kitten and dawdling back and forth. 】

【Sasuke looked at the fat woman in front of him with nausea, he clenched his fists and asked in a low voice with resentment: "Damn it, isn't there any task that a ninja should do?!"】

[Sarutobi Hiruzen put on a pipe and put on a show: "Let me see, the next task is to help the old middle-aged adults take care of the children at home? How about going to the next village to run errands? You can also plan sweet potatoes." 1

[Xiang Rin on the side was furious after hearing this: "No! Isn't there some more urgent task? It's best to be in a dangerous situation! Brother Naruto will definitely appear on the stage with a handsome Body Flicker Technique Hold me in your arms in front of me ~ um~ ah! ah~!"]

【Naruto stood aside, pushed the dog-licking Xianglin away from his arm with a look of disgust, and then said to Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Ahem, she is right, you can send some more difficult tasks, I believe Mr. Kakashi can take good care of us.”]

【Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at Naruto, you still take care of Kakashi?】

[In the past two years, Naruto's performance has been completely at the level of a qualified Jinchūriki. "There is no such thing as a blood red pepper like Kushina. That's all because the Naruto sage didn't survive."]

[For the growth of Naruto's strength, Sarutobi Hiruzen is naturally very happy, because he has already regarded Naruto who won the Distinguished Heavenly Gods as his own. 】

[And now Asuma has returned from the Guardian Twelve Ninjas and no longer has emotions with him. Next, as long as he improves his reputation, the next Hokage position will be in the pocket of his Sarutobi clan. 】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen coughed twice: "In this case, I will give you a C-level mission."】

C-level missions are already missions that require fighting local gangsters or bandits.

Taking over the c-level mission means that Sarutobi Hiruzen is ready to let Sasuke and Xiang Rin see blood. After all, the greatest role of ninjas is to show their strength in war. If they have never seen blood, how can they be on the battlefield.

【Karin and Sasuke were overjoyed to hear Sarutobi Hiruzen's answer, but just as Naruto expected, Datsuna, who smelled of alcohol, came out from behind the door. 】

[Dazna took a sip of the wine, looked at Sasuke and Xianglin reluctantly, and complained:

"What, why are there two brats? I paid for it."]

【Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned, feeling unhappy. These are his two trump cards. Even a level 5 task is not a problem, let alone a small c-level task. 】

【Naruto glanced at Dazna, turned around and said to Sasuke and Xianglin: "Go back and pack your luggage, this time I should go for a month or two."】


Seeing Naruto who ignored him, he suddenly showed an unhappy expression: ".w Hey, do you treat customers like this? I am a super famous bridge builder!"]

【However, Naruto turned his head, with a murderous look in his eyes: "Shut up, or we won't accept the mission."】

If it is a sunny and optimistic white frame, Naruto will naturally sympathize with Dazna and fight to the end.

But the blackened Naruto didn't like this guy who was full of lies and then relied on moral kidnapping to get protection.

In his view, he was forced to do so for his own country.

But on Konoha's side, if it is an ordinary Genin or Chūnin team that accepts the mission, then only death awaits them.

The proportion of intelligence in ninja missions even far exceeds strength. As long as you do not reach the super Kage-level, intelligence will always be the number one priority in ninja combat.

Jiraiya was also killed because of lack of information on Payne, otherwise, with Jiraiya's strength, it would be absolutely easy to clean up Payne except Tiandao.

【Dazna was taken aback by Naruto's eyes with killing intent, he looked at Third Hokage who didn't intend to speak to stop him, so he retracted his head. 】

【"Shut up and shut up, obviously I am God"】

[After waiting for the second day, I started from Konoha registration early. 】

[Because the black frame Naruto has always insisted on Anbu's work, so it's not like Naruto in the plot that hasn't even been out of Konoha Village. 】

【Just as they left the village, Kakashi and Naruto noticed the ghost brothers who were peeping in the dark at the same time. 】

【 Kakashi scratched his head, then turned to look at Naruto who was beside him. 】

【There are corresponding signals in Anbu, and there is no problem for the two to communicate secretly. 】

【Naruto shrugged: "Let's go, how interesting."】

【Kakashi didn't speak any more, and set off towards the destination with the crowd. 】

【Dazna looked at Kakashi and Naruto with a strange face, why do you feel that the priorities of the two are reversed, shouldn't Kakashi be the Jōnin who leads the team?】

【And Sasuke and Xiang Rin are used to this. In their view, Mr. Kakashi is purely lazy, so they hand over a lot of work to Naruto. 】

[In fact, it is because Kakashi clearly knows that Naruto's strength is much higher than his own at this time.

type representative. 】


Uzumaki Naruto: "I did this task too! We defeated the legendary Onijin!"

Tao Di Za Bu Zhan: "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb."

Terumi Mei: "Shouldn't the beheading knife be returned?"

Momochi Zabuza: "Are you Mizukage now?"

Terumi Mei: "Of course, we found out that the Fourth Mizukage was controlled by the Sharingan, and then launched a coup to take back Kirigakure, now I am the Fifth Mizukage, you can come back now

Yes, senior.

Momochi Zabucho: "Really? That's really great, but sorry, I'm dead now.

Terumi Mei: "(frowning) how did you die?"

Taodi will not cut again: "Uh...

Uzumaki Naruto: "He avenged Shiro and died with Kado."

Tao Di Never Cut: "Shut up!"

Bai: "Is that so? Mister No More Killing."

Uzumaki Naruto: "It's true, he is still crying, and let us hold him in front of you to hold hands!"

Momochi never cut: "I am 7! Uzumaki Naruto, shut up, or I will kill you!"

Bai: "(cover mouth and laugh) I see, thank you for telling me about these Naruto."

Senju Hashirama: "Well, no matter what era there are battles? This is a different kind of lovers who finally get married.

Bai: "I'm a man."

Everyone: "???"

[At this time, the Kakashi team has come to the side of the attacked river. Ridge】

【The ghost brother jumped out of a puddle towards Naruto and killed him!】

【"The first one!"】

【Bang~! Bang~!】

[Two muffled sounds, the ghost brothers collapsed on the ground like two prawns. 】

[Kakashi on the side sighed helplessly and said, "Don't you need to let them gain some combat experience?"]

【Naruto glanced at the calm Sasuke and Xiang Rin and said: "If you can't beat this kind of trash, you might as well die."】

【"You two, come up to make up the knife!"】.

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