Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 77 Ninja World Controlled By Capital (Three In One)

【"Ah? Hey!"】

【Xianglin looked at Kunai who was handed to her with a dazed expression, and Sasuke also looked at him in a daze. 】

【Dazna looked at Naruto with a horrified face, how could he see that humans and animals are harmless, so he would kill them if he said so?】

【Brother ghost is also in a daze, don't you fucking interrogate? Don't you ask why?】

【However, Naruto didn't give Sasuke and Xiang Rin a chance to calm down. He sneered at them and said, "This is the truth about ninjas. Don't think about treating ninjas as tall things. Ninjas are born to kill. "]

Senju Hashirama: "I think little Naruto's thoughts are a bit biased. Ninjas were originally born to protect their clansmen."

Uchiha Madara: "Hehe, stupid, ninjas are born to kill. Isn't your so-called protecting the tribe also killing the enemy? There is no difference."

[Naruto continued to talk to the two: "Don't you guys want to do advanced tasks? Then let's talk about killing people first."]

【Xiang Rin trembled when she saw the non-joking expression in Naruto's eyes. She held Kunai in her hand, closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, and stabbed Brother Guiren in the chest. 】

【"Open your eyes!" Naruto yelled loudly, Xiang Rin's eyes widened suddenly, and blood sprayed from his chest onto Xiang Rin's clothes. 】


【Seeing the enemy's painful struggle, Xianglin turned around and ran aside and vomited. 】

【Naruto frowned. The present Xianglin has never experienced the pain of her childhood. Although she has seen the hell on earth created by Naruto, all she felt at that time was the joy of being protected. Now she is still that innocent and kind fool Ni District]

[On the contrary, it is Sasuke. At this time, Sasuke has cut the throat of another Chūnin without any discomfort. It is obvious that he is still the boy blinded by hatred at this time. Without the existence of the little sun Naruto, Sasuke has no Not much mercy. 】

【At this time Kakashi frowned and said: "Enough! They don't need to do this now."】

【Naruto looks at Kakashi and sneers,】

【"Captain, when did two years of mentoring Jōnin make you so weak?"】

【 Kakashi opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer Naruto, after all, Kakashi's cruelty to the enemy is obvious to all when doing missions. 】

【Might Guy and the three of them felt that Kakashi was about to become a murderous weapon, so they asked Sarutobi Hiruzen to ask Kakashi to withdraw from Anbu. 】

[And actually Sarutobi Hiruzen would have Kakashi step down from Anbu even if they didn't mention it. 】

[Because Kakashi's reputation has become more and more prosperous these years, and his position has reached the point where it cannot be sealed. 】

【Most importantly, Kakashi is unqualified as an emotionless Anbu. Sarutobi Hiruzen tried his best to make him a ruthless killing machine, but Obito's hint of 007 before his death kept him unable to give up his companion. 】

【Isn’t this good news for Sarutobi Hiruzen? He has high prestige, respects his companions, and contributes a lot. Isn’t this a copy of Hatake Sakumo?】

【So for the sake of his son's status, Sarutobi Hiruzen resolutely stepped back Kakashi from Anbu who had just taken control of the entire Konoha security power. 】

【Sasuke looked at Naruto in astonishment, captain? What is this called? Shouldn't it be a teacher?】

【And Xiang Rin looked at Naruto with bright eyes, Naruto brother is so handsome!】

【Dazna looked at the two people who were full of gunpowder and stepped forward to persuade him in embarrassment: "Well, thank you so much, I'm saved."】

【Kakashi heard the employer's words and put away his tit-for-tat momentum. He turned around and looked at Dazna and said lightly: "Mr. Dazner, should you give us an explanation?

The enemy is targeting you this time, right?"]

【"Ah? What are you talking about?" Dazna broke into a cold sweat, wanting to change the subject. 】

[Kakashi stared at Dazna: "Your commission is just to let us protect you from armed groups such as gangsters or thieves. Now that there are hostile ninjas, this is already a task above B level. False commissions will Give us a headache. 1

【Dazna bowed his head guiltyly, not knowing how to answer Kakashi's question. 】

[At this time, Naruto suddenly smiled and walked forward and patted Kakashi on the shoulder: "Let's go, what a big deal, just come out and relax, I am also very interested in the ninja that appeared, after all, it has been a long time There's no mission left."]

【Kakashi took a deep look at Naruto, then he turned to Dazna and said: "We can continue the mission, but you must give all the information


【Dazna was overjoyed when he heard the words, he nodded to several people again and again: "Okay! Okay! I'll tell you all!"】

【Then everyone crossed the strait by boat and arrived at the island country of Nami, and Dazna also told everyone about the situation of Kado and Naomi. 】

【"Kado of the shipping company?! That one of the few richest people in the world?" Kakashi frowned when he heard the enemy. 】

【And Naruto's eyes are full of light, the money will come soon?】

【It’s also a coup d’état, but Naruto doesn’t do missions honestly like Zabuzhan that idiot, he’s a fucking traitor, and he still follows the mission-oriented ninja code, which is not what an idiot is. 】

Tao Di Zai Bu Zhan: "...that damned brat!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Isn't this guy planning to attack Kado directly?! Damn it will cause those rich people to counterattack. Once they know that there are ninjas attacking him, they will definitely spend huge sums of money to wipe out the ninjas and even the ninja village they belong to. of!"

The political system in the ninja world is extremely strange, and the military and finance are separated from each other.

Each country is not equipped with corresponding armed forces, but will spend money to hire ninjas to participate in the war when war is needed.

Therefore, although Konoha Village is within the territory of the Fire Nation, in fact Konoha Village is not under the control of the country. It just stands on an equal footing with the country to prevent other Ninja Villages from expanding their sphere of influence to their own side and assisting the Fire Nation to resist.

Originally, the selection of Hokage by Konoha Village was just to deliver a notification document to the daimyo after the election, telling him who the owner of Konoha Village would be in the future, and there was no need for daimyo's approval at all.

However, in order to control Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen voluntarily lowered Hokage's status by half, making Hokage's selection require the approval of the daimyo.

In this way, although Konoha's influence has been reduced, it has actually allowed the position of Hokage to be completely controlled by him.

That's why in the theatrical version of Ninja Road, the daimyo and officials of the land of fire will say that Konoha will be destroyed.

In the final analysis, the operating rules of the entire ninja world are actually controlled by capital.

Rich businessmen and nobles in the ninja world will not be restricted by region when issuing missions. It does not mean that businessmen from the Land of Fire must issue missions in Konoha Village.

As a result, each ninja village has no monopoly restrictions on this group of businessmen and capital.

Once they are in a hurry, they can spend money to go to other ninja villages to launch assassinations or war missions against Konoha.

And wealthy businessmen or nobles have little strength and are easily assassinated.

So there is an unwritten rule in the capital circle, once someone is assassinated by a ninja, he will inevitably receive a joint reward from the entire capital circle.

After all, they are just ordinary people. If they don't fight against each other in this situation, they will definitely become cash machines for those powerful ninjas.

So once Naruto makes a move on Kaduo because of money, it will attract a reward from the entire ninja capital to chase him down. Even Konoha Village dare not keep him in the village, and he can only become a traitor in the end.

Unless he has the same strength as Senju Hashirama, he can make the four major ninja villages afraid to shoot him.

But at this time, Naruto obviously can't reach this level. Now his comprehensive combat strength is almost the same as Uchiha Itachi after Konoha's collapse plan. It is quite easy to deal with a Kakashi, but it is estimated that he will definitely be able to deal with Jiraiya. fall.

After all, Naruto's combat experience and talent are really not that good, and he relies more on the violent fighting style of Chatonla and Mangekyō.

[It's a pity that the 12-year-old Naruto doesn't understand the rules of the world. Now he wants to get Kado, and then use the money to carry out a coup in Konoha Village to make Sarutobi Hiruzen's life worse than death. 1

[Soon everyone came to a fishing village on a small island. Dazna bid farewell to the fisherman and led the crowd towards his hometown. 】

【Kakashi glanced at Naruto with resentment and sighed in his heart: "If it comes again, it will definitely not be Chūnin, but Jōnin. It is obviously only a C-level task. It is really troublesome."】

[Everyone passed by a jungle, Sasuke and Xianglin's nerves were already tense to Ultimate. 】

[Suddenly, a large beheading sword flew towards the crowd, and Kakashi shouted: "Everyone get down!"]

【Everyone lay down on the ground in a panic, only Naruto looked at the attacking beheading sword blankly and stretched out his palm. 】

[There is a muffled bang, Jiang

【The beheading sword was firmly held by Naruto, and he stood upright on the grass not far away under a tree. 】

【Everyone raised their heads and looked at Zabuzhan who was a little dazed (bfcj) and remained silent. The scene was once extremely embarrassing. 】

[No more beheading: "Boy, return my beheading sword."]

【Naruto took out a ninjutsu scroll very skillfully and quickly sealed it: "Seal!"】

[The beheading knife disappeared in Naruto's hands in the next second. 】

【"You want to fart."】

[No more chopping: "..."1

Taodi will not be cut again: ""...Why doesn't this kid talk about martial arts?"

Ghost Lantern Water Moon: "Pfft~hahaha, this dude is so interesting, I like it."

Two-day scale Onoki: "Tsk tsk, it really came out of the roots, and tried every means to weaken the enemy's combat effectiveness? Sure enough, fighting is fighting, how can there be anything despicable or not despicable?"


Third Raikage Ai: "Bah! Is that why you summoned ten thousand ninjas to fight me?"

Onoki of the two-year scale: "Fart, I beat the dog in the water, you are the one who is willing to stay and buy time for your companions, and get in my way!"

Third Raikage Ai: "Bah! Scumbag!"

Two-day scale Onogi: "Bah! Dead."

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Don't insult my father, be careful I go to Iwagakure to hit you!"

Two-day scale Ohnoki: "It's up to you? Hehe~"

The chat room is full of tension, but the projection is full of funny atmosphere.

[Zai Buzhan turned his back to the crowd and tilted half of his face, as if he was thinking about how to solve this situation. 】

[Finally, he turned to Kakashi with a black face and said:

"Kakashi, the copy ninja of Konoha, is this how you lead your subordinates?"】

【Kakashi suppressed a smile and teased in a frivolous tone: "Ah, oh, oh, isn't this Kirigakure's defected ninja, Momochi no Zhan? Where is your beheading sword? Didn't you bring it?"】

【A blue vein appeared on the forehead at a speed visible to the naked eye,】

【"Asshole! Laozi's ninja book shouldn't have your information written on it, bah!"】

【 Naruto finished packing the scrolls and walked aside with a smile:

"Sasuke, Xiang Rin is entrusted to you to take action. If you force him to release ninjutsu, you will pass the test."】

【Kakashi frowned: "Don't make trouble, this guy is one of Kirigakure's Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Elite Jōnin, based on the current strength of Sasuke and Xianglin"】

【Kakashi hasn't finished speaking yet, Sasuke's shuriken has already shot at Zabuzhan. 】

[At the same time, his dark eyes turned into scarlet Sharingan, and two Tomoe slowly rotated in the eyes. 】

[Sasuke, who has been secretly taught by Mikoto, has been able to skillfully control the two hooked jade Sharingan at this time, instead of the single pair of yin and yang eyes when he first fought against Zhong. 】

[Xiang Lin on the side was not idle either, she quickly rushed to the side of a big tree, swung her hands, pulled it up and threw it towards Zai Bu Zhan. 】

[The strange power of the vortex family is a natural power that can only be mastered by the pure blood, controlled by Grandmaster Chakra and the vortex family with a large number of Chakra. 】

【Looking at such an unpretentious attack, the MMP with a face full of slashes, he originally thought that there was only one copy ninja, Kakashi, which would be more difficult to deal with, but now it seems that the other few are not easy to mess with. 】

[Aren’t there three Genins? This TM doesn’t look like Genin’s strength? Especially over there, there’s a man sitting on the ground watching the theater, and the murderous aura that occasionally emanates from him makes him stand upright. 】

[You must know that I have slaughtered hundreds of ghosts with my own strength at the same time, so I won’t be beheaded! Why is the murderous aura on that yellow hair heavier than myself? 】

[Zenbuzhan, who went up to the beheading sword, had to dodge the attacks of the shuriken and the big tree. 】

【But Sasuke manipulated the filament with his mouth and hands, changed the direction of the shuriken in mid-air and continued to shoot towards Zabu. 】

【Official Ninja of the Uchiha Clan: Shuriken Technique!】

[If you don't slash your face, you will be more sure that this team is probably an elite team, and Genin's dress is purely for fooling people. 】

[I saw that he quickly took out Kunai with both hands and hit the shuriken aside, and at the same time, he retreated to avoid the 'hidden weapon giant tree' thrown by Xianglin again and fell into a river. 】

【"忍法·Mist Shinobi Technique!"】

[Without any hesitation, Zai Bu Zhan directly displayed his special skill. 】

[The water vapor under the feet evaporates and merges with the morning mist of the wave country, instantly covering the space around everyone so that they can't see their fingers. 】

【"Sharingan, so what about this trick, as long as you can't see it? I already have information on how to deal with Sharingan in Kirigakure's Anbu manual, although I don't know where this kid popped out , but with his little strength, go home and drink milk."]

【Sasuke's face became ugly when he heard Zabuzhan's taunt. He tried to open the Sharingan, but found that the Chakra of Zabuzhan was mixed in the thick fog, so he couldn't find the other party's figure through Chakra's insight. 】

【"That's all for gossiping, I'm going to get rid of this old man as soon as possible."】

[After the voice finished speaking, Zabuzhan's figure completely disappeared from everyone's perception. 】

【"Eight organs, larynx, spine, lungs, liver.....heart, so which one should be chosen?"】

[Zenbuzhan uses the Kongchan Technique to continuously sound the sound in the surrounding space to confuse everyone. 】

【Huge pressure was placed on Sasuke and Xiang Rin who were in charge of dealing with Zabuzhan. 】

【Sasuke frowned: "Can you use Wind Style? Blow the damn fog away."】

【Xianglin shook her head with a melancholy expression: "I don't know how to do it."】

In addition to medical ninjutsu, I have strange powers, or seal skills, and ninjutsu with a ball. To put it bluntly, I am an auxiliary nurse.

【Sasuke and Xiang Rin, who felt extremely nervous, showed complacency on their faces, but you!】

[However, in the next second, a huge tree fell from the sky, and smashed straight towards Zai Bu Zhan. 】

[No more jumping with a dazed face, only to find that there is another big tree following behind him, and behind the big tree is a huge fireball! 】

【Fire Style·Great Fireball Technique!】

【Whirlpool Clan, Kagura Heart Eyes!】

ps. I originally planned to update 15,000 words a day, but I have to go to BJ for a while. I will update it after I come back on the weekend. I will try my best to ensure that 10,000 words are updated. Please make your own decision. Thank you 0

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