Taodi will not be cut again: "I'm so stupid, do you want to be so cruel?"

Senju Hashirama: "Is it possible that people will find out that you are pretending to be dead?"

Taodi no longer beheaded: "Impossible, my white fake death Technique is invincible~!"

【And Naruto went down without any hesitation and directly slashed towards the vital point that would not be cut again. 】

【"Stop!" Bai's voice trembled, he had never seen such a hand that cut off people's heads at the slightest disagreement. 】

【Seeing that the one he loves is about to die in Huangquan, Bai didn't care about the disguise, and directly shot several thousand bullets and stabbed towards Naruto's acupoints. 】

【Naruto dodges, and Bai has already moved to Zaibuzhan's side in an instant, turning into a gust of autumn leaves. 】

【Body Flicker Technique. 】

【At this time, Sasuke and Xiang Rin realized, "What happened, why did that guy suddenly attack Naruto?"】

[Kakashi "Five Zero Zero" glanced at the two of them speechlessly: "You don't need to ask, they are in the same group."]

【Naruto seems to have come to his senses at this time, he said to Kakashi urgently: "You escort Mr. Dazner back first, and I will solve the trouble."】

【Kakashi's face turned black: "Wait a minute!"】

【However, Naruto didn't follow Kakashi's plan at all, and he disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant. 】

【 Kakashi's face is ugly, his mission is to monitor Naruto and restrict Naruto, but now Naruto's strength is too strong, so Kakashi can't really restrain him. 】

【Sasuke and Xianglin looked at each other: "Mr. Kakashi, we...?"】

【Kakashi greeted the two with a sullen face: "Let's go!"】

[On the other side, Naruto hangs unhurriedly behind Bai and Zai Buzhan, with the Nine Tails Chakra's induction, the two of them can't escape Naruto's pursuit at all. 】

【Finally in the depths of a peaceful forest, Bai put Zabucho, who was breathless, on the ground, and he stretched out his hand to take out the Qianben on Zabucho's neck. 】

【However, if he didn't kill him again, he held down his hand, and pulled out Qianben himself like a corpse. 】

【White eyes looked at Zabuzhan with admiration and said: "Mr. Zabuzhan, it is easy to die if you pull out the hidden weapon so roughly."】

【Zaibuzhan snorted coldly: "Don't throw it on your neck next time."】

【Bai: "Isn't he reluctant to cut off Mr.'s perfect body? I don't want it to leave scars on his body."】

【Zai Bu Zhan shook his head: "You bastard."】

【Just when he was about to discuss this battle with Naruto,】

[Crackling applause rang out from behind the tree in the distance: "That's really good, Lang has power at will. 1

[Zai Bu Zhan and Bai's complexion changed, and they all looked towards the direction of the voice. 】

[At this time, Naruto smiled at the two with a warm and uplifting smile: "Please show me your owners."]

【Bai's complexion changed drastically, he formed a seal with one hand and shot several thousand copies towards Naruto with the other hand: "Ice Escape Secret Technique Qiansha Shuixiang!"】

Senju Hashirama: "Huh? It's actually the owner of the Blood Succession Limit, is it from the Minazuki family?"

Uchiha Obito: "Hey, I heard that Kirigakure has already killed the blood-succession-limited family as a devil, hahaha~"

Terumi Mei: "Damn it! It's all your Uchiha's fault, if that guy hadn't controlled Mizukage, how could he have acted so aggressively!"

Uchiha Obito: "Tsk tsk, I remember that Blood Mist existed before your Fourth Mizukage was controlled, so don't blame others~"

Terumi Mei: "Why would you know so clearly!? These things are kept secret in Kirigakure!"

Uchiha Obito: "Hey, who knows."

【Facing Shiro's attack, Naruto sneered and blew out a terrifying hurricane: "Wind Style Great Breakthrough!"】

【Obviously only a C-level ninjutsu, but in the hands of Naruto, it shows the power not to lose to the A-level ninjutsu Great Waterfall Technique!】

[Bingzhen and Qianben were blown away by the hurricane in an instant, Zabuzhan and Bai were blown like a rag bag until they hit a dozen big trees before squatting aside. 】

【The huge smoke caused Kakashi and others to frown. 】

【Sasuke: "That's Naruto?"】

【Kakashi didn't answer, but let the group of people move on with a gloomy face. 】

【"Mr. Zabucho!" Bai found Zabucho in a bit of embarrassment. At this time, because of the feigned death and the previous battle, Zabucho was paralyzed and there was no way to avoid Naruto's pressure. 】

【Naruto stood on the top of the tree in an instant, looked down at the two fateful mandarin ducks and said coldly: "I'll say it one last time, take me to see Kado!"】

[Zen Buzhan raised his head with difficulty, looked at Naruto with disdain and shouted proudly: "Impossible! We Kirigakure ninjas will never do such a thing as betraying our employer!

Senju Tobirama: "This is an excellent ninja..."

Two-day scale Onoki: "How did you let him defect?"

Terumi Mei: "Hmph! If you don't kill seniors, you are against the tyranny of the Fourth Generation just like me. You defected after you failed to assassinate Fourth Mizukage. It's just that if you don't kill seniors, you don't know that Fourth Generation is actually controlled by others!"

[A few puffs, Naruto's Kunai pierced Zabuku's limbs without hesitation. 】

【"Mr. Zabucho!" Bai's complexion changed, and he hurriedly stood in front of Zabucho. 】

【However, what caught his eyes was a pair of scarlet Mangekyō Sharingan. 】

[The sky and the earth instantly turned blood-red, and Zai Bu Zhan was already tied to a cross stake at this time. 】

【"Don't kill Mr. again!】

【Bai's face changed, and he subconsciously rushed towards Zabuzhan, but at this moment, Bai was horrified to find that his body couldn't move at all. 】

[The next second, Naruto's figure appeared in front of Bai's eyes. He was holding a kunai as if performing acrobatics, and instantly shot it at Zabuzhan's right hand. 】

[There was a scream, and Bai's heart suddenly felt throbbing. 】

【"Don't kill Mr. again!】

[Naruto indifferently took out a Kunai again and said coldly: "This is the world of Tsukuyomi, outside for 1 second, you will spend 72 hours here, if you don't cut it, you will experience the cruelest criminal law in this 1.0 world, and You can just watch."]

【Bai trembled all over and shouted excitedly: "No!"】

【Naruto didn't speak, just threw out a kunai again. 】

[There was another burst of screams, and Bai finally couldn't help shouting: "No! I said, I told you!"]

[In the outside world, Zabuzhan, who was crippled in limbs, suddenly saw that Bai was covered in cold sweat, and in the next second, he fell to the ground without breathing. 】

【"Bai!? What's wrong with you, Bai!"】

[No longer looking at Bai with tears in his eyes, endless annoyance emerged in his heart. 】

[The next second, he only felt the world spinning, and then completely lost consciousness. 】

In this world,

Everyone looked at Naruto who was holding a beheading knife, and a chill went straight to the sky.

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