Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 80 Naruto: So I Am Not The Tail Of The Crane

After projecting these few paragraphs, everyone thought that Naruto at this time was just still holding resentment towards Sarutobi Hiruzen, but the whole person has already developed towards an optimistic direction.

However, when Naruto swung his beheading sword without hesitation, everyone knew that the boy in front of him was still the blackened Naruto who hated the world.

Facing Zabuchi, who had lost his combat effectiveness, and Shiro, who had already given the information, Naruto beheaded them without any mercy.

The coldness in the eyes made one's scalp tingle, it was not looking at people at all, as if he had just trampled two ants to death just now.

Senju Tobirama: "This son... I'm afraid he is the next Uchiha Madara!"

Uchiha Madara: "??? Bah! You still have to be ashamed? What's wrong with being an old man? Tell you, he wants to be far worse than the old man!"

Uzumaki Kushina: "(Heartache) Naruto, how could you be like this, damn it! It's all damn Sarutobi Hiruzen!"

Namikaze Minato: "Kushina, Third Generation him...."

Uzumaki Kushina: "Go away!"

In the examination room, the ninjas around Naruto took two steps back in unison, as if they were looking at a devil.

Naruto's expression changed,

"What do you mean? I didn't kill it. Why do you look at me like that?"

At this time, the little Sakura couldn't help but looked at Naruto in fear and muttered: "It's obviously a person, who knows..."

Naruto's pupils shrank, his eyes instantly turned into scarlet fox pupils, and the huge Nine Tails Chakra overflowed, making one's scalp tingle.

Shikamaru looked at the emotional Naruto and hurried forward to comfort him: "Wait a minute, Naruto, everyone just didn't realize it for a while, there is really no malice!"

Inuzuka stepped forward and stammered: "Yes, yes! We have been friends since childhood, don't you believe us?"

Naruto's expression flickered, lovingly suppressing the manic emotions in his heart.

Nine Tails in the sealed space showed a regretful expression. In such a short period of time, Naruto lost control of his emotions more times than in the past ten years. Maybe he will be able to break free of the seal after a few more times.

Shikamaru breathed a sigh of relief seeing Naruto quiet down,

Having seen the strength of 'Naruto', he knows that if Naruto goes berserk here, he doesn't know how much trouble will be caused.

Shikamaru pointed to the projection in the sky and said excitedly:

"Look, Naruto, the projection in the sky has changed!"

Naruto was taken aback, looked up at the sky again,

After the black frame Naruto killed Zabuzhan and Shiro, he directly separated a Shadow Clone and parted ways with the main body. The next second, the screen of protecting Dazna's bridge flashed by, and finally it came directly to the time of handing over the task.

And at this moment, the projection of the black frame disappears, and the white frame Naruto lights up instead.

The time of the white frame projection is the continuation of the last time when Naruto graduated from ninja school.

【Squad 7 has been doing D-level missions steadily for several months. Finally, after catching a cat, Naruto expressed his dissatisfaction, and thus received the C-level wave country mission. 】

[The difference from the black frame is that since Naruto has never been taught by anyone since he was a child, he was so frightened that he couldn’t move when he was dealing with the ghost brothers. 】

Onoki: "(Confused) Are these two people really the same person? Isn't the gap too big?"

Second Tsuchikage Wu: "Normal. After all, he is an elite who has undergone 3 years of root training. There is no comparison with this greenhouse flower who has lived in lies since childhood and has been deliberately suppressed."

Uzumaki Naruto: "Who said I'm a greenhouse flower! I'm very strong! Then I saved Kakashi-sensei, and finally I saved Sasuke!"

Uchiha Sasuke: "Idiot, obviously I saved you first."

Uzumaki Naruto: "Then let everyone comment on who is saving whom? If I hadn't saved you, you would have died long ago."

【Naruto released poisonous blood and vowed not to be a coward again. Later, he cooperated with Sasuke to rescue Kakashi who was trapped in the water prison. 】

Might Guy: "Kakashi, when did you become so weak? How could you be caught by this kind of guy? Is it because I haven't challenged you for so long, so you are slacking off?"

Uchiha Obito: "Hehe, he is a waste, he blinded my eyes for nothing!"

Senju Tobirama: "Water Dragon Bomb still needs to use so many seals? Isn't 4 enough?"

Maruhoshi Kosuke: "Hehe, Master Tobirama, you are really joking. After all, not everyone is as talented as you. Even if I have worked so hard to train all my life, I can only use 6 seals to release the Water Dragon Bomb Technique ."

No more cut, Kakashi:

【Zenbuzhan, who was put together by Kakashi, was swept away by a big waterfall, Bai rescued the scene in time and took away Zabuzhan, who was feigning death. 】

【This time Naruto didn't make a sound, just angry why Bai was so small but killed him so easily. 】

[Subsequently, under the guidance of Kakashi, who was seriously lacking in blue, Sasuke and Naruto spent a week learning to...climb trees. 】

Onoki: "No wonder the teacher said that Naruto's strength has been suppressed all the time. He is more than 12 years old and hasn't learned to climb trees yet?! I really think of him as those ordinary people.

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Tsk tsk, I'm really not a human being. Not only Nine Tails, but even the kid from the Uchiha clan is like this. Didn't 547 teach you the most basic things?"

Orochimaru: "Tsk tsk, as expected of the blood of the Uzumaki family, the control of Chakra is not inferior to Sasuke "Nine Tails Chakra still achieved the same goal under the condition that Nine Tails Chakra destroyed the balance of Chakra."

Uzumaki Naruto: "Broken balance? What do you mean?"

Orochimaru: "Huh? Don't you know yet? The reason why you are the tail of the crane is all because the Nine Tails Chakra sealed in the body leaked, which made it difficult to control Chakra, which would cause the failure of ninjutsu release, or consume a lot of Chakra. Otherwise, with your talent, how could you be the tail of the crane.

Orochimaru: "And you haven't noticed yet, the reason why the black-framed Naruto is so outstanding is entirely because he has mastered the way to suppress Nine Tails Chakra, so he becomes so strong, or he He is able to control Nine Tails Chakra, rather than being controlled by Nine Tails Chakra, that is to say, his power is obtained by winning with Nine Tails through regular channels!"

Naruto's face turned livid looking at the speech in the chat room,

Nine Tails! Nine Tails again!

I was ridiculed that the tail of the crane was also the fault of Nine Tails!

A trace of anger flashed in Naruto's eyes,

That bastard who put Nine Tails in his body!

ps. I originally planned to continue the daily routine, but ended up exhausted and paralyzed, rubbing, sleepy to death, let alone moving.

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