Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 81 ChūNin Exam, Unknown Future!

Originally Naruto always thought that he was just poor in talent,

Only now do I know that it was because of Nine Tails that I was unable to control Chakra.

This made Naruto, who was already suffering from becoming a Jinchūriki, hate Namikaze Minato even more.

However, what made Naruto feel even more painful was that at this time he didn't feel much resentment in his heart.

This made Naruto feel extra frightened,

Distinguished Heavenly Gods!

Naruto felt in his heart that he had already won Shisui's Distinguished Heavenly Gods.

At this time, the projection in the sky advances rapidly,

【Naruto and Sasuke successfully learned to control their huge Chakra. 】

[The two have an emotional confrontation on the Naruto Bridge. 】

[Bai was saved by Kakashi's heart, but was moved by Naruto's mouth and died with Kado with a kunai in his mouth. 】

Senju Hashirama: "Hey, Momochi will not be cut again? He is a good ninja, and he is a person who sticks to his beliefs regardless of his camp."

Terumi Mei: "It's all your fault, that damned Uchiha Madara of Konoha, if it wasn't for him, how could the Seven Ninja Swordsmen in our village end up like this."

Namikaze Minato: "I think you're blaming the good guys, and we, Konoha, also suffered from it, the night of Nine Tails..."

Terumi Mei: "Hehe, why didn't you say it? Oh, I almost forgot, that 'Uchiha Madara' seems to be your disciple, right? The one called Uchiha Obito?"

Hatake Kakashi: "You nonsense! That can't be Obito! It's just a disguise!"

In the black frame projection before, "the black hand behind the scenes appeared several times, all of which vaguely revealed that the guy should probably die on the battlefield. Zhibo Obito.

But Kakashi didn't want to believe that the sunny boy who made himself guilty for so many years and took the responsibility of being Hokage would do so many crazy things.

Hatake Kakashi: "Obito! Please explain, Obito, how could it be you!"

In the Land of Rain base,

Obito looked at the speech in the chat room indifferently, without the slightest excuse.

During the night of Nine Tails, I took the initiative to take off my cloak, in order to let Namikaze Minato recognize me and pull myself back from the abyss. Unfortunately, Namikaze Minato did not find out that this disciple of himself was also in the abyss. At that time, I was completely disappointed and decided to destroy this world where people can only feel despair.

Now watching Kakashi trying to make excuses, Obito just feels disgusting.

His Kamui slowly unfolded, bringing himself to Penn's side:

"Start implementing the plan from now on. Since One Tail has been acquired, let's enclose it in the Gedo Statue first."

Payne turned his head and looked at Obito in surprise. It was originally planned to develop for another two years.

Payne looked at the projection in the sky, and nodded expressionlessly: "Yes."

Immediately, he started to contact the members of the Akatsuki organization and decided to start using the seal and return One Tail Chakra to Gedo Statue.

【The Naruto Bridge was built, and the seventh team returned to Konoha to continue the original boring low-level tasks. 】

[A few months later, a large number of ninjas from other villages began to pour into Konoha Village. 】

At this time, the expressions of many candidates who took the exam in Konoha began to become dignified, because everything played in the projection was exactly the same as what they experienced!

At this time, they finally realized that what was played in the white frame projection must be everything that happened in this world!

And the wise man even put on a horrified expression.

【"Now announce the tenth question!"】

【Ibiki Morino spoke sarcastically to the candidates below. 】

[Many candidates who were worried that they would not be able to become Chūnin in this life began to leave one after another. 】

Candidates and examiners in the examination room looked at each other in blank dismay,

What has happened so far is almost the same as before!

Uzumaki Naruto looked at the candidates who showed their abilities with a painful face and shouted angrily.

Uzumaki Naruto: "(Angry) What are you doing, didn't you say that good cheating will be disqualified from the exam? Look at them, there is no normal exam except me! That bastard even let the puppet pretend to be the examiner, shit! Bullying Am I honest?"

Everyone: "..."

Nara Shikamaru: "(Speechless) So, what if, I mean what if, if this test was originally designed to test the intelligence gathering ability of ninjas?"

Uzumaki Naruto: "???"

Sasuke stared speechlessly at Naruto who was full of question marks and couldn't help mocking: "Didn't you find out at all?"

Naruto laughed awkwardly: "Haha~ha~ How is it possible, I found out a long time ago! It's just that I'm giving you a chance to show off, yes, that's it.

Everyone rolled their eyes at the stubborn Naruto, and decided not to talk to him.

[At this time, as the number of people leaving the field increased, Naruto's arm was slowly raised in front of little Sakura. 】

(Question, what is the purpose of Uzumaki Naruto raising his hand?)

(A, Abstain)

(B, go to toilet)

(C, what kind of rubbish question, how can ninjas of my generation care about a mere Chūnin, at worst being a Genin for the rest of my life!)

su: "."???"

Senju Hashirama: "A."

Sarutobi Asuma: "A."

Two-day scale Onogi: "B.

Uchiha Sasuke: "A."

Inuzuka tooth: "A."

Uzumaki Naruto: "C."

Uzumaki Kushina: "C."

Nara Shikamaru: "C"

(Congratulations to Uzumaki Naruto, Uzumaki Kushina, and Nara Shikamaru for winning the top three answers in this question, and all three of them won the Rinne Tensei Technique fragment*1.)

(Note that the chat room is a link of consciousness, and the answer will only take effect if you approve it from the bottom of your heart.)

In Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen smashed the table angrily,

"Damn it, what do you mean, the guy in the sky is really targeting me!"

He sent someone to answer the three options in seconds, and then he told himself that random answers are invalid?

"Come on! Go to the examination room quickly, let Naruto and Nara Shikamaru hand over the fragments in their hands!"


In the examination room, Inuzuka looked at Naruto with a depressed face: "Why? Did I choose the wrong one? Didn't you raise your hand to abstain?"

Naruto looked at himself who had the fragments and was overjoyed: "Haha~! Who said I would abstain! I am the whirlpool Naruto, and I will not give up if I choose my ninja path!"

as expected,

【 Naruto slammed his raised hand on the table. 】

【"Don't underestimate me, I won't run away! I want to participate, even if I'm only Genin for the rest of my life! I want to be Hokage in one breath! I won't be afraid!"】

[Naruto's inspiring tone instantly broke the high-pressure emotions created by Morino Ibiki, and all the candidates' tempers were instantly dispelled. 】

ps. Damn, I didn’t take a break. I will resume 5th tomorrow, and I will never go to Beijing again. I have been there for three days, and I have to make an appointment for everything. I haven’t made an appointment yet.

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