Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 82 Naruto And Anko Who Died In Society

Hatake Kakashi: "It's very Naruto.

Sarutobi Asuma: "That's why you picked A?"

Hatake Kakashi: "Haha~ha~ It's not that I believe in Ibiki Morino, after all, his methods of torture are still convincing.

Senju Hashirama: "By the way, what is the Chūnin exam? Chūnin still needs an exam?"

When Konoha was first established, there were no such things. Except for him, everyone else was collectively called Ninja.

The ninjas in the village still accept tasks in units of clans.

Senju Tobirama: "This is a contribution system formed to help various ethnic groups integrate into the village. Only by completing enough tasks can one be promoted to Chūnin, but there is no need for any exams."

Shimura Danzō: "Nidaime, this is all because after the Ninja World War, each village held a performance competition to test each other's strength and expand the influence of the village. In order to prevent the elites of the village from being injured too much, so Only then will Genin come to compete to examine the potential of the village."

Two-day scale Onoki: "Tsk tsk [I remember that you Konoha haven't held a joint Chūnin exam for a long time, right? It means that your Konoha has no Genin4 that can be on the table."

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Hey, it's inevitable. I heard that after the third Ninja World War ended, the various ninjas in Konoha Village have retired in secret. The ones who are promoted now are just a group of civilians. As long as they dare to Take the joint exam?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Don't talk nonsense here! It's just that Konoha focused on the mission before. Do you think everyone is as crazy as you Cloud Shinobi Village to expand military power?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was livid, if it wasn't for this sudden projection, his plan to show his strength this time would definitely be a success.

Because this year's candidates are definitely the most luxurious one since he took office, which also represents the return of the Hakka people in the village.

Although a little hasty, Genin, the direct descendant of the ninja clan, can easily handle a Chūnin exam.

But all this was disrupted by a sudden projection in the sky.

[At this time, Morino Ibiki announced that all the remaining candidates had passed the first exam. 】

【With a bang, the window shattered, and Anko appeared in front of the examinee with a double body. 】

Mitarashi Anko: "Slander (bfee)! This is absolutely slander! There is absolutely no way this guy in the projection is me!"

Anko frantically spoke in the chat room. Although she had prepared the entrance props, she immediately threw the cloth bag she had prepared into the trash when she saw such a scene of death.

Morino Ibiki looked at her with sympathy, originally because of Naruto's relationship there were so many candidates, it was fine.

Now the entire ninja world, including the dead, has seen such a scene of his secondary school, and Anko at this time feels that the whole world is full of malice towards him.

Fortunately, everyone didn't pay much attention to this female sand sculpture. Only Orochimaru, who was hiding in the dark, looked at this former disciple, who was his student anyway, and how did he become like this.

[The next day, everyone gathered in the Forest of Death, and after signing the certificate of life and death, everyone entered the Forest of Death with the Book of Heaven and Earth. 】

Orochimaru stared at Kusanagi who was helping Anko deliver Kunai on the screen, and narrowed his eyes,

"that's me?"

Others couldn't tell the difference, but he could tell his own style at a glance.

(ask, who will be the first to reach the central tower?)

(A. Konoha, the seventh class Naruto team)

(B. Konoha [First Squad Hinata Squad]

(C. Sand Shinobi, Gaara Team)

(D. Konoha, Hyuga Neji Team)

Senju Hashirama: "A.11

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "B."

Gaara: "C."

Kankuro: "C."

Temari: "C."

Might Guy: "D"

The answers of the people kept swiping the screen in the chat room, and the answers of the people were displayed on the black stone tablet.

But this time the reward was not issued immediately, and the projection started to continue playing.

Senju Hashirama: "I think it should be the Naruto team, after all, he is so strong."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "First Generation, don't forget that Naruto in the black frame is not the same person as this Naruto."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was proud of himself, he must be the one who chose the right one this time, because he knew the groups clearly, and the Hinata team was an elite search and strengthening team that gathered the supercilious, ninja, and insect-controlling clans.

In the Death Forest, they can quickly grasp information and obtain their own corresponding scrolls, so they are naturally the number one.

Kankuro: "Hehe, with Gaara here, you still want to be number one? Naive!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression changed, and he suddenly remembered that the guy carrying the gourd turned out to be Sunagakure's Jinchūriki!

Although he is now taken away as One Tail Shouhe, but in the video he is a real Jinchūriki!

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen became nervous, staring at the projection.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Inuzuka Ya and others easily passed the trap to get a blood and obtained the corresponding scroll. Next, Song just needs to go to the Ninja Tower.

Inuzuka tooth: "Hahaha~ As expected of us, it's so easy, this exam is too easy~haha~"

Aburame Shino: "You want to say why, because of the existence of my captain."

Inuzuka tooth: "Huh? Who said you're the captain, bastard!"

Hong: "Shut up, all of you."

Inuzuka Kiba, Aburame Shino: "Yes..."

[Naruto, who heard the enemy's screams, couldn't help becoming nervous. 】

【"I'm going to take a pee."】

【Speaking, Naruto is going to find a tree root to liberate himself. 】

Many little girls in the ninja world covered their eyes and stared at the projection in the sky, but little Sakura interrupted their fantasy with a punch.

【"What are you doing in front of the lady, bastard! In the grass!"】

【Little Sakura punched Naruto who was about to pee, and Naruto stared at the bag on his forehead and walked into the grass next to the big tree. 】

Everyone looked at Naruto with weird faces, and Naruto explained loudly with his face flushed:

"This is fake, how can something that hasn't happened yet happen!"

Uzumaki Kushina: "Why does this little Sakura do it all the time, so she won't be able to get married in the future?"

Haruno Sakura: "Hehe, don't worry about it, I won't marry Naruto anyway."

Namikaze Minato: "Kushina, don't say that, you were the same back then

Uzumaki Kushina: "Go away!"

Anko cracked the corner of his mouth, he was not the only one who died.

At this time in the examination room,

Two Anbu's appeared next to Naruto and Shikamaru:

"You two, Lord Hokage has ordered you to hand over the ninjutsu fragments.

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