Douluo: Becoming Stronger From Hammering Tang San

Chapter 212 Meet Tianshui College again.

"And our Blazing Academy is in the Heaven Dou Division of the six qualifier divisions of the Heaven Dou Empire. Since there are many Spirit Master academies in the Heaven Dou Division, there will be five places, and the other five divisions will only have two in each division. A spot appears."

"Wow, there are five places on our side. The dean said that it would be easier for us to advance to the Tiandou Division." Someone said happily.

"Hehe, don't be too happy, although there are many places in the Tiandou Division, the strength of the Spirit Master Academy is very strong, almost all of them are outstanding, such as Elephant Armor Academy, Tianshui Academy, Kamikaze Academy, Thunder Academy, There are also Tiandou Royal Academy and the others, in fact, the competition is very fierce, and it may not be better than other divisions." Huo Tianchen explained.

"After the promotion, the competition system will be different. The preliminaries are based on team battles, while the promotion competition is to send seven students to fight one by one."

"There is no elimination in the promotion round, just to sort the order of the teams before the finals."

"Because the final 33 teams will draw lots for the knockout round, the ranking order will be divided by the pre-qualification competition, and the ranking order will be the highest. In the first round of the final, three teams will be bye directly, and in the second round, The two closest teams in the bye, and the top two teams in the third round are still bye.”

"After three rounds, the top six of the competition were born."

"In the fourth round, six teams will compete in a team battle by lottery."

"The fifth round is also the last round. The three selected teams will have two methods of team battles and individual elimination battles. The team with the most wins in the end will be the champion of this competition!"

"The competition system is what I have mentioned above. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask." Huo Tianchen said.

Brother Huohe raised his hand and said puzzled: "President, you said that both empires have 15 places, then the final should be 30 teams, how do you say it is 33 teams?"

"Oh, I forgot about this." Huo Tianchen patted his head and explained, "There are still three teams, one is the Wuhun Hall reporting team, and the other two are the Star Dou Empire and the Heaven Dou Empire. The home team, these three teams will go directly to the finals.”

"The two big empires have cultivated their own teams and have two teams to participate. They are divided into the main team and the sub-team. The main team directly walks, and the sub-team starts from the qualifiers just like us."

"Understood, understood." Brother Huohe nodded.

"It's a bit unfair to say that, why can the home team of the Empire directly advance to the finals?" said the auxiliary brother.

"Because their strength is strong enough, even if they don't have a walk, they will have no problem advancing to the finals. This is even better. For us or other academies, it is equivalent to missing a few strong teams." Huo Yu said.

"Yes, Huo Yu is right. If the home team also participates in the qualifiers, it will be even more difficult for us." Huo Tianchen nodded.

"Dean, the game will be played the day after tomorrow. Do we want to play all of our main players in the first game?" Someone asked.

"Let's see how the battle will play out the day after tomorrow, but we try our best to maintain a complete victory record to get a spot. If the team is weak, we will be a substitute, and if the team is strong, we will be the main force. Try to hide the strength of our main players. Don't expose it too early. Give the substitutes a chance to perform."

"In addition, Huo Yu, I hope that you can hide your strength as much as possible in the previous game, and don't expose it too much. Generally, you can leave the team that can win completely, and leave it to them." Huo Tianchen said.

"I understand, Dean." Huo Yu nodded.

Blazing Team now has two core play styles, one is around Fire Dance, and the other is Fire Feather.

As the trump card of the Blazing Team, you must hide it well and not expose yourself to be targeted prematurely.

"Well, that's all for today. There's no need to practice in the afternoon. Everyone rests and rests in the best condition. Tomorrow, we will go to Heaven Dou City to deal with the first match of the day after tomorrow."


The team members disbanded one after another, and Huo Yu also returned to his dormitory to rest.

The next day, early in the morning.

Huo Tianchen and several soul saint teachers from the academy accompanied the team members to the Heaven Dou Imperial City, and finally arrived at the Heaven Dou City in one day.

On the way in Tian Dou City, the blazing team passed by Shrek Academy. Huo Yu knew that the current Shrek Academy had moved the school to Tian Dou City, which was Liu Erlong's original academy, which was now occupied by Shrek and renamed it. Shrek Academy.

Huo Yu just glanced at the gate of Shrek Academy, then withdrew his gaze, and arrived at the pre-booked hotel after a while.

It was almost early in the morning when Huo Yu arranged his room and took a shower to sleep.

The next morning, the group went to the hotel restaurant for breakfast.

In addition to Chi Huo, this hotel also accommodated many other spirit master academies who came to participate in the competition. There are several academies in this large restaurant.

After the arrival of Blazing Academy, they immediately caught their attention.

"Hey, look! It's from the Blazing Academy."

"I'm going, they're really here too."

Every competition in Chi Huo is a top-ranked academy, and now it's like a group of bigwigs appearing, attracting everyone's attention, and no academy dares to despise it.

"I heard that the Blazing Academy is stronger than previous years this year. They must have one of the five places in the qualifiers."

"Damn, the five major element academies basically occupy three or four places every year, plus the Tiandou Royal Deputy Team, we academies, there is no chance, just come to see the world."

"Yes, it's too hard, too hard."

"Wow, sisters, look, there are so handsome in Blazing Academy~"

"Ah! Really, this is too handsome!!"

The people from the Botany Institute were very excited when they saw Huo Yu, and the Botany Institute was also very special. The entire school was filled with plant spirits, and all of them were girls.

In addition to the College of Botany, there is also Tianshui College, which is full of sister colleges, sitting in a remote corner.

"Sister, I didn't expect Chi Huo and the others to be in this hotel." Shui Yue'er quietly glanced at her sister Shui Bing'er and said.

Shui Bing'er didn't respond, she quietly lowered her head and ate breakfast on the table.

Shui Yue'er was at a loss when she saw it, her sister and Huo Yu had a very good relationship, but now they see it and pretend not to see it, as if they don't know each other.

She actually knew what was going on in her heart, because that night, she was pretending to be asleep, and she heard the whole process, and her sister's shy voice.

But the other female students in Tianshui didn't know what was going on. The people who saw the blazing fire were very happy and thought about going over to say hello, but Shui Binger suddenly put down the chopsticks in her hand and said seriously, "Sit down for me."

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