Douluo: Becoming Stronger From Hammering Tang San

Chapter 213 The opening ceremony of the Advanced Spirit Master Academy.

"Sister Bing'er, why, why?"

The Tianshui girls were very puzzled. It was obvious that the relationship between Tianshui and Chihuo was very good.

The relationship between Shui Bing'er and Huo Yu is even better. They are both in the dancers' association at the same time, one is the president of the association and the other is the elder of the association.

The girls in Tianshui are also members of the Dancers Association, and they are very clear that they have a good relationship, but now they seem to not know each other.

"There is no reason, I will let you sit down and sit down."

"Okay." The girls thought it was strange, but they didn't dare to ask more, and reluctantly sat back to their original positions.

The flaming students also found Tianshui girl at this time, and they started to say hello from a distance: "Hi, beauties!"

"They are actually in this hotel." Huo Yu looked at Shui Bing'er in the far seat and sighed.


The Tianshui girls wanted to respond, but after seeing Shui Binger's face, they restrained them and ate at the table obediently.

"Hey, it's weird, why are they ignoring us?"

"do not know……"

The fiery boys were stunned.

"Sorry, I said maybe it's been a long time since we saw each other. It's shy to see our brothers."

"Yes, this kind of thing, how can you let girls take the initiative too much, walk around, let's go over there."

Brother Huohe, they were very active, and walked towards Tianshui College with anticipation. Someone found that Huo Yu was still in the same place, and ran to pull him: "Huo Yu, what are you doing, go to Tianshui? By the way, we haven't been together for a long time."

"Forget it, didn't you see it, people don't seem to want to pay attention to us." Huo Yu was a little gloomy.

Since that night at the Rose Hotel in Soto City, I haven't seen Shui Binger again, and I haven't received any reply from flying pigeons many times, and there seems to be no interaction with her.

Looking at Shui Bing'er's profile eating breakfast silently, Huo Yu knew that Shui Bing'er was avoiding him on purpose.

"How is it possible, we used to have such a good relationship with them."


The team members pulled him, and Huo Yu half pushed him to the table of the Tianshui girls.

In addition to Huo Wu, other members of Chi Huo are very enthusiastic about the girls in Tianshui, and they take the initiative to say hello. In the face of such enthusiastic boys, the girls in Tianshui are not too embarrassed to ignore them, and the atmosphere soon becomes harmonious. , sit and eat breakfast together.

Shui Bing'er also acquiesced.

"Bing Bing'er long time no see." Huo Yu walked to Shui Bing'er.

"Yeah." Shui Bing'er just responded lightly, drinking soy milk.

Seeing this, Huo Yu stood beside Shui Bing'er a little embarrassedly. The girls in Tianshui saw Huo Yu still standing and said, "Huo Yu, eat breakfast next to Sister Bing'er, what are you still doing."


Huo Yu pulled out the stool and slowly sat next to Shui Bing'er.

Two academies and one table, the whole atmosphere is very happy, only Huo Yu and Shui Bing'er seem to be isolated from the world, eating very calmly without saying a word.

In fact, Huo Wu has been observing secretly, seeing the state of the two, she seems to feel something, from the sixth sense of a woman, there must be a problem between the two.

Except for Shui Bing'er's humming just now, she didn't say a word. Even if Huo Yu wanted to communicate with her, she didn't know how to start.

Huo Yu knew that the problem of the relationship between the two was getting more and more serious. He had to find a time to talk to Shui Bing'er and solve the problems between them. Now it is not suitable for many people.

Soon, after breakfast, the two teams went to the competition venue of the Soul Master Competition.

Today is the opening ceremony of the Advanced Spirit Master Competition, which is also the first day of the competition.

All participating academies in the Tiandou Division must arrive at the competition site before 9:00 in the morning.

The venue for the competition was at the Heaven Dou Great Soul Arena, the largest in the entire Heaven Dou Empire. All Soul Battles were canceled during the competition and were reserved for the Advanced Spirit Master Academy competition.

At this moment, on the entrance steps of the Tian Dou Grand Dou Arena, everything prepared for the opening ceremony was in place. There was a crowd standing around, and everyone was waiting for the opening ceremony. Many prominent figures of the Tian Dou Empire also came to the scene. .

As the organizer, Emperor Xue Ye will naturally come, and he will announce the opening ceremony, and now he is sitting on the seat.

The Great Emperor Xue Ye was sitting on the left and right, Ning Fengzhi, the Sect Master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, and Salas, the Golden Bishop of the Spirit Hall.

In addition, Prince Xue Qinghe, the owner of Yuexuan Xuan Xuan, Tang Yuehua, the owner of the Tiandou City auction house, Prince Xue Xing, and two Titled Douluo from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, a level 97 Sword Douluo Chen Xin, a level 95 Bone Douluo Gurong, and many other big figures are gathered outside this big battle field today. It can be said that the cards are very big. Some people who have never been seen in a lifetime are almost all seen today.

Huo Yu waited and came to the bottom of the steps of the Great Soul Arena before starting the ceremony.

The people from Shrek Academy were right in front of them, and they all wore dark green school uniforms that looked very dirty to people in this world.

However, Huo Yu doesn't seem to be that ugly, but it is indeed very attractive if compared with other college uniforms.

"Fuck, f*ck, everyone, look, what kind of academy is in the front, this school uniform is too ugly and dirty."

"Hahahaha, really, I'm going, what kind of academy is this, how can I choose such a dirty school uniform to participate in the competition."

"Look at the advertisements on the back of them, hahahaha."

"I laughed so hard, I can't stand it anymore, this academy is too weird."

Everyone kept their voices low at first, but after talking about it, they couldn't help laughing. Brother Huohe laughed too loudly, so they were heard by the people of Shrek Academy.

Tang San and the others' faces turned ugly one after another, turning back and glaring at the people behind him who were mocking him.

Only then did I find out that it was the Blazing Academy where Huo Yu was located.

"Hey, hey, stop talking, people seem to be angry." The assistant brother reminded, although he didn't laugh out loud, he was still laughing.

"Little San is Blazing Academy!"

"I saw it." Tang San's eyes instantly turned cold, and Dai Mubai and the others also clenched their fists tightly, looking bad.

"All calm down for me, you will meet on the stage sooner or later, and then show your momentum and defeat them." Yu Xiaogang reminded.

"Master, we understand."

Everyone nodded and took Tang San away.

"They are too unmeasured, they just said a few words and they look very angry." Brother Fire Crane said speechlessly.

"They got it for me, you are only a part." Huo Yu smiled lightly. The teammates still don't know the grudge between them and Shrek Academy.

"Attack you? Huo Yu, do you know them?" Huo Wu asked.

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