Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1034: Golden Ancient Tree Poseidon Pavilion

Wang Tianyu took them to the front of the hill, he stopped, his hands were transfigured in front of him, a strong mental power, or consciousness, bloomed from him.

The branch that made up the hill in front suddenly cracked to both sides, revealing a not too big entrance, and Jin Cancan's halo emanated from inside. It turned out to be a golden portal, not knowing where to lead.

"Come with me." Wang Tianyu said, then stepped out and walked into the golden portal and disappeared.

The seven Lan Xuanyu hurried to keep up and stepped into the portal one by one.

After Lan Xuanyu stepped into the portal in one step, his first feeling was that everything around him suddenly became unreal and twisted slightly. The original rich breath of life also disappeared. The next moment, he was down to earth.

When he saw everything in front of him, he couldn't help being dull.

This is an island, yes, it is. The island is located on a lake. This lake is presented in clear aquamarine. Although there is no strong breath of life here, when Lan Xuanyu's eyes fell on the water of the lake, he could not help revealing a horrible color. Because he can clearly feel that what is contained in the lake water is not a compressed life energy, which is almost real.

And right in the center of these life energies, a small island hangs there, and there is a big tree on the island, a golden tree. It was the golden light emanating from it that shone everything here into gold.

Lan Xuanyu they are now standing on the edge of the island.

The big golden tree was huge. A thick root was drilled from below. Under the big tree, a tree house was naturally constructed. That's right, it's the tree house.

The tree house is very large, divided into two floors and has a simple style. It was completely formed by the big golden tree, but there was no sense of violation.

Lan Xuanyu's seven people's breathing was a little quick. Although they didn't know where this was, they could guess that this should be the core of the college. The core of Eternal Sky City.

Wang Tianyu turned around and looked at them, "This is the inner city of the Eternal Sky City. The golden tree in front of you is the tree of gold. This wooden house is the Sea God Pavilion of our Shrek Academy."

As soon as this remark came out, the seven people of Lan Xuanyu could not help but take a breath of breath. Poseidon Pavilion, is this actually Poseidon Pavilion?

There are too many legends about Poseidon Pavilion. As long as they are Soul Masters, there is nothing that does not know the existence of Poseidon Pavilion. This is a holy place for soul teachers. Every member of Poseidon Pavilion is the absolute core of Shrek Academy, and it is extremely powerful.

No one knows how many members there are in the Poseidon Pavilion. But Poseidon Pavilion is hailed as the most powerful existence of Douluo Federation!

Whether it is Tang Men, Temple of War or Spiritual Tower. Compared with Poseidon Pavilion, they are ranked lower.

"Come in." Wang Tianyu beckoned to them, and then walked towards the tree house under the old golden tree.

When the seven people of Lan Xuanyu approached, they really saw a small wooden plaque hanging in front of the door of the tree house, which read the words "Poseidon Pavilion".

An unspeakable emotion rose in the hearts of the seven people. Poseidon Pavilion, can come here, their hearts are already full of glory.

Into the wooden house, there is no imagination of gorgeous, or a more bizarre scene. What is in sight is a living room. The light in the living room is sufficient, because the surrounding walls, roof, and even the ground exude a faint golden halo, and it also shines everything here into gold.

There is a long table in the center of the living room. There are nine positions on each side of the long table, and there is another position at the front. In total, there are nineteen wooden chairs.

Wang Tianyu said: "Wait a moment, I will notify you of the members of the Poseidon Pavilion."

Lan Xuanyu couldn't help but say: "Pavilion Lord, are we going to attend the Poseidon Pavilion meeting?"

Wang Tianyu laughed at this question, and immediately smiled, "You are not qualified to attend the Poseidon Pavilion meeting. You can only say that you are attending the meeting or being asked by the meeting. I hope you will have a place here in the near future."

After saying this, his consciousness was released.

Lan Xuanyu seven people retreated to one side, standing side by side, the seven people looked at each other, everyone could see the excitement in each other's eyes. Even the most stable Lan Xuanyu is no exception. This is the Poseidon Pavilion meeting!

The legendary Poseidon Pavilion meeting has repeatedly determined the future direction of the entire Federation. Every decision will have a huge influence. They did not expect that they could participate in the Poseidon Pavilion meeting when they came back this time.

Wang Tianyu walked to the fourth position on the left and sat down. Obviously, that is his exclusive position.

In the Poseidon Pavilion, the sides of this long table that do not seem to be conspicuous, each position obviously represents a different meaning, and is closely related to the right to speak in Poseidon Pavilion.

Not long, a figure came in from outside and saw Lan Xuanyu seven people, he suddenly smiled, "Stinky boy, come back very quickly! I heard that this time you are not easy to toss, give the Federation Alarmed. "

It was not someone else, but Shulao.

Shu Lao looked the same as before, but it seemed to be a little bit older, only his eyes still shone.

Lan Xuanyu hurried forward to salute Shu Lao and Shu Lao patted him on the shoulder. "We'll talk about it later, especially regarding the Dragon Star. The academy is also very interested. It also has an extraordinary meaning for our life school. . "


Shu Lao finished speaking, and sat down opposite Wang Tianyu. This is the fourth position on the right hand side.

Looking at where they were sitting, Lan Xuanyu could not help secretly panicking. You should know that Shulao and Wang Tianyu are both deputy patriarchs of Poseidon Pavilion, but they can only sit on the fourth place on both sides, that is to say, there are seven higher statuses above them. Except for one who must be the master of Poseidon Pavilion, who are the other six people?

With such doubts and curiosity, they continued to wait.

One after another, someone started to come in.

Moreover, there are acquaintances.

Meng Fei and Tang Miao came together. After the two main lords of the Douluo Hall of Tang Men entered the door, the seven Lan Xuanyu hurriedly saluted. Tang Miao sat in the sixth position on the left, and Mengfei sat in the third position on the left. It shows that he has a higher status than Wang Tianyu.

Soon, another middle-aged man came in. He looked ordinary, but Lan Xuanyu had never seen it. Everything looks ordinary, and there is no breath out of him. It's like an ordinary person.

However, when he walked in, apart from Shu Lao, Meng Fei, Wang Tianyu and Tang Miao all stood up. Respectfully shouted, "Brother."

The middle-aged man smiled slightly, waved to them, and then came to Shu Lao, "Tree Lao, long time no see."

Seeing him, Shu Lao was also surprised, "You are also back?"

"Yeah! It won't work if you don't come back! With such important information, I will always come back and listen. I will listen to these children in a moment." Then, he smiled at Lan Xuanyu.

Lan Xuanyu's seven people hurriedly saluted. Although they didn't know who this person was, they threw a storm in their hearts. Can those three be called big brothers, what level of strength and identity is this one?

Reminiscent of the seven Shrek generations that Shu Lao once said, is it that the middle-aged man who looks inconspicuous is the head of the Shrek seven generations? Only in this way can the names of Mengfei, Wang Tianyu and Tang Miao be explained clearly.

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